
There was a time when fast food McJobs shouldn't have been expected to pay for a basic lifestyle.

That time ended.

My wife has been stuck in McJob management now for about a decade and has found it basically impossible to change industries despite having a plethora of management experience and skills. Upward mobility isn't possible because there are too few positions for the area we live. When someone has applied for 50 jobs or so and 90% of the time can't even get interviewed because their primary experience is McJob Management what are they supposed to do if they don't get compensated properly for their work?

Many businesses no longer want to hire someone who worked fast food unless they lie on their resume about their experience. This idea that you can start at fast food and go on to something else is a fantasy in my AO. You either be one of the few people that can manage to start doing a trade (in my area this requires having money on hand for buying your own shit, plus gas for traveling for said trade), go into college to get a degree and leave the state to get a wage worth your time, or you go .MIL and leave the state.

Most of of the McJob wagies in my AO aren't teenagers and they couldn't be teenagers. If you live in an area with a limited job market and expensive housing compared to the average wages you will struggle to get ahead. Not to mention the stress the average McJob wagie deals with now is insane. From co-workers that literally cry when they get flustered, to rude ass customers to the insane customer volume since Covid (plus all the damn DoorDashers etc that double the work load).

The idea that McJobs are for highschoolers hasn't been true in my area for two decades.
This x1,000. I don't have a good answer or solution for you sir but as someone that frequently sits on hiring boards- I'd up my ranking for any candidate that held a McJob for a management position. What many folks here don't understand is how much harder these management positions are with something like a 300%+ turn over ratio each year.

I'm not popular with a select group here by suggesting this opinion, but these McJob managers likely deal with far more stress, challenges, and frankly lack of respect than may of our "better positioned" commenters and I'm not going to stop beating on that drum to make that position well known.

My wife was in retail rather than food service but very similar experiences. She got treated like crap by the customers, had terrible hours and benefits, obscenely unqualified managers with straight up illegal policies (suggested to them from corporate) and would come home in tears. We went through several layoff's from crap jobs before after a decade finally getting her into a 'good' job outside of the service industry and of course at an entry level because those were 'minimal jobs' despite her working 60+ hours a week, having a college degree, and 15+ years of experience working harder than I did in my "good" job.

I mean this to come across with 100% sincerity but I truly wish your wife all the best with her career and hopefully breaking into another industry field where she's better appreciated than what she's likely getting from her customers and some of the posters here. It takes a lot of effort and shared stress but until people start appreciating strangers again, it's worth going down the road for what little it's worth coming from a stranger on the internet.

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If the zenith of your life skill is you can drop potatoes into hot oil and hand them to someone in a car through a hole in the wall, you have no one to blame but yourself, as opportunities to improve yourself abound.
And when the people you rely on to "drop potatoes into hot oil and hand them to someone in a car" on your way to work, during lunch, and coming home from work can no longer to afford said potatoes that you're referencing from their job let alone healthy groceries, rent, or even putting money aside from retirement now that pensions are all but dead, how much are you going to complain when those windows are no longer staffed and your taxes increase for them to sit at home and do nothing (oh and the home is likely going to be paid for by your tax dollars and nicer than yours because this mindset created this society)?

Oh and this cycle is kinda wild in that those businesses that employee these 'lower citizens' also pay substantial taxes to your local, state, and federal government and there's lots of hands out waiting for those tax dollars to come in too. I'm SURE that your local schools, municipalities, state, and federal government will adjust to that loss of tax revenue by cutting their expenses (despite the surge in dependents) and by no means raise your payroll and estate taxes any higher than they currently are right?

You were sold a bill of goods somewhere over the decades that you were better than these 'low skill, low income' workers and believe that was their fault while also expecting those services to continue uninterrupted. You likely even came from a generation that when you visited your parents you knew where the gas station worker, butcher, seamstress, whatever lived but bought so far into the propaganda that was fed 24/7 for decades (and who could blame you) you still believe this is normal, this is sustainable, and these service workers are beneath you and deserve to live in poverty.

Think about that one for a minute and tell me that the counterpoint isn't counterproductive to your wallet and providing for your own loved ones or demonstrates a significant decline in our American society that's being swept under the proverbial rug. But if you want to stick to your guns, I'm sure that the current fast food workers can either starve to death or die of exposure and that'll be just peachy because we'll have a fresh crop of 'undesirable' HS graduates lining up to take their place right?

