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My employer mandated the vaccine. Anyone else?

You're the second person that has said this to me. I'll try the obvious two routes first. Best job of my life which is so sad. Other jobs I'd not be actually questioning perhaps the J&J; but last week it was masks & tests for unvaccinated. But just who the fuck am I going to infect here? I live by myself, even my dog left me last year (he'd had enough of this world) and my really good neighbor also hasn't had jab. And his mother-in-law just had cancer surgery...still no jab.

It's all crap. All of it. I should add to my letter...bicyclists and motorcyclists without helmets...we need to know about them too...that's a medical risk for the company as well.
If all else fails , you can identify as a fully vaxed , completely healthy asexual hermaphrodite.
Who are they to argue unless they are bigots
1) I'll need a list of all people with HIV/AIDS
2) Those that have have had an abortion (men and women since we're playing by their rules I guess).
3) Those with Herpes Simplex Viruses (both I and II)
4) People that currently have cancer
5) Last Pap Smear for all women employees
6) Last Prostate exam for men
7) last colonoscopy for all > 50 employees.

Interesting logic: comparing an aerosol virus with STDs and cancer.
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Interesting logic: comparing an aerosol virus with STDs and cancer.
Not really. Do they have the right to know my medical status? And if it is that it's that they are arguing it's a contagious disease, then I would argue that then I'd should know who all could infect me if I were to touch (for example with open wound that I may not even know about) infected surface. Say Janet falls down the stairs, worked as a hooker long time ago and has HIV, is bleeding profusely so somebody helps her without protection from gloves or dental dam, then they are at risk of getting HIV - shouldn't I know that now based on their logic somebody unvaccinated can give cooties?

As for cancer, etc, then if it's medical status they are questioning then why would anybody so much as question these questions? Because it is NOT about medicine and health at all...that's why.
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Think of it like this: why can't you smoke indoors in a public location or building anymore?
Faulty comparison, yet similar in forcing ones standards choices on others.
Their argument was causing others to have cancer.
Nigh impossible to prove.
Just like requiring other to submit to your fears whether they are contagious or not.

Ahhh...I get it now. Well, I guess it helps to clean up the gene pool.

I agree, seeing how Covid mostly kills those who are past their best by date, and people who treat their body like a fucking dumpster....kinda like the seasonal flu which we never lost out shit over.

Honestly want to know a real killer, look up democide, and keep praying at the alter of big gov and random “experts”.
People who are unwilling to protect themselves and others have an increased chance of dying. Works out pretty well for the population, I reckon. COVID may actually be helping humanity in the long run - I like it!
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People who are unwilling to protect themselves and others have an increased chance of dying. Works out pretty well for the population, I reckon. COVID may actually be helping humanity in the long run - I like it!
The problem lies with what do we need protected from and who gets to decide.
Never had a flu shot in my life.
Guess how often I've had the flu.
BTW do you know DocLSD?

The problem lies with what do we need protected from and who gets to decide.
Never had a flu shot in my life.
Guess how often I've had the flu.
BTW do you know DocLSD?

Well looky here its Mr "not punching down"

That's what 3 times? Just can't let it be.
I'm beggining to think you are in love with me and it wasn't just a one night stand...
You make me feel special precious.

Hold me like you used to.

And when I'm riding your ass with a cowboy hat I'll scream "Its a bioweapon for thought control" before blowing a wad.
I can't control who you use for spankbank.
Here's somewhere you should visit: lemonparty.org
Good luck with that chronic masterbation problem.

