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My employer mandated the vaccine. Anyone else?

I'll add. I don't care if people get it or not get it. It should NOT be forced...PERIOD. That is the issue...pointing at one marxist motherfucker in particular. FORCING is the beginning of totalitarianism. WAKE UP DOGSHIT.
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What you said

What we see (espeically after you and the other junta eskew 'learning')
View attachment 7696113

La terreur n'est autre chose que la justice prompte, sévère, inflexible; elle est donc une émanation de la vertu ; elle est moins un principe particulier, qu’une conséquence du principe général de la démocratie, appliqué aux plus pressants besoins de la patrie.

Fuck that guy.

Got what was coming to him.
No Vaccine Protects 100%

Small Pox vaccine said "Hold my beer".

Our current mandated vaccines protect very close to 100%.

Small pox vaccine worked so well that the disease has been eradicated since the late 70s.

The other current mandated vaccines also are extremely effective greater than the covid vaccine appears to be.

These early vaccines apparently were not just "giving you a milder case of small pox" they stop the virus replicating and infecting the body.

These other diseases also had some serious mortality or health effect results.....small pox 30% died, polio if you didnt die you were crippled or living in an iron lung. Measles/mumps is pretty mild in children if uncomfortable but it can cause death or sterility in adults.

Covid, unless you have a comorbidity, is typically not as dangerous.

So the current mandated vaccine is not represented by the precedent mandates.

The disease is not as fatal/injuring, its vaccine is not as effective, its vaccine does not have protection or testing for those it is given to as does the historical mandated vaccines.

Just because you have forced me to eat oranges......doesnt mean you can force me to eat apples.
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Small Pox vaccine said "Hold my beer".

Our current mandated vaccines protect very close to 100%.

Small pox vaccine worked so well that the disease has been eradicated since the late 70s.

The other current mandated vaccines also are extremely effective greater than the covid vaccine appears to be.

These early vaccines apparently were not just "giving you a milder case of small pox" they stop the virus replicating and infecting the body.

These other diseases also had some serious mortality or health effect results.....small pox 30% died, polio if you didnt die you were crippled or living in an iron lung. Measles/mumps is pretty mild in children if uncomfortable but it can cause death or sterility in adults.

Covid, unless you have a comorbidity, is typically not as dangerous.

So the current mandated vaccine is not represented by the precedent mandates.

The disease is not as fatal/injuring, its vaccine is not as effective, its vaccine does not have protection or testing for those it is given to as does the historical mandated vaccines.

Just because you have forced me to eat oranges......doesnt mean you can force me to eat apples.
Thank you for proving my point about reading comprehension.

Again for the very fucking slow and very fucking stupid, I do not advocate vaccine mandates.
Smallpox Vaccine Efficacy is not 100% (its 95%) It was invented almost 200 years before the virus was eradicated. Even modern campaign took over 50 years. The point being, we have to live with the virus, so if your 'proof' is the vaccine doesn't work because vaccinated people get the virus take a fucking biology class, wait 200 years and get back to me. (see also--Polio--um every fucking disease ever)

No Covid is not very fatal. (99.5% survival rate for those under 70) Yes, the vaccine can be dangerous. You should have a choice to take it or not.
I don't know if the chinese engineered it or its natural and I don't fucking care

Do you want me to type that 100 times, or can you asshats just come over and try to tar and feather me now.

I'm tired of fucktards who can't read.

Thats the word you're looking for.
Your You're welcome.
FTFY CHicken Fucker.

Still coming over later? got a ball gag setup
Not really. Do they have the right to know my medical status? And if it is that it's that they are arguing it's a contagious disease, then I would argue that then I'd should know who all could infect me if I were to touch (for example with open wound that I may not even know about) infected surface. Say Janet falls down the stairs, worked as a hooker long time ago and has HIV, is bleeding profusely so somebody helps her without protection from gloves or dental dam, then they are at risk of getting HIV - shouldn't I know that now based on their logic somebody unvaccinated can give cooties?