  • Like
Reactions: Charmingmander
And when the people you rely on to "drop potatoes into hot oil and hand them to someone in a car" on your way to work, during lunch, and coming home from work can no longer to afford said potatoes that you're referencing from their job let alone healthy groceries, rent, or even putting money aside from retirement now that pensions are all but dead, how much are you going to complain when those windows are no longer staffed and your taxes increase for them to sit at home and do nothing (oh and the home is likely going to be paid for by your tax dollars and nicer than yours because this mindset created this society)?

Oh and this cycle is kinda wild in that those businesses that employee these 'lower citizens' also pay substantial taxes to your local, state, and federal government and there's lots of hands out waiting for those tax dollars to come in too. I'm SURE that your local schools, municipalities, state, and federal government will adjust to that loss of tax revenue by cutting their expenses (despite the surge in dependents) and by no means raise your payroll and estate taxes any higher than they currently are right?

You were sold a bill of goods somewhere over the decades that you were better than these 'low skill, low income' workers and believe that was their fault while also expecting those services to continue uninterrupted. You likely even came from a generation that when you visited your parents you knew where the gas station worker, butcher, seamstress, whatever lived but bought so far into the propaganda that was fed 24/7 for decades (and who could blame you) you still believe this is normal, this is sustainable, and these service workers are beneath you and deserve to live in poverty.

Think about that one for a minute and tell me that the counterpoint isn't counterproductive to your wallet and providing for your own loved ones or demonstrates a significant decline in our American society that's being swept under the proverbial rug. But if you want to stick to your guns, I'm sure that the current fast food workers can either starve to death or die of exposure and that'll be just peachy because we'll have a fresh crop of 'undesirable' HS graduates lining up to take their place right?

Given this is your opinion, how do you then justify the fact that there are no more manufacturers of buggy whips?
This is the biggest crock I have read in a while. Jobs are paying what the market will bear. Except in California where the businesses go out of business paying mandated minimum wages so nobody has a job.

Nobody that is human on any level says that a person who does a low paying job deserves to be in poverty. That’s some Marxist or corporatist shit right there. IOW, pandering to the lower class to get them riled up with manufactured injustice without two things: letting them know they are valuable as humans and telling them the truth that capitalism requires all of us to work and compete in the arena, warts and all. That’s how the country moves forward. “Faith can move mountains but don’t be surprised if God hands you the shovel “.

Marxist shit would be that the government needs to subsidize these 'poor workers' to provide for the greater cause. I'm merely arguing that the longer we accept this to be acceptable, the more we will find government creeping into 'fixing' the problem (which was created largely by their own policies). And I'd also argue they are NOT paying what the market will bear, but rather we're in a quasi-capitalist market for most of these industries almost exclusively by the existence of having a 'minimum wage' which is not tied to any industry benchmark but rather serves as yet another quasi minimal ceiling for these type of industries and artificially suppress the wages from keeping up with market value.

I'm not pandering to the lower class, I'm merely pointing out that we are living in a broken system resembling late stage capitalism and until folks start realizing and accepting it, we will never able to correct it until it gets sucked into it's own inevitable gravity well. Take this forum for example. How many of us would by most measures be 80+% in agreement with everything yet we still have numbers of the members here resort into tribal groups?

Last response to your post (not trying to throw rocks at you personally either) but in your honest opinion, do you really believe the country is 'moving forward' lately? You're welcome to your opinion/beliefs of course but I can't help but feel we're circling the drain and trying to get out of it. The only example I can think of of in (mostly modern times) is in the story of Ulysses while their ship was stuck in a whirlpool and it took strong leadership to recognize what was happening and to pull together and 'save the crew'

Aye golly but its a mess in here.
I got notices that ignored members are quoting ignored members, in an effort to deliver each other double Dutch rudders.
So naturally, I had to "allow" the ignored members' rambling griffonage, to freely gallop upon my screen.
My,my,my aren't we a sour, sullen bunch of little phosphorescent trolls.

Can I sign up to be threatened? I haven't been threatened since someone set my new location.
I remember that one. Actually promised a personal touch without making some cowards call. You gotta respect that kind of personal benevolence.
Aye golly but its a mess in here.
I got notices that ignored members are quoting ignored members, in an effort to deliver each other double Dutch rudders.
So naturally, I had to "allow" the ignored members' rambling griffonage, to freely gallop upon my screen.
My,my,my aren't we a sour, sullen bunch of little phosphorescent trolls.