Interesting logic: comparing an aerosol virus with STDs and cancer.
Isn't the real issue though that the vaccine doesn't keep you from getting the virus or keep you from spreading the virus to others. What it really does is the part that we don't know. Your seat belt argument doesn't hold water either, using seatbelts have been proven to save lives in most types of traffic accidents but not all of course, the vaccine hasn't been proven to do anything that you would want a vaccine to do.
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Isn't the real issue though that the vaccine doesn't keep you from getting the virus or keep you from spreading the virus to others. What it really does is the part that we don't know. Your seat belt argument doesn't hold water either, using seatbelts have been proven to save lives in most types of traffic accidents but not all of course, the vaccine hasn't been proven to do anything that you would want a vaccine to do.
I'd agree with that. If I knew it wasn't going to cause major issues down the line like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, heart inflammation, lung issues I may be ok with it.
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This is the part of the thread where I tell you about how the ICUs are predominantly filled with unvaccinated folks, and how the data shows that the vaccine protects most people who get COVID from needing to be hospitalized in the first place. And then you and others refute that with links to dubious info. Then I mention that the most dangerous profession today is being a conservative radio host who rails against masks and vaccines, because they're dropping like flies. But then it becomes this weird firehose of BS and we get nowhere. So let's just leave it at this: please, please, PLEASE don't get vaccinated or wear a mask!
This is the part of the thread where I tell you about how the ICUs are predominantly filled with unvaccinated folks, and how the data shows that the vaccine protects most people who get COVID from needing to be hospitalized in the first place. And then you and others refute that with links to dubious info. Then I mention that the most dangerous profession today is being a conservative radio host who rails against masks and vaccines, because they're dropping like flies. But then it becomes this weird firehose of BS and we get nowhere. So let's just leave it at this: please, please, PLEASE don't get vaccinated or wear a mask!
I agree with your analysis of where this goes from here it really is spot on. None of us here are trying to change your mind about the decision you made concerning the vaccine. IMO the vaccine risk is greater than the risk from the virus of the week. I f you feel differently that is fine and you should be free to make that determination. Get the shot, shot 2, shot 3, take a couple of pills a day with that, contact tracing is ok, pretty soon they will telling you not to drink and drive. What do we want FREEDOM when do we want it NOW quoted from BLM, sounded different when they said it though.
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This is the part of the thread where I tell you about how the ICUs are predominantly filled with unvaccinated folks, and how the data shows that the vaccine protects most people who get COVID from needing to be hospitalized in the first place. And then you and others refute that with links to dubious info.
Dubious info , ohhhh because it didnt come from NBC or CNN .
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I'll phrase this another way. These are employee mandated, aka FORCED, (for the sake of continued employment anyway) MEDICAL PROCEDURES.

It doesn't matter if somebody disliked my HIV,HERPES, Cancer argument - which is ultimately what they are after - "have you had this MEDICAL PROCEDURE." It's a social credit thing in my opinion...don't forget. The shot doesn't really prevent anything other than what???? (that what is key, what the F does it really do....Israel is having a MASSIVE Covid problem and they're the most vaccinated...now 2/day pills???? Really people - wake up!!!!)

So, here's another argument:
Let's play along with this "You shall have this medical procedure for employment (make no mistake this is a procedure even if it is little needle) game." Granted, these arguments are on the "extreme side" but once you give medical rights up...who's to say where it ends??

Let's start with women:
1) All women who work for company D shall have an abortion if they get pregnant to continue employment
2) All women shall have their tubes tied or a hysterectomy for new employment (need to make sure no new babies to suck off the insurance)

1) All men shall have their testicles removed for new employment (or a vasectomy - that's irreversible too, just like some of the shot side effects )
2) In order to reduce the aggressive behavior of a few men in the organization, all men shall undergo estrogen hormonal therapy.
3) All men shall have a full prostate exam for continued employment regardless of age or family history.

I'm sure some will say...that's not an argument because this is an aerosol virus. NOBODY is arguing there is a virus. BUT, I am arguing that I nor anybody else should be forced to have any medical procedure to stay employed. This is the United States of America, where at one time LIBERTY was valued.
I'm with several of the other posters push it to the deadline and make them fire you, if you can get a group of people together to do the same thing you can put a hurt on them. Then go pull the premade signs out of the back of your pickup and protest on the sidewalk in front of the business, your unemployed at that point so what else do you have to do that day.
This is the part of the thread where I tell you about how the ICUs are predominantly filled with unvaccinated folks, and how the data shows that the vaccine protects most people who get COVID from needing to be hospitalized in the first place.


