Mechanics of shooting bolt vs. semi

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Image result for rear rifle bag images
The one on the left. Very similar.
No pics. Guessing you’re using a V style rear bag? Something that cradles and supports the rifle?

Its been lost in all this (I said this above) , but I think the previous inaccuracy problems were the bullets - too light. 68 - 70 grain for a 1:8 tube.

Today I got 3 good loads to test using 73 and 77 grain.

We shall see.
but I think the previous inaccuracy problems were the bullets - too light. 68 - 70 grain for a 1:8 tube.

Truly, you cannot be serious with that comment..............................just sayin.

And after a statement like that, it's pretty doubtful that anyone can take you seriously either.

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The petty childish crap some ppl shovel out....

Anyone who has EVER done actual hand laoding knows some boolits just don't run well in some guns. I chased and chased the light (er) boolits, and got nothing concrete desite more than 50 diferent loads for a half dozen differents boolits.. I run some of the heavier stuff of two different boolits, and come on to 3 decent loads in a single day.

ANYONE with a brain woulddraw the painfully obvius conclusion - go with the 73 - 77 gr boolits. But SOME ppl.....

I'm VERY pleased with todays results, and childish haters ain't gonna bring me down.

Anyway I got some serious work to do to load up and test the 3 nodes found.
You do suck, considering it's a mouse gun you are shooting

Factory Ammo, factory gun,


And in case you think it was a one-off, here at a class I brought my factory Valkyrie and shot factory American Eagle 75gr

The gun doesn't like the bullets excuse is comical at best.

That is not two rounds either I only kept seeing one hole so I moved to make sure something wasn't amiss, was shot in a crowd at my class in Alaska.
Something I have noticed with a few of my gas guns (and being germane to your topic Re "fundamentals don't matter"):
I can drive them hard and get good groups. That means firm grip, pull into pocket, focus on squeeze and hold to the rear for an exaggerated amount of time.
Now if I limp dick them (soft grip, almost free recoil/light pocket contact, tap trigger), they shoot like hammered dog shit. Same guns, same ammo, same time frame at the range.
Curious as to why OP thinks that is?
Okay now that I got that out of my system I have a question for you Frank.

Now that you've had adequate time running the 6.5 Creedmoor and the 224 valkyrie in your JP systems, would you say that semi-autos are bridging the gap as precision rifles enough to use them as a standard platform in competition or will bolt rifles always have the edge in PRS style matches?
Internet opinions. For some reason the computer fills ppl with piss and vinegar. Ppl who would act decently and with respect face to face,

YOu stink of urine and vinegar.

I know what happenned in my range sessions, and that of other reloaders I personally know and trust, who don't feel the need to thump their chest, so internet opinions are laughable.

What's TRULY laughable is you trotting out a Valkyrie vs. a .223 AR15. Are you familair with teh concept of G1 / G7 ballistic coefficient? TOTALLY different in the two guns.

Good grief. What an idiotic post.

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Something I have noticed with a few of my gas guns (and being germane to your topic Re "fundamentals don't matter"):
I can drive them hard and get good groups. That means firm grip, pull into pocket, focus on squeeze and hold to the rear for an exaggerated amount of time.
Now if I limp dick them (soft grip, almost free recoil/light pocket contact, tap trigger), they shoot like hammered dog shit. Same guns, same ammo, same time frame at the range.
Curious as to why OP thinks that is?

WHo said fundamentals don't matter?

Not me.

Quote me whereI did.

Here's a novel concept.... don't beleive the words ppl put in my mouth and the strawmen they create .

OF COURSE FUNDAMENTALS MATTER. WHat *** I *** said is gas and bolt fundamentals are mostly the same.
He won’t see this, but what he exactly said originally was, “Pulling the trigger on a bolt rifle and a semi are EXACTLY the same.” He deleted that after crying (as he still is) about the rude guys who didn’t agree with him. He keeps changing the statement as he gets further and further into this rabbit hole he cannot extract himself from.
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I know your type. You talk a lot, but you don’t ever really say anything.

