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Honest question: could be challenged as unconstitutional from the standpoint of an illegal seizure of private property?

What a horrible person

Was watching SCOTUS hearings recently, so my autoplay took me to a PBS special on Clarence Thomas no doubt for the purpose of re-education. Ironic the one they emphasized had issues with porn and pubic hairs in his Coke is being a bullwark for our Constitution and by association, JudeoChristian values that are otherwise being likewise shredded.
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Honest question: could be challenged as unconstitutional from the standpoint of an illegal seizure of private property?
Government forcing you to house someone sounds like a violation of the 3A.
^^^^^"Just doing my job."^^^^^^

Total horse shit. Anybody knowingly doing that shit is not misguided or of good intentions. They are pure evil motherfuckers who hate our country and it's people. The Declaration, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are based on the idea that all people have certain fundamental rights that governments are created to protect, FUCKING PERIOD. Those rights include common law rights, which come from British sources like the Magna Carta, or natural rights, which, the Founders believed, came from God. The Founders believed that natural rights are inherent in all people by virtue of their being human and that certain of these rights are unalienable, meaning they cannot be surrendered to government under any circumstances. This is what America IS and what it stands for. Once you believe that the American Government was instituted for ANYTHING other than to protect the liberty of the American people as enshrined in those documents you have declared yourself an enemy of it, and must be ruthlessly pursued and destroyed by actual patriots who are still believers in the Natural Law of our Declaration of Independance, which is the first and foremost (above the Constitution) founding document.
Well, all of us that work out regularly are obviously right wing extremists now. You know, bromance facists or some such. Like Hitler youth I suppose is what they are getting at. The stupid train is running at full steam.

Dont be healthy. Dont be above average. Conform. Looking at you @benchmstr, @MarinePMI and even those of you who ride bikes in the middle of the road while eating that disgusting pineapple pizza. Everyone stop it now.

The authors bio says she is an expert on extremism, so she knows what's up.

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Well, all of us that work out regularly are obviously right wing extremists now. You know, bromance facists or some such. Like Hitler youth I suppose is what they are getting at. The stupid train is running at full steam.

Dont be healthy. Dont be above average. Conform. Looking at you @benchmstr, @MarinePMI and even those of you who ride bikes in the middle of the road while eating that disgusting pineapple pizza. Everyone stop it now.

The authors bio says she is an expert on extremism, so she knows what's up.

She hyphenated her last name. What did you expect?
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Killer robot documentary terrorizes viewers

i still don't have netflix because i don't want my money shared with content producers like pedos and obama.
sucks because i hear about so many great shows.
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