Can I sign up to be threatened? I haven't been threatened since someone set my new location.
I remember that one. Actually promised a personal touch without making some cowards call. You gotta respect that kind of personal benevolence.
You're quite the ray of sunshine aren't you?


Marxist shit would be that the government needs to subsidize these 'poor workers' to provide for the greater cause. I'm merely arguing that the longer we accept this to be acceptable, the more we will find government creeping into 'fixing' the problem (which was created largely by their own policies). And I'd also argue they are NOT paying what the market will bear, but rather we're in a quasi-capitalist market for most of these industries almost exclusively by the existence of having a 'minimum wage' which is not tied to any industry benchmark but rather serves as yet another quasi minimal ceiling for these type of industries and artificially suppress the wages from keeping up with market value.

I'm not pandering to the lower class, I'm merely pointing out that we are living in a broken system resembling late stage capitalism and until folks start realizing and accepting it, we will never able to correct it until it gets sucked into it's own inevitable gravity well. Take this forum for example. How many of us would by most measures be 80+% in agreement with everything yet we still have numbers of the members here resort into tribal groups?

Last response to your post (not trying to throw rocks at you personally either) but in your honest opinion, do you really believe the country is 'moving forward' lately? You're welcome to your opinion/beliefs of course but I can't help but feel we're circling the drain and trying to get out of it. The only example I can think of of in (mostly modern times) is in the story of Ulysses while their ship was stuck in a whirlpool and it took strong leadership to recognize what was happening and to pull together and 'save the crew'

This is how I know you know nothing of economics. If they were not paying what the market would bear no one would work for them. What the markets bears is radically different than what the laborer wants. This is the reality.

Additionally, Marxists don’t subsidize anything. They steal everything and give a subsistence allowance. You seriously need to learn more before you espouse thoughts.
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… go ahead and keep your blinds open waiting for the upcoming 'no knock' warrant you signed up for by engaging with me…

Quoted for posterity.

This is pretty fucked up @LuckyDuck

Threatening someone with an LE raid for, what? Saying something you don’t like on a public forum? 🤦‍♂️ If you are a Fed, you’re about to get fired. And likely reprimanded or even sued by your own agency’s IG for threatening someone’s Constitutional rights to due process. You do know there are several former and current high ranking military, DoD, and DoJ members on this forum, right? Not to mention the actual LE and OGA police reps.

Sweet Jeebus…. What a maroon.

Edit: And my pronouns aren’t ‘they’ (just saw your post quoting me). Now that I’m re-retired, I’m at best a semi-pro. However, if you must because fucking lefties just can’t help themselves, I currently identify as Michael Jackson…my new pronouns are He/Hee.

…and hate to break it to you, but your memes aren’t ‘dank’… more… damp.

Like the flooded, moldy basement I just helped my best friend gut and disinfect.
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The same way I justify the incredible decline in American manufacturing since NAFTA was passed.


Sure hope you meant "explain".
This is how I know you know nothing of economics. If they were not paying what the market would bear no one would work for them. What the markets beats is radically different than what the laborer wants. This is the reality.

Additionally, Marxists don’t subsidize anything. They steal everything and give a subsistence allowance. You seriously need to learn more before you espouse thoughts.
"Marxists don’t subsidize anything. They steal everything and give a subsistence allowance."

You just explained our current taxation policy. <drop mic>


Just wanted to prepare you for this response because I'm concerned about your well being. But while I was going to point out the numerous fallacies, I'll just leave you with the below because frankly I have 20 year old T-Shirts that mean more to me than your opinion. You go ahead and keep your blinds open waiting for the upcoming 'no knock' warrant you signed up for by engaging with me, meanwhile I'll continue to exchange meme's and opinions with folks here that contribute a bit more than trademark paranoid schizophrenic tendencies. You do you Chief.

