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OMG, they had 2.5 tons of munitions......... LOL, what's that, 52 155mm shells (whatever Russian's equivalent is)? 2.5 isn't squat.
1 shell = 95lbs, 5,000/95 = 52 rounds. That's plenty to fight a war :rolleyes:

25,000 Wagner troops were taken off the battlefield
I have 2.5 tons of munitions in my bathroom...

OMG, they had 2.5 tons of munitions......... LOL, what's that, 52 155mm shells (whatever Russian's equivalent is)? 2.5 isn't squat.
1 shell = 95lbs, 5,000/95 = 52 rounds. That's plenty to fight a war :rolleyes:

25,000 Wagner troops were taken off the battlefield
Picture caption says 2.5 ton. Article says "Wagner Private Military Company turned over more than 2,000 weapons and pieces of equipment more than 2,500 tons of ammunition and over 20,000 small arms, the Russian Defense Ministry (MoD) said on its Telegram channel"
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EVs are not just a potential bomb under your chassis. In order to protect you from that potential firebomb under your seat, electric vehicle manufacturers build in all kinds of armored frames and dividers to try to protect the 2000-3000 pound battery from being punctured in the event of an accident. All of that adds even MORE weight to vehicles which are already thousands of pounds heavier than their gasoline/diesel counterparts. More weight = more chances you will get stuck in even minute potholes or road/trail obstacles. On top of all that, the market price for used EVs depreciate far faster than regular cars and trucks. A regular Ford F250's resale value drops 10% after 6 months of being sold and driven routinely, and that is in well maintained and cared for condition, with no accidents. An electric F250's value can drop 30% or more in that same duration and that is due to the inherent nature of ALL lithium ion batteries gradually losing cell "memory" after each charge/discharge cycle and after a certain amount of cycles, they hold no more useable charge and must be replaced. So in the long run, electric vehicles do NOT save you money. They are financial pitfalls.

It goes way past that as well. A more heavy vehicle will wear.....well everything....faster, tires, brakes, bearings....on and on, and that is going to be on you. And if they "beef up" those components, more weight and expense. Then we will get to roads and bridges, it is all harder on the roads.

I am not "anti" EV's, I am very anti EV's being a silver bullet and the answer to all questions. If you live in town 5 miles from where you work and buy food an EV might be a good vehicle for you, and I have a feeling a "regular" car will still be "better" all the way around. Cheaper for you to own and drive, less harmful to the "planet", less money into countries that are not our friends, and fewer children forced into labor.

I do not want the .gov forcing me to anything.
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As painful as it was, I watched the 5 hours of this sh*tshow last night. When the D's spoke,they were either full of ass-kissing brown-nosing of the FBI, do the the "what-about Trumps' buddies who have been found guilty (with DC/NYC jury pools), or worse yet, even suggested the FBI use any and all information it gets from whatever source to "Red Flag law" confiscate guns from people that don't agree with them, instead of just friends and local PD. They even suggested expanding FBI powers to make them untouchable on the books, which is how they view themselves anyway.

As I put in my post, Hagemann for now appears very responsible and professional.
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I tell my people here I pay you on time, your ass better be here on time! No day care shit here!
I had a guy who lived 30 seconds down the road, was late every day, I asked if the traffic was bad he said nope, he don't work here no more.
I told people that I hired that if I tell them to stand on their head in the corner for eight hours they can either do it or walk away. We start at 7:30 be here at 7:29 or I assume that you quit. You lose a tool and you have bought it. It'll come out of your next paycheck. You break a tool using it properly and I will buy another. You use it improperly and it'll come out of your next paycheck. Don't call me with some bullshit about waking up and not feeling good. I don't care if you want to watch cartoons and eat Cheerios if you let me know a couple days in advance I will fix the schedule for you to have the day off.
Can't recruit? Call up the IRR

King Poopy Pants is gonna get tough with those evil Russians now. He’s gearing up for war and gonna beat Putin if it takes every drop of blood the military can spill!
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  • Wow
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Who do those groups encompass? How long until fat old fucks are up?

On Thursday, Joe Biden issued an Order to “augment the active Armed Forces of the United States for the effective conduct of Operation Atlantic Resolve” to include up to 3,000 members of the Selected Reserve, with up to 450 members of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). Meanwhile, our border remains open with over a hundred thousand arrests made last month alone by overworked US Border Patrol and other law enforcement officials.

The IRR is particularly interesting as it hasn’t been utilized in almost two decades. This Order does not call them to service but only gives authority to do so if “they deem necessary” The IRR consists of former active duty and reserve members who are no longer under obligation to drill, conduct annual training, or participate in any military activities until ordered by Presidential Authority. Essentially, it is junior enlisted officers who have an obligation after leaving their service once their contract has expired. Typically, a contract would be four years followed by four years of IRR service.