Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

***Before anyone calls bullshit, this is definitely one of those things you can’t make up.***

As for the SAW thing, not true. I knew a dumbass Sergeant in the FMF that reached down to help one of his squad members up by picking up his SAW, - barrel first! Mind you, this was during a live fire exercise immediately after firing LOTS of rounds. So, his eyes light up & understandably he grabs his hand & screams. What does this dumbass do next? Like, literally 1.5 seconds later, he picks up the same SAW w/ the other hand. Same results. The fucking guy completed the field op w/ both his hands wrapped in gauze. There was a lot of shit talking & snarky comments made that week that we’re all at that guy’s expense.
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LOL! Yeah, my old a-gunner has a nice long scar across both forearms from crossing in front of me with his rifle in a fighting hole, as I picked up the SAW and moved from the left side of the parapit to the right. I can still here the sizzle and smell the burning hair. He never crossed in front of me again (I told him "When I'm hot on this bitch, I OWN the parapit. You move around behind me, not the other way around.")

The bells thing is HILARIOUS... because we had those when I was in HS... and someone did exactly that, but on the wall directly. (For the record... it was not me, regretfully.) After it reappeared too many times to count... the Bell went away, replaced by some kind of buzzer through the PA system. Awesome!!!!



Sorry to hear that my friend. We only got a few isolated cases so far. I'm certain we'll get the full monty before ya know it. Stay hydrated and get your rest my man. My deal today is self induced. A very old friend showed up outta the blue yesterday. Bunch of us were up a tad late, or early. Depends on how ya wanna look at it I guess. ;)

Wish ya well!!!