View attachment 8448550
That's some funny shit right there. I'll respond to both your posts purely for the entertainment value. I'm open to all sorts of spirited debate and differing opinions( except that homo shit they teach ya'll at FLETC). I've actually changed my opinions on some things based on insight gathered from folks here on the hide. I realize your 20 year old Alphabet agency cadet t-shirts mean more than my opinion, BUT.....I don't think that's why you are here. Honestly, I don't know what kind of valuable intel a fed could gather here. Looking for anti government sentiment?? Go swing a dead cat and you'll hit sombody thats sick of the shit show in D.C. Sick of being a tax slave to fund pedos and tyrants. Yet....they come....snifing around...dropping bait to see if anyone bites. After watching various people like yourself come and go....you fit that profile. It's not like it's just me and my paranoid schizophrenia.....several here have made the same conclusions. Guess we should all check in to the schizo ward.
Finally.....what the fuck is a "Dank" meme??
It's hard to keep up with all the new made up words.
Thanks for the heads up on the raid though....you'll know your at the right place
when you see my dog licking his nuts on the doormat
Quoted for posterity.

This is pretty fucked up @LuckyDuck

Threatening someone with an LE raid for, what? Saying something you don’t like on a public forum? 🤦‍♂️ If you are a Fed, you’re about to get fired. And likely sued by your own agency’s IG for threatening someone’s Constitutional rights to due process. You do know there are several former and current high ranking military, DoD, and DoJ members on this forum, right? Not to mention the actual LE and OGA police reps.

Sweet Jeebus…. What a maroon.
You're also better than this nonsense. Nonsensical accusations thrown at me warrant nonsensical responses to point out the ridiculousness of said group mindset. Tell me- how long does it need to be before the Fed's "don't" kick in a door for that poster before anyone taking issue here today will respond back and publicly admit that "yeah, that didn't happen" and coincidently have to agree "maybe he's not the USA's most secret government infiltrator and maybe our 'glowie' meter needs recalibrated?

I'm going to say... pretty fair guess is never gonna happen.

If you're going to sling mud be prepared for someone to at least say that's exactly what you're doing if not sling the same mud back. Again, come on man, you're smarter than that post. Do better.

If someone is dissatisfied with their fast food wage then he can look for better work. Go to school, learn a trade, join a labor union, make good money.

I once dealt with an individual who went to trade school while living out of his car and became an electrician. The school placed him in a company starting $30/hr and that was 20 years ago. I have dozens of success stories like that. The way out of poverty is trade school.

In CA illegal aliens have sucked up all the entry level jobs. I don’t care about them wanting a living wage. If they can’t make it on what the market pays then they are welcome to go back to where they came from.
"Marxists don’t subsidize anything. They steal everything and give a subsistence allowance."

You just explained our current taxation policy. <drop mic>

No. Go ahead and pick up your microphone. You continue to show your profound ignorance on which you have chosen to opine. Our system can best be described as progressive taxation. That, while it can be argued as punitive, is nowhere near the policies of Marxism. Being allowed to even decide to strive and succeed financially even against the anchor of increasing taxes is vastly different than Marxism. It can be rightfully argued that progressive taxation is unfair, it still isn’t as unfair as denying the average human to work and spend the majority of their lives productive while they provide goods, services and jobs for others and be compensated for it as the market decides is fair.
That's some funny shit right there. I'll respond to both your posts purely for the entertainment value. I'm open to all sorts of spirited debate and differing opinions( except that homo shit they teach ya'll at FLETC). I've actually changed my opinions on some things based on insight gathered from folks here on the hide. I realize your 20 year old Alphabet agency cadet t-shirts mean more than my opinion, BUT.....I don't think that's why you are here. Honestly, I don't know what kind of valuable intel a fed could gather here. Looking for anti government sentiment?? Go swing a dead cat and you'll hit sombody thats sick of the shit show in D.C. Sick of being a tax slave to fund pedos and tyrants. Yet....they come....snifing around...dropping bait to see if anyone bites. After watching various people like yourself come and go....you fit that profile. It's not like it's just me and my paranoid schizophrenia.....several here have made the same conclusions. Guess we should all check in to the schizo ward.
Finally.....what the fuck is a "Dank" meme??
It's hard to keep up with all the new made up words.
Thanks for the heads up on the raid though....you'll know your at the right place
when you see my dog licking his nuts on the doormat View attachment 8448602

This has been entertaining for me but given your own logic, you 'glow' harder than anything that I've ever posted here. I'm losing interest with this discussion though so please don't let me stop you from diddling yourself amongst your friends but I'm going to have to part ways for now and leave you to your own devices and bid you farewell from further engagement. Don't forget to clock in your OT, lol.

