News on Pricing, MAP (minimum advertised price) is $1499. We are not going to be able to bust that number, and I understand as its important for sales to dealers and distributors that they cant be undercut and break there own guidelines. Second part, and more understanding is supply. These are sourced from Light Optical in Japan they make high end scopes for most of the top scope manufacturers in the US. This is not a scope that 10,000 will be made a year. Demand I'm assuming will be high and the supply will be low. The good part of this is that the fist 200 available will be available here. First shipment is scheduled for the first part of April and we will get them which should allow some time and tax returns to come in. I will not need anything down, same as usual. Just a PM to secure one and I will notify you for full payment a week or so before they show up. When you PM please include your full name address and phone # and how many you want. Shipping will be $1. for each scope ordered.