
You are most certainly allowed to do so.
Small pause while we get our "surprised" look.

This is the funniest crap I've heard in a while. Thanks.

You of all people, trying to throw shade on anybody's communication style and use of words is funny.
You trying to drag such things into what was supposed to be the civil discussion you have been asking for is bad form.

Anybody that knows me, and there are a lot here, knows how I talk and communicate. I'm a SE Texas redneck that was raised in rural Louisiana and am a product of the public school system. I make fun of myself more than all my friends can muster, and they muster a lot.

If you think I'm putting myself on a pedestal by trying to clearly communicate, you are as sadly mistaken in that assumption as you are mistaken in your societal and economic logic.

Believe me, I am not attempting to impress you.

Per my earlier post, certain jobs are never meant to support a house or nice lifestyle. They never have nor should they ever in the future.
It has zero, nada, nothing to do with dignity.
That is a bullshit assumption on your part.

I sincerely do not think you do.

There has always been more than enough willing and able workforce to fill those positions besides students and young people.
People wanting a 2nd income.
Retirees and limited ability people needing part time work to supplement fixed incomes.

Again, you are throwing dignity into this equation when it has zero relevance. Dignity gets into emotions and emotions should never cloud decisions and the realities of basic economic models, especially Capitalism.

Decide: This word is exceptionally important. Each person HAS to decide what they want to achieve in life and then make the necessary decisions to get there. Poor decisions coupled with lack of motivation and work ethic lead to poor outcomes. Good decisions coupled with motivation and good work ethic almost invariably lead to good outcomes.

Good Jobs: Aren't all jobs good? At least good in the sense that they offer monetary reward for time and work? Nobody is forcing a worker to take ANY job. Every worker is free to chose based on what they have prepared themselves to do. Most here, including myself have taken jobs that sucked hugely so that we could position ourselves to move into a better job.

It may not be my fault but I most certainly have partial ownership in the problem either by decree or by participation.
I try to constantly examine and adjust my way of thinking because I know I will have unconscious biases coupled with me not being very smart.

You saying that I "need a serious paradigm shift" in my thinking is exactly the way manipulative socialists play the game.
The tone of your statement is patronizing and reeks of you putting yourself on a pedestal while disdainfully looking down on my type of ilk.

The only paradigm shift that needs to be addressed is the effort being put forth to re-define how our economy functions so that everyone is assured the same outcome regardless of effort, drive or planning. The idiocracy is pushing hard for equity rather than equality of opportunity.
Pushing DEI philosophies instead of meritocracy based systems.

The system is collapsing because of purposeful government manipulation of the system and fostering a mentality that doesn't recognize a person's innate abilities to determine their own fate.

If the government dole wasn't there in the first place, the bait wouldn't be laying there for the taking.
When the choices are limited to only work and have something versus not working and having nothing, the actions and outcomes would be totally different and way more positive for everyone.

As for those that have mental or physical limitations that limit their ability to provide for themselves, there has ALWAYS been safety nets in the system and in society. They should be taken care of and were. Now, it has become an option to simply elect the easy button. Take the button away and voila'.

Rants? Really? You have typed more words since joining this forum 4 yrs ago than I have in 20years.
Pretty sure my replies are scaled to your posts.

You have not one clue as to how hard or how long I work but you are going to throw that little bullshit twist into parenthesis for effect.

You have already determined what I can and cannot fathom.

Considering your clairvoyant gift, I have to conclude that any further interactions with you will be for naught since you already know my history, what I think and what I am capable of thinking.

Decisions and commitments have to be made way before landing a job at McDonalds.
Each person has to comprehend that getting educated, learning skills and preparing themselves to be marketable are key to their pathway to success. Anyone stumbling through HS to get a GED, walking into a minimum wage job and then expecting a wage that can support a family or housing should not be surprised that their wants exceed their means.

There are solid paths to security and success that are available to everyone. One can even argue now that the paths are wider and more available to minorities and children of low income households than there are for anyone else. The opportunity is there.
The rest of society should not be responsible for someone not capitalizing on the opportunity to succeed.
Just wanted to prepare you for this response because I'm concerned about your well being. . . . . . .
You go ahead and keep your blinds open waiting for the upcoming 'no knock' warrant you signed up for by engaging with me, . . . . . .
Did you just subtly threaten @jmp1 ?
I’ll chime in…. I’d argue there should be no minimum wage. If a role warrants more pay, the market will adjust. Period.