As for cancer, etc, then if it's medical status they are questioning then why would anybody so much as question these questions? Because it is NOT about medicine and health at all...that's why.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has weighed in with guidance that answers some workplace vaccination questions. For example, the agency said that federal anti-discrimination laws don't prohibit employers from requiring all employees who physically enter the workplace to be vaccinated for COVID-19. Employers that encourage or require vaccinations, however, must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other workplace laws, according to the EEOC
"An employee with a religious objection or a disability may need to be excused from the mandate or otherwise accommodated," noted John Lomax, an attorney with Snell & Wilmer in Phoenix. "Additionally, if an objecting employee is a union-represented employee, the employer may need to bargain and reach an agreement with the union before mandating vaccines."
I'm with several of the other posters push it to the deadline and make them fire you, if you can get a group of people together to do the same thing you can put a hurt on them. Then go pull the premade signs out of the back of your pickup and protest on the sidewalk in front of the business, your unemployed at that point so what else do you have to do that day.
Premade sign.....pfft. I have a better plan for these companies, and it doesnt involve premade signs.

Our feed store guy got his court summons today. He didnt post a mask required on his door.

I plan on laughing my ass off when the "just doing my job" people endure the ramifications of this shit.
My latest concept of the fight sent to my union

A few points of mine....

  1. Any of my "reply alls" are not personal attacks. I appreciate your efforts and have known/observed you long enough to know that you are a serious person doing a good job for the *** as well as the members.
  2. I am not anti vaccine or critical of anyone that takes the vaccine. I wouldn't consider them "breaking ranks" for doing so. Its their decision.
  3. I do think they should make their decision in a unified way. If they truly are concerned about taking the vaccine than ***** should supply a unified way of making that clear. That may be by noting it on the medical release I am guessing needs to be signed prior to getting the shot. There should be clear written and verbal communication that preference is to not take the shot but they are only doing so "under duress"
  4. If we are mandated to take the shot than there should be liability for any members suffering reaction or injury. ***** should seek acknowledgement from those imposing the mandate that they assume liability for their action. The FDA approval seems to be the basis for the timing of the mandate but that approval specifically implies the manufacturer is shielded from liability......https://www.quarles.com/publication...ne-administrators-want-to-know-forgot-to-ask/
    FDA Approval of Pfizer Vaccine – Everything Prescribers, Pharmacies, & Vaccine Administrators Want to Know & Forgot to Ask
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's ("FDA") approval of the Pfizer vaccine under a new brand name, Comirnaty, created a cascade of legal and regulatory issues for prescribers, pharmacies, and other vaccine administrators.
    This appears to be an FDA rubber stamp just to avoid international laws and Federal regulations regarding mandating "experimental" vaccines.
  5. If the mandate is based on the FDA approval than the only vaccine members should be forced to take would be Cominarty. It's not yet available so the members will be forced to take EUA vaccines - under the EUA they cannot be mandated.
  6. Templates should be provided for exemptions. Exemptions would be religious, medical and perhaps "conscience" as a violation of Constitution or ADA. We are getting no direction.
  7. Inform us of our options regards retirement or resignation. Retirement would be pretty straight forward if anyone has the time. If we resign though how much partial retirement do we receive for credited service? In either case ***** should have us sign any paper work stating the decision is made under duress, not a desired action and with the understanding the mandating party would be responsible for paying back pay and restore the member to full seniority upon return to work if litigation finds the mandate unlawful.
  8. The military is also suing the feds regards the DOD mandate. We are all fighting up hill, perhaps .mil especially because their experience is to get injected with whatever experiment comes their way. Members on this job can make a strong case that some of their serious illnesses were the result of military administered vaccines. There comes a time when everyone needs to say "No" loudly and in unison. ***** needs to become part of any national effort to fight this. Injunction, injunction, injunction to delay this. Shit if you can make it until Nov 4 that gives me another year of service if I resign.
  9. Small minorities in this country have brought big changes in the last few years because they have used a voice louder than their numbers. With some 600K vaccine hesitant military, and the numbers of law enforcement, nurses, teachers etc. working together I have to think we could be pretty loud.
  10. Our biggest problem is funding. The mandators take money from us to fight us. We also have to pay to defend ourselves. Even if we win and get damages those damages are paid with money taken from us. Tough fight....and not the way America is supposed to be.
It's fascinating that less than a month ago when this thread started there was one shot and one follow up booster. Now we are looking at 3-4 shots with the possibility of never not needing a shot every 4-6 months with the most recent addition of 2 pills per day to accompany those shots. I wonder what it will look like in another month.
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It's fascinating that less than a month ago when this thread started there was one shot and one follow up booster. Now we are looking at 3-4 shots with the possibility of never not needing a shot every 4-6 months with the most recent addition of 2 pills per day to accompany those shots. I wonder what it will look like in another month.
you said above, "we are looking at"...

