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This is exactly the problem with affirmative action. Defund schools like Baltimore that don't perform, allow school choice vouchers (take that money away from the public schools - private/charter schools do a better job), educate minorities at the primary level, encourage those that succeed and allow everyone equal opportunities at college & apprenticeships. (Yes, I know its the DNC, Teachers Unions and Dept. of Education that are against providing equal educational opportunities and the primary and secondary school level and will fight it tooth and nail.) The hood rats will stay in the public school system by choice. Token affirmative action is a means to justify the educational suppression and dependence of minorities by the Democratic Party.
Remember which Senator was most vocally against integration by bussing; Kamala brought that up in the debates.
This is exactly the problem with affirmative action. Defund schools like Baltimore that don't perform, allow school choice vouchers (take that money away from the public schools - private/charter schools do a better job), educate minorities at the primary level, encourage those that succeed and allow everyone equal opportunities at college & apprenticeships. (Yes, I know its the DNC, Teachers Unions and Dept. of Education that are against providing equal educational opportunities and the primary and secondary school level and will fight it tooth and nail.) The hood rats will stay in the public school system by choice. Token affirmative action is a means to justify the educational suppression and dependence of minorities by the Democratic Party.
Remember which Senator was most vocally against integration by bussing; Kamala brought that up in the debates.

"The FBI on Monday asked Americans to help them protect the country by reporting criminal activity to them at 800-225-5324.

You can imagine the responses!

The FBI:
** Spied on President Trump based on phony information
** Lied to the American people about spying on Trump
** Hid the Hunter laptop
** Still can’t find the Hunter laptop
** Lied about the laptop
** Lied to the American public during Trump’s impeachment knowing Trump did nothing wrong
** Sent operatives to the US Capitol on January 6
** Infiltrated the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers
** Raided homes of their political opposition
** Raided the opposition candidate’s home on junk charges
** Ignored Hunter Biden’s hundreds of crimes
** Set up poor white men in Michigan
** Ignored Biden Family treasonous deals
** Lied about investigating the criminal acts in the 2020 election
And just yesterday – on Monday – we discovered the FBI censored Americans who did not support Ukrainian War."

So after Axios reported yesterday how PedoPeter yells and cusses out his staff behind closed doors, it has been suggested his nickname should now be "Old Yeller". Folks mentioned his name should be "Old Smeller" (even Sky News Australia showed his last child-sniffing adventure).
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"The FBI on Monday asked Americans to help them protect the country by reporting criminal activity to them at 800-225-5324.

You can imagine the responses!

The FBI:
** Spied on President Trump based on phony information
** Lied to the American people about spying on Trump
** Hid the Hunter laptop
** Still can’t find the Hunter laptop
** Lied about the laptop
** Lied to the American public during Trump’s impeachment knowing Trump did nothing wrong
** Sent operatives to the US Capitol on January 6
** Infiltrated the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers
** Raided homes of their political opposition
** Raided the opposition candidate’s home on junk charges
** Ignored Hunter Biden’s hundreds of crimes
** Set up poor white men in Michigan
** Ignored Biden Family treasonous deals
** Lied about investigating the criminal acts in the 2020 election
And just yesterday – on Monday – we discovered the FBI censored Americans who did not support Ukrainian War."
So, what you are saying is there is no voting our way out of this.
Maybe it's time for the west to accept that giving unlimited number of weapons to Ukraine is not going to stop Russia?

Sending more humans into a wood chipper doesn't appear to be doing anything constructive at all.
Just keep poke'n that F'n bear. It WILL turn around a bite the F out of you one day!

This brings a couple things to mind. I have always said people have a single issue that is their "hot" issue. One that is more important to them then anything else. For many women when me started playing in sports, that was their "come to Jesus" moment. Having their 18yr old daughter get her face caved in by a volley ball return just did not sit well for some reason (it happened) losing scholarships to men, or just flat loosing was I think the first one that really saw main stream attn.

I have a feeling with the nature of this forum the 2A is likely many here hot issue. It can be anything the border, religion, abortion, anything that is an "issue".

When people do this, flip parties you really need to watch them, yes they may have had an issue you support, but what is their position on other issues. They could be 180 from what you think. They really need to be looked at. And then look how they are being "sold". I think Kennedy is a perfect example, anti vax is a very "right wing" way of thinking, and will get him a great deal of support from people that have the vax issue as their hot issue. Don't forget about the other issues however. If he is against everything else you believe in, are you going to make the right choice. It might be for you, it depends on your views.

Personally I think this is how Kennedy is being "sold". I have a feeling he will be the pick for 24. Joe will have "health issues" and this guy will somehow win the D side of things. They will play up on one hand just how crazy he is for the right wing side of things, and hope many on the right do not look at the hard core socialist ways he is in everywhere else. I can see it happening.

I hope I explained that right.
Personally I think this is how Kennedy is being "sold". I have a feeling he will be the pick for 24. Joe will have "health issues" and this guy will somehow win the D side of things. They will play up on one hand just how crazy he is for the right wing side of things, and hope many on the right do not look at the hard core socialist ways he is in everywhere else. I can see it happening.

No way. If he is doing too well they will find a way to get rid of him, one way or another. It will be Gavin Newsom. Possible Newsom/Rice, Newsom/Obama.

Rewatching that Tucker video on Watergate it dawned on me that all the R's VP's have been safe deep staters, in case here was a need to replace. Pence is case in point. (I know, most will say that all the presidential candidates since Reagan had the DS blessing except Trump).
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Now, the biden administration wants to impose a 10knot speed limit on large portions of the Gulf of Mexico.

This will destroy the recreational fishing industry, probably keep most large ships out of the Gulf and even affect the use of many of the later designed sailboats.

Is there anything in or around the United States of America that these people don’t hate, don’t despise or can’t tolerate besides Communist Red China, crack cocaine, homosexuals, transsexuals and pedophilia? (And large bribe payouts)
Fauxi and crew, need to be in an 8'x8' cell at a bare minimum. OR... I've got a better idea.. Mac

All these mf'ers need to go outside and catch a few cluster bombs! That would put an end to this climate change, and we are all going to die crap if we don't get our carbon credits in line. What a bunch of complete horseshit. I really can't figure out, how these F-sticks, have been allowed to suck air for as long as they have. That will be the only way we can go about living a peaceful life again. MF'ers, all of them. Mac:mad:
Now, the biden administration wants to impose a 10knot speed limit on large portions of the Gulf of Mexico.

This will destroy the recreational fishing industry, probably keep most large ships out of the Gulf and even affect the use of many of the later designed sailboats.

Is there anything in or around the United States of America that these people don’t hate, don’t despise or can’t tolerate besides Communist Red China, crack cocaine, homosexuals, transsexuals and pedophilia? (And large bribe payouts)
You need to think this all the way through. The wind those sailboats are using up it keeping it (the wind) from producing green renewable energy. Thus these sailboats are driving climate change. These boats must be stopped. :)