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The FBI continued to drip out new videos of the suspect who placed two pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC the night before the Capitol riot in the months following the incident.

The FBI still can’t find the person. This is interesting, considering the FBI has been using GPS data to arrest hundreds of Trump supporters who were standing outside the US Capitol on January 6th. Now we know why. The FBI now says (in June 2023) that the cell phone data of the alleged bomber was corrupted. See the letter below.

Wray refused to answer questions about the pipe bombs, the bizarre circumstances surrounding their discovery and the corrupted phone data that could have helped identify the bomber.

“We can handle classified information and we fund your department so you need to provide that,” Rep. Massie said to Wray.

Wray insisted he couldn’t answer any questions because of an “ongoing investigation.”

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Yes! Now think Children! Now think those who are doing the blackmail are bored with just sex with children? Do you understand what true evil is? Do you understand how morally bankrupt our government really is? There is no “fix” for this. You don’t just get to shrug shoulders and say sorry. What if I told you that the Watergate Scandal was actually looking for this information? Are you catching on yet? What was on Anthony Weiner’s laptop? Why are there cops who watched the videos dead? Why is Tracy Twyman dead? What was her book Genuflect about?
No way. If he is doing too well they will find a way to get rid of him, one way or another. It will be Gavin Newsom. Possible Newsom/Rice, Newsom/Obama.

Rewatching that Tucker video on Watergate it dawned on me that all the R's VP's have been safe deep staters, in case here was a need to replace. Pence is case in point. (I know, most will say that all the presidential candidates since Reagan had the DS blessing except Trump).
It could be, I really think it is going to come down to if they feel they need to try to repair "trust" in the election process. Personally I am just not sure on kennedy, is what we are being shown all for us. Will this be Wilson/Taft/Roosevelt thing. Will (and I can't stress this enough) it APPEAR that Kennedy drew votes away from Trump, and that is what hands Trump the loss?

It is still too early to tell, but IF Trump is running on a R ticket I can see some games like this being played. Now if the R's run someone else I have little doubt that Trump will run as a third party and that will hand it automatically to anyone the D's run. Hildabeast, or Mike Obummer, or perhaps that shit stain in CA. He reminds me of Canada and their little puke. Pure commie.

I just get the feeling when I watch Kennedy he is holding just so much back it is almost busting out of him, just a feeling I have. He could very easy be all for show.
It could be, I really think it is going to come down to if they feel they need to try to repair "trust" in the election process. Personally I am just not sure on kennedy, is what we are being shown all for us. Will this be Wilson/Taft/Roosevelt thing. Will (and I can't stress this enough) it APPEAR that Kennedy drew votes away from Trump, and that is what hands Trump the loss?

It is still too early to tell, but IF Trump is running on a R ticket I can see some games like this being played. Now if the R's run someone else I have little doubt that Trump will run as a third party and that will hand it automatically to anyone the D's run. Hildabeast, or Mike Obummer, or perhaps that shit stain in CA. He reminds me of Canada and their little puke. Pure commie.

I just get the feeling when I watch Kennedy he is holding just so much back it is almost busting out of him, just a feeling I have. He could very easy be all for show.
There is always the possibility that it could be a 4-way race with Trump and Kennedy running as independents. That will be even more motivation for the democrats to cheat.
EVs are not just a potential bomb under your chassis. In order to protect you from that potential firebomb under your seat, electric vehicle manufacturers build in all kinds of armored frames and dividers to try to protect the 2000-3000 pound battery from being punctured in the event of an accident. All of that adds even MORE weight to vehicles which are already thousands of pounds heavier than their gasoline/diesel counterparts. More weight = more chances you will get stuck in even minute potholes or road/trail obstacles. On top of all that, the market price for used EVs depreciate far faster than regular cars and trucks. A regular Ford F250's resale value drops 10% after 6 months of being sold and driven routinely, and that is in well maintained and cared for condition, with no accidents. An electric F250's value can drop 30% or more in that same duration and that is due to the inherent nature of ALL lithium ion batteries gradually losing cell "memory" after each charge/discharge cycle and after a certain amount of cycles, they hold no more useable charge and must be replaced. So in the long run, electric vehicles do NOT save you money. They are financial pitfalls.

EVs are not just a potential bomb under your chassis. In order to protect you from that potential firebomb under your seat, electric vehicle manufacturers build in all kinds of armored frames and dividers to try to protect the 2000-3000 pound battery from being punctured in the event of an accident. All of that adds even MORE weight to vehicles which are already thousands of pounds heavier than their gasoline/diesel counterparts. More weight = more chances you will get stuck in even minute potholes or road/trail obstacles. On top of all that, the market price for used EVs depreciate far faster than regular cars and trucks. A regular Ford F250's resale value drops 10% after 6 months of being sold and driven routinely, and that is in well maintained and cared for condition, with no accidents. An electric F250's value can drop 30% or more in that same duration and that is due to the inherent nature of ALL lithium ion batteries gradually losing cell "memory" after each charge/discharge cycle and after a certain amount of cycles, they hold no more useable charge and must be replaced. So in the long run, electric vehicles do NOT save you money. They are financial pitfalls.

One thing not mentioned is the added wear and tear to Roads/Bridges because of the extra weight.
One thing not mentioned is the added wear and tear to Roads/Bridges because of the extra weight.

This too. In New York City, there has been an increase in the number of multi-story parking facilities collapsing or developing structural cracks and need to be closed down for repairs in the last 5 years. When you are parking more vehicles that weigh as much as commercial trucks in places that are only rated for standard passenger cars and SUVs, you WILL have problems over time.
There is always the possibility that it could be a 4-way race with Trump and Kennedy running as independents. That will be even more motivation for the democrats to cheat.
I highly doubt that to be the case as the two of them would have to start getting on state ballots now. I am sure there are states that would try and block both candidates from getting on their state ballots, such as NY and CA.

This is the behavior of somebody who had fallen into an Internet sex-blackmail scheme. There are accounts documenting some guys, usually dimwitted and gullible late-teenagers and young adults who had been sweet-talked and coaxed into sending dick pictures to 'women' on various chat sites. Then, these 'women', which are actually sophisticated hacking rings, would send these guys detailed accounts of their very own personal information, their addresses, where they work, their spouses and family members, and where they go to school. At this point, these guys realized that they had fucked up, badly. The hackers would then give them the terms. Send certain amounts of money to them at set intervals every week/month, using nonreloadable chain store debit and game account cards, or the hackers will send all of their family, schools, and employers the explicit material that they had posted, accuse them of sending the material to underage individuals, and utterly ruin their lives forever. The asked sums range from $100 per week to several hundred dollars every 4 days to avoid the penalty for noncompliance. It is basically a long term financial hostage situation and some of the targets had even committed suicide after seeing no way out, leading to these scams being reported about in the news and Youtube crime channels.
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OMG, they had 2.5 tons of munitions......... LOL, what's that, 52 155mm shells (whatever Russian's equivalent is)? 2.5 isn't squat.
1 shell = 95lbs, 5,000/95 = 52 rounds. That's plenty to fight a war :rolleyes:

25,000 Wagner troops were taken off the battlefield

OMG, they had 2.5 tons of munitions......... LOL, what's that, 52 155mm shells (whatever Russian's equivalent is)? 2.5 isn't squat.
1 shell = 95lbs, 5,000/95 = 52 rounds. That's plenty to fight a war :rolleyes:

25,000 Wagner troops were taken off the battlefield
92,000 rounds of 7.62x51
About 4 rounds per troop. wow