Israel, the most vaccinated place on earth wants to show you something.
What you said
Haven't yet.
A quote for you:
View attachment 7696059


What we see (espeically after you and the other junta eskew 'learning')

La terreur n'est autre chose que la justice prompte, sévère, inflexible; elle est donc une émanation de la vertu ; elle est moins un principe particulier, qu’une conséquence du principe général de la démocratie, appliqué aux plus pressants besoins de la patrie.
What you said

What we see (espeically after you and the other junta eskew 'learning')
View attachment 7696113

La terreur n'est autre chose que la justice prompte, sévère, inflexible; elle est donc une émanation de la vertu ; elle est moins un principe particulier, qu’une conséquence du principe général de la démocratie, appliqué aux plus pressants besoins de la patrie.
Sorry I don't speak surrender.
Btw, who is we?

This is the part of the thread where I tell you about how the ICUs are predominantly filled with unvaccinated folks, and how the data shows that the vaccine protects most people who get COVID from needing to be hospitalized in the first place. And then you and others refute that with links to dubious info. Then I mention that the most dangerous profession today is being a conservative radio host who rails against masks and vaccines, because they're dropping like flies. But then it becomes this weird firehose of BS and we get nowhere. So let's just leave it at this: please, please, PLEASE don't get vaccinated or wear a mask!

You act like everyone who contract Covid is in the hospital's ICU. That is FAR from the truth. Even with this so called Delta strain, hospitalization is rare. The data you speak of, does it come from the CDC or the FDA? If so, it's about as useful as tits on a bull. Of course they want the virus to be portrayed to be much worse than it really is. I'm not saying that people are not dying, but take it from 1 Covid survivor, I'll accept my chances with my natural immunity now that I have natural antibodies. You stance that the vaccine protects people from getting Covid is also invalid. Just in Congress alone there have been at least 5 members who have gotten BOTH vaccination, yet still came down with Covid. Look at Israel, one with the highest percentage in the world for Covid vaccinations. They're having an epidemic of vaccinated individuals who have come down with Covid.

You really need to work on your people skills. It's very unbecoming of you, but this seems to be the way Liberal minded individuals react when propositioned with the truth.
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This is the part of the thread where I tell you about how the ICUs are predominantly filled with unvaccinated folks, and how the data shows that the vaccine protects most people who get COVID from needing to be hospitalized in the first place. And then you and others refute that with links to dubious info. Then I mention that the most dangerous profession today is being a conservative radio host who rails against masks and vaccines, because they're dropping like flies. But then it becomes this weird firehose of BS and we get nowhere. So let's just leave it at this: please, please, PLEASE don't get vaccinated or wear a mask!
And this is where I tell you to fuck off and go eat some fucking shit of your choice. You have NO concept of liberty do you? You're a goddamn motherfucking marxist or better yet...are you Himmler arisen from the dead? You would have made a good NAZI.
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You act like everyone who contract Covid is in the hospital's ICU. That is FAR from the truth. Even with this so called Delta strain, hospitalization is rare. The data you speak of, does it come from the CDC or the FDA? If so, it's about as useful as tits on a bull. Of course they want the virus to be portrayed to be much worse than it really is. I'm not saying that people are not dying, but take it from 1 Covid survivor, I'll accept my chances with my natural immunity now that I have natural antibodies. You stance that the vaccine protects people from getting Covid is also invalid. Just in Congress alone there have been at least 5 members who have gotten BOTH vaccination, yet still came down with Covid. Look at Israel, one with the highest percentage in the world for Covid vaccinations. They're having an epidemic of vaccinated individuals who have come down with Covid.

You really need to work on your people skills. It's very unbecoming of you, but this seems to be the way Liberal minded individuals react when propositioned with the truth.
I'll give this a try for about 15 seconds before BIG PHARMA crowd comes in. note that #3 and 4 involve no US FDA or CDC.

No Vaccine Protects 100%
Getting the vaccine reduces your chance of contracting COVID. It does not eliminate it.
source: OMG BIG PHARMA (yeah who else is going to publish the results of their vaccine)


Oxford (aka England so BRI ISH BIG PHARMA)

Here's Soviet Russian Vaccine oops--70 countries...im tired

And since I think this says the vaccine provides some benefit I must now join the Democratic party because all you assholes can't figure out that someone might on this one topic disagree with you

(and note, I do not advocate for mandating--there are risks especially to those under 21, but yo haven't read this far so jelly beans unicorns fucknuggets)

You may now start with your childish insults, belittlement, and general herd behavior.

However, there is no way Sasquatch is involved as Frank claims to have shot him.