You also have exceptionally thin skin, and are belligerently reactive to almost any person who attempts to interact with you. I say this without malice, I believe you should consider finding someone to talk to about whatever has you this upset. Because frankly, this is a disproportionate reaction to people disagreeing with you.
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I shot the Guardian Long Range match in TN last year with the Valkyrie, the same week the 88s came out,

came in 12th without really trying, shot 3 stages in high heels and did more socializing vs worrying about the score.




Adam R, Mike M, and Brian Whalen have all won our local Pawnee match with a Valkyrie.

I think it is viable on a lot of levels but the odds of someone doing well with a semi-auto is gonna take practice.

I built the 224 Boltgun because I dig it,

The issue is, after 600 yards you have to be on your A-Game because the wind will start to really appear. It will not be linear, it's like edge of the plate, edge of the plate, and then at 700, you have to use 1.5 mils of wind while all the other calibers are holding .5 or less
I know your type. You talk a lot, but you don’t ever really say anything.

You also have exceptionally thin skin, and are belligerently reactive to almost any person who attempts to interact with you. I say this without malice, I believe you should consider finding someone to talk to about whatever has you this upset. Because frankly, this is a disproportionate reaction to people disagreeing with you.

So why are you still here? You seem to be EXACTLY what you are sayign about me. GOTTA thump your chest. GOTTA havge the last word. GOTTAbe an internet badass.

Just leave. Quit stalking me / responding.

He won’t see this, but what he exactly said originally was, “Pulling the trigger on a bolt rifle and a semi are EXACTLY the same.” He deleted that after crying (as he still is) about the rude guys who didn’t agree with him. He keeps changing the statement as he gets further and further into this rabbit hole he cannot extract himself from.

Don't worry brother I got you covered I took screenshots of all his

What chest thumping, friend? How is expressing concern for a fellow Hide member being an internet badass? Do you know what day it is today, and what it means for a lot of us here?

I really think you’re misinterpreting 90% of what’s being said here, if there’s something you want to talk about just PM me, everyone has off days and it’s okay to admit that.
What chest thumping, friend? How is expressing concern for a fellow Hide member being an internet badass? Do you know what day it is today, and what it means for a lot of us here?

I really think you’re misinterpreting 90% of what’s being said here, if there’s something you want to talk about just PM me, everyone has off days and it’s okay to admit that.

HArd pass. Bye.
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My previous AR that is now a Valkyrie is #8 on barfcom moa all day thread at 1/2 moa. A gas gun doesn’t take different mechanics, it takes more discipline. The 1/100th of a second you are talking about doesn’t matter if your mechanics are good and you are not flinching. If the opposite is true the fraction of a second does matter.
Yeah. He didn’t believe me then, and likely doesn’t believe me now, but it’s evident on his target. Lots of loads showing vertical....where does that come from I wonder??

And with a V style bag, I’d be pissed if I couldn’t get down sub .3moa. Those bags are like cheating.
My previous AR that is now a Valkyrie is #8 on barfcom moa all day thread at 1/2 moa. A gas gun doesn’t take different mechanics, it takes more discipline. The 1/100th of a second you are talking about doesn’t matter if your mechanics are good and you are not flinching. If the opposite is true the fraction of a second does matter.

Of course. In bolt or semi, you don't want to introduce any movement btwn when the trigger releases and when the boolit leaves the barrel.

That a millisecond longer time span in a semi.

I've never said otherwise.
Yeah. He didn’t believe me then, and likely doesn’t believe me now, but it’s evident on his target. Lots of loads showing vertical....where does that come from I wonder??

And with a V style bag, I’d be pissed if I couldn’t get down sub .3moa. Those bags are like cheating.

LOL ....internet bragging. Pathetic. Typical of those who do most of their shooting on video games.

Dude.... get over yourself.
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At any rate..... I'm done here. I'm happy with the nodes I've found and can start testing / improving.

That's the cue for all the internet authorities and tuff guys to get their parting shots in.

But they won't be seem by me.

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