My younger brother (Badmojo) took this Mulie this last week with a 6.5 Grendel he built him self. Shooting Precision Firearms Ammo, loaded with the Nolser 120gr Ballistic Tip's in brass head stamped .264 LBC. The ammo is incredibly accurate out of his 16" M4 contour Alexander Arms barrel. The 2-7X Vortex scope with the BDC matches the ballistic of this load almost perfectly. The shot was broadside at 493 yards, he had a little more wind drift than anticipated and the bullet impacted center of the lungs about 6 inches out of the pocket. The ballistic tip did not hit a rib going in and completely passed through the buck at this distance.The buck tried to keep his feet under him for 30 seconds or so before he went down.