Dear CuckyDuck and CharlieMangler,
You weren't showing up in my news feed at all, until everyone started quoting you.
Now, instead of actual news, I have an endless stream of one sided conversations, arguing with voiceless entities.
Its common courtesy to not debate argue and generally be a vapid cunt, in the Portajohn thread.
Please feel free to start your own thread on these pet subjects....somewhere else in the Pit.
I promise, ill act as if I can't see them...cause I can't.

Fuck Right Off Somewhere Else
If someone is dissatisfied with their fast food wage then he can look for better work. Go to school, learn a trade, join a labor union, make good money.

I once dealt with an individual who went to trade school while living out of his car and became an electrician. The school placed him in a company starting $30/hr and that was 20 years ago. I have dozens of success stories like that. The way out of poverty is trade school.

In CA illegal aliens have sucked up all the entry level jobs. I don’t care about them wanting a living wage. If they can’t make it on what the market pays then they are welcome to go back to where they came from.
I really don't disagree with that. But you're ignoring that going to school costs money. It requires capitol that these employees don't have because you can put 4 of them together in a 2 bedroom apartment and they still can't afford rent and groceries. BUT, they can go on Section 8 and have the government provide them with housing.

One of the elements I likely haven't hit on, is the absence of hope presently. And it's not Biden's fault (although he hasn't helped) but rather decades of systematic political opinions at the federal level from both political parties and 24/7 media narratives since likely the Vietnam War (so what's that 60 years now?)

I've got buddies in trades, several of which have 20 years in HVAC as an example. One bought a townhouse 15 years ago, another one got into commercial HVAC and bought his first house.. 20 years ago if I were to guess, the third one... This fella for 20 years that now jumped into all elements of HVAC moved several times across several states and has more knowledge and experience than the other two but his wages have been suppressed and homeownership has not been an option despite his efforts and career moves. He's likely capped at this point in his profession (and a skilled profession at that) salary wise and the cost of houses keeps skyrocketing (in my personal opinion because they became an investment commodity and we allowed corporations and foreign investment companies to swoop in and steal that from about half of our citizens)

The other two in this example- despite the increase in their properties, they too haven't seen their salaries meet the increased cost of living. So while their properties have appreciated, so too have their daily expenses and annual taxes. So they're both stuck in growing their lifestyles/households (even though we aren't in a declared recession) because they too are fucked even though they technically own property compared to the 3rd fella.

All I'm arguing is this is not a sustainable model and this is not an example of a healthy economy. Yet this opinion is met with tremendous trepidation from a small and select number of posters here. And they'd have you believe that "I'm" the agitator for pointing this disparity out. Again, not trying to be rude but once again, NIMBY on parade with those folks.

Dear CuckyDuck and CharlieMangler,
You weren't showing up in my news feed at all, until everyone started quoting you.
Now, instead of actual news, I have an endless stream of one sided conversations, arguing with voiceless entities.
Its common courtesy to not debate argue and generally be a vapid cunt, in the Portajohn thread.
Please feel free to start your own thread on these pet subjects....somewhere else in the Pit.
I promise, ill act as if I can't see them...cause I can't.

Fuck Right Off Somewhere Else
Dear @armorpl8chikn,

I was so happy to receive a response from you. I hope that this finds you well. It warms my heart to know that you're thinking of me and hope that it does the same to know that I think about you warmly as well.

I read your comment and thought long and hard of your humble suggestion about starting a new thread outside of the PortaJohn. Unfortunately I had to conclude that by doing so would be against the direction of the mods here so I hope you understand that I cannot acquiesce with your request but I sincerely hope that you understand that I greatly appreciated the suggestion and didn't take it lightly.

I understand that you believe yourself to be very important and I have to agree that your assumption is likely correct! Please don't allow my inability to comply with your request as an insult but if I may offer a humble suggestion, I've enclosed a simple request as an alternative so that your experience here is not impacted.


I wish you the best and honestly wish you the best 4th of July celebration next Thursday. I'm certain that a member as esteemed as you and at the ripe old age of 55 certainly understands and will celebrate the importance of the upcoming holiday and not be distracted by trivial matters such as making sure you have enough hot dogs or hamburgers am I right?

Best of luck to you!

No. Go ahead and pick up your microphone. You continue to show your profound ignorance on which you have chosen to opine. Our system can best be described as progressive taxation. That, while it can be argued as punitive, is nowhere near the policies of Marxism. Being allowed to even decide to strive and succeed financially even against the anchor of increasing taