New-ish neighbor put a harris-walz sign on his lawn

I'm the OP- show me where I posted text advocating any crime. Emojis don't count.
No, that was sirhrmechanic that posted to burn their house just said you’d call them nazis. It’s trump and maga that are exhibiting more behavior more like nazis. I don’t see anyone on here who isn’t on the right that is calling for hate, or violence. One guy asked why don’t you just mind your own business and live your life. All the right have done here is call names, spew hate and threaten violence. And then you wonder why there are so many what you call rhinos, and others willing to vote the other side of that. Look at yourselves for those answers, assuming you could actually be honest with yourselves. I doubt it, but hold out hope that eventually it could happen.
No, that was sirhrmechanic that posted to burn their house just said you’d call them nazis. It’s trump and maga that are exhibiting more behavior more like nazis. I don’t see anyone on here who isn’t on the right that is calling for hate, or violence. One guy asked why don’t you just mind your own business and live your life. All the right have done here is call names, spew hate and threaten violence. And then you wonder why there are so many what you call rhinos, and others willing to vote the other side of that. Look at yourselves for those answers, assuming you could actually be honest with yourselves. I doubt it, but hold out hope that eventually it could happen.
Who was the dear that wanted to feed the neighbors dog chicken bones ?

You’re over the top deluded. The POLITICIANS in Springfield asked for more invaders. The people have been pretty vocal in their opposition.

Admittedly they voted for those idiots. But its disingenuous at best to say the people want them there stealing jobs, cats and dogs and raising crime rates.

They weren’t forced, Springfield asked for them to come, and they appreciate that they are there. You racists are trying to force your hate onto the people of Springfield and force them to accept it. You’re forced to accept a new neighbor every time a house near you is sold and bought, maybe you should be crying about that too, lol

You’re over the top deluded. The POLITICIANS in Springfield asked for more invaders. The people have been pretty vocal in their opposition.

Admittedly they voted for those idiots. But its disingenuous at best to say the people want them there stealing jobs, cats and dogs and raising crime rates.
Yes ,i would think almost zero city /town inhabitants would ask for illegal migrants ,i am willing to bet very few of the Haitians want more haitians taking the from them what their taking from us US . Voters put the officials in office and they allowed this plague to ooze in . I am 71 years old and won't be around to see the great re-set get rid of white people as we know them ...sad
I love it when you guys prove that you’re 12 year olds. It seems you’re triggered, now isn’t that a shame. You despise having to hear the truth. Most of the people I shoot with are republicans, but they sure don’t act like children, or spew hate like you guys do. They’re not keyboard warriors either. We’ve all served our time, and some became LEO after the military. They don’t need to play children’s games on the internet and act tough to blow up their egos.
Well well look who trying to talk but is a mentally deranged fucktarded that acts like a petulant 2 year old child. That’s you 💩🤡

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Man, I haven't had to put anyone on ignore in years. But these Kamala loving, sanctimonious, fake conservative "Republican" assholes are too much to take. The last straw for me is claiming Americans actually want these 3rd world savages invading their towns and destroying their way of life. I always ask these pro-migrant scumbags if they've opened their homes up to these people? Why not? Surely they have room to spare and wouldn't mind a few Haitians sleeping next to their wife or daughter. These assholes never practice what they preach.