If you can’t make a living at a minimum wage job, good…they’re not supposed to be a place to park your ass forever. Get an education, or a better education, earn promotions through hard work, or find a skilled job that pays well, but doesn’t need a degree. Tons of folks around here making a damn good living in the trades…including oil field work.

I also personally know several folks who never went to college and earn a hell of a lot more than I do. They also work (or worked) their ass off to get where they are. Most own their own small businesses and built it from the ground up with zero assistance. Half the managers at my former place of employment were promoted from within…folks who worked their way up from entry-level jobs to merit-based roles earning $100K+ per year.

My brother and I were the only white kids in my neighborhood growing up…my mom was a lunch lady at the local HS, and my dad was an alcoholic who held down a semi-regular gig as a janitor and handy man at our church until his early death. If I hadn’t earned a scholarship to the AF Academy shortly after enlisting, I likely wouldn’t have gone to college at all.

America used to be a place where you could go as far as your talents, intelligence, and drive would take you. The left has turned us into a welfare state where achievement is actually punished in the form of bullshit taxes and social stigma unless you belong to the “correct” social or ethnic group. I personally think income taxes are unconstitutional, but that’s a different topic for another day.

So yeah, I’m not down for DEI or any social justice/racial equity bullshit whatsoever. And people should get what they earn…nothing more, nothing less.
Now this this a comment I can 100% get behind and have to give kudos to @91Eunozs for sharing. I personally don't have a single counterpoint to anything they shared here and completely agree that minimum wage laws have proven to work against society more than benefited it. I'd also add (my own opinion at least) that were things really started to get unbalanced was when we went to a fiat currency but that's a sidebar and not tied to the post I'm quoting.

Really appreciate/agree with this comment. It's not an education thing, it's not a racial thing, it's a national policy thing in my opinion and over the decades (so nobody here is getting a finger pointed directly at them for their opinions) we as a country rolled over and said "this is fine" and now we're in a society that best resembles Feudalism, with the minority being the "have's" and the majority (and growing) being the "have nots" and the "have's" now are social acceptable in saying that the "have nots" is a product of their own creation and they should just get an education to better their life.

(Again just sharing my own opinion still and not putting words in the mouth of @91Eunozs) but this is the NIMBY mindset on parade. How dare the guy that stocks produce be able to afford groceries, a modest house, a family, and put a little bit away for their retirement. I am NOT advocating that we need the government to swoop in and subsidize these "low skill/low income" workers, but rather point out that if you disagree with the sentiment that there is value in all work and US citizens should be able to afford even the most basic cost of living, what you'll end up with is a generation of 'over educated' youth not willing to work for poverty wages that provides no future to them when the government dole is a more attractive/profitable option. Oh wait... maybe that's exactly what so many are complaining about the past 4 years or so...

But I'm sure it's just because of Generation "whatever" being lazy, COVID, people not pulling themselves up from the bootstraps, what have you. Contrary opinion here but when the grocers, the mechanics, the service industry workers, etc can no longer afford to live... the question remains WHO is going to do those jobs which we're reliant upon in our day to day lives?

Again, this isn't the fault of anyone here particularly but there needs to be a national mindset change on this "it's their fault for being low skilled and not being able to afford food" rhetoric and I guarantee you that if you buy into this belief that workers in whatever industry don't deserve shelter and food because of their 'life choices' you're going to keep getting what you've already gotten and it won't be incremental but rather exponential and then complaining why all of your wages are being taxed to subsidize these folks... oh wait...


This is the biggest crock I have read in a while. Jobs are paying what the market will bear. Except in California where the businesses go out of business paying mandated minimum wages so nobody has a job.

Nobody that is human on any level says that a person who does a low paying job deserves to be in poverty. That’s some Marxist or corporatist shit right there. IOW, pandering to the lower class to get them riled up with manufactured injustice without two things: letting them know they are valuable as humans and telling them the truth that capitalism requires all of us to work and compete in the arena, warts and all. That’s how the country moves forward. “Faith can move mountains but don’t be surprised if God hands you the shovel “.
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Glowfaggots normally go straight to my ignore list. But you are so terrible at your job that I'm entertained by the amount of time/work you put in only to fail.
Glad to hear you're sticking around for the discussion! I look forward to your future 'rebuttals'. I'll try to keep some more dank ass memes coming your way so that you don't get bored at least.