Thats way too close to home. But they're all too close to home when it's on American soil.And not one state governor, county sheriff, city mayor, or city police chief has done a damn thing to stop the 6:00am raids on innocent people. I would bet everything I have that everyone I mentioned knew beforehand and didn’t give a fuck. One day you guys will understand why I am so critical of the men and women who serve this corrupt and murderous gov’t in any capacity, to the detriment of those of us who are abused by it.
Here is an example near me of federal terrorists allowed to attack innocent people. If men were to fight back against these criminal agencies, do not think for a second that the local badged men would come to aide the righteous but instead would fight for the criminal state. We all know it. Read this shit below from a local paper and tell me that the local, county, and state governments weren’t in on it as well as the tyrant Greg Abbott.
FBI raids retired San Marcos couple’s home
Federal agents raided the home of a retired San Marcos couple in connection with the violent protest at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6,
When the gov. becomes corrupt and sees We, the People as the enemy they need to be viewed and treated like the enemy.