you gotta mouse in your pocket...

i aint looking at nuthing
It's fascinating that less than a month ago when this thread started there was one shot and one follow up booster. Now we are looking at 3-4 shots with the possibility of never not needing a shot every 4-6 months with the most recent addition of 2 pills per day to accompany those shots. I wonder what it will look like in another month.

Today I heard they are backing off on the boosters.

I bet that is in response to the FDA mutiny.

Yet I should take them at face value and allow them to coerce me with false time lines?
Today I heard they are backing off on the boosters.

I bet that is in response to the FDA mutiny.

Yet I should take them at face value and allow them to coerce me with false time lines?

But the FDA are all shills for big Pharma and just rubber stamp everything because they are bought and paid for!!

OOPS. Guess there are some honest people out there

(Excellent work BTW on your petition)
The problem is the “vaccine” isn’t a vaccine, it’s a treatment to help most folks avoid getting really sick. The treatment wears off and the virus mutates. Until we have a real effective vaccine (which is unlikely because sars is mutating constantly), the entire world gets vaccinated (only first world countries have widespread access), we figure out how to inoculate animals (yup, fido, fluffy and birds carry this shit), AND we can figure out why escape vectors happen we are going to repeat this shot forever.
It should have never been rolled out as a vaccine, but a treatment. I have a buddy who died right in the beginning of this shit-he had shit lungs from being camped next to a burn pit in Iraq and never had a chance. My other buddy spent 9 days in the hospital, 5 in the ER.
Coronavirus are not particularly virulent in the summer, how bad is this winter going to be.
To me the smart play is a Marshall plan to increase hospital capacity and staffing until real heard immunosuppressive reached.
Your vax is dangerous and nearly useless now.

"While vaccinated people continue to enjoy much greater protection from infection or serious COVID-19 illness than the unvaccinated, it's now clear that even those who have gotten their shots can still contract and spread the virus."

"One thing is for sure: Vaccinated people can get infected, and they can transmit to other vaccinated people," Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said Thursday. "Vax-on-vax transmission has happened."

Backpedaling at warp speed ain't going to help anymore, we're fed up.

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This where they break America as a whole forever if you let them.

You sheep that are on here need to go recruit elsewhere.

Sick of hearing your wannabe authoritarian bullshit.

You people keep pushing it as a life and death situation. Don't be supprised if some people say ok let's do that M Fers.
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The leftist excuse for this one? Maybe it was the oysters or clam chowder.

Its the fusion of multiple sets of idiocy.
(1) No vaccine is 100% (conseratives use this one all the time--HE GOT SICK BUT HAD VACCINE OMG!)
(2) Masks don't work (Liberals loves masks, despite all evidence they are useless)
(3) The expectation that a vaccine will suddenly cause the virus to disappear (Both left and right love this one)

Coronavirus is here to stay. Long term. If you expect there is a magic pill/vaccine/voodoo curse that can rid us of it, history proves you wrong.

The best you can do is mitigate the effects, stop worrying about getting sick and live your life. People get the flu (or even Legionairre diesase) on cruise ships all the time. Doesn't make the news.

Now my yardwork is done and its off to the range. Have fun.
Buddy in CO is a cop and anti covid vaccine. Just got covid for the second time and is now on oxygen. He was supposed to go on a float trip for moose next week in AK. Cousin in ND was admitted last week with covid. Just talked to him and said it's horrible. Was thinking about getting the vaccine. Coworker and entire family is out with covid going on second week. Said he's never been this sick in his life. None had got the vaccine.... I'm thinking we're all going to get it at this point. Doesn't look like it'll be fun
Buddy in CO is a cop and anti covid vaccine. Just got covid for the second time and is now on oxygen. He was supposed to go on a float trip for moose next week in AK. Cousin in ND was admitted last week with covid. Just talked to him and said it's horrible. Was thinking about getting the vaccine. Coworker and entire family is out with covid going on second week. Said he's never been this sick in his life. None had got the vaccine.... I'm thinking we're all going to get it at this point. Doesn't look like it'll be fun

You gotta do what you gotta do. But in my opinion, if you get the jab, you still the chance of getting Covid PLUS complication from the jab.

If you don't get the jab, you may get Covid.

So, it's up to you. But for me, I'll play the odds and stay jab free.
Buddy in CO is a cop and anti covid vaccine. Just got covid for the second time and is now on oxygen. He was supposed to go on a float trip for moose next week in AK. Cousin in ND was admitted last week with covid. Just talked to him and said it's horrible. Was thinking about getting the vaccine. Coworker and entire family is out with covid going on second week. Said he's never been this sick in his life. None had got the vaccine.... I'm thinking we're all going to get it at this point. Doesn't look like it'll be fun
Maybe we should come up with a covid exchange program . All of you chicken littles can pack you stuff and we will exchange you for some of the aussies who don't want to be there.
It will be perfect for you , everyone's gonna be masked and vaccinated so you won't have to worry about a thing. You'll even get to sit around drinking fosters and BBQ' ing kangaroo shit . And in return we might get some guys that like freedom.
Lets not divide ourselves over whether or not he or she gets the jab. I do believe we all stand for personal choice. If you want the jab, get it. If you don't want the jab, that's fine too. If someone gets the jab, it's not going to effect those of us who decide not to get the jab. Stop trying to divide our side with trivial things. I hope if you get the jab things work out. But there will be some who will say, "I told ya so" no matter which side of the argument you are on.
Lets not divide ourselves over whether or not he or she gets the jab. I do believe we all stand for personal choice. If you want the jab, get it. If you don't want the jab, that's fine too. If someone gets the jab, it's not going to effect those of us who decide not to get the jab. Stop trying to divide our side with trivial things. I hope if you get the jab things work out. But there will be some who will say, "I told ya so" no matter which side of the argument you are on.
Spot on. I can't believe the nane calling on here if you got the shot. Suddenly your labeled a libtard and anti gun somehow....
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Maybe we should come up with a covid exchange program . All of you chicken littles can pack you stuff and we will exchange you for some of the aussies who don't want to be there.
It will be perfect for you , everyone's gonna be masked and vaccinated so you won't have to worry about a thing. You'll even get to sit around drinking fosters and BBQ' ing kangaroo shit . And in return we might get some guys that like freedom.
But magafan, your God Trump poured billions into getting this vaccine out in record time and got the shot himself.....
My grandsons had cv19 last month no jabs.
They are in school and even the kindergartener will tell you no mask per our governor.

I hope in Texas we piss off liberals so bad they move to wherever you sheep are living.
We have pissed off libtards a lot recently, constitutional carry, no mask mandate, no abortions, voter ID.

We're on a roll M Fers
But magafan, your God Trump poured billions into getting this vaccine out in record time and got the shot himself.....
Let me make one thing absolutely clear , Trump ain't my God, or anybody else's. Take your blasphemy somewhere else. There's only one man offering grace and salvation .
Trump ain't that man and neither is any politician.

With that said , yes I am very proud of what Trump did in office.
You missed the point , if you got the shot then good for you , I'm tired of being told I should get one.
I'm also one step away of taking a baseball bat to the next person that tells me to wear a mask.

What I don't get is , if you got the shot, then why you worried, why you come on here with the whole " boo hoo all the unvacced are sick "
We're all gonna die , blah , blah , blah .
Seriously , just go live you life , wear your mask , get your shot and do whatever the hell it is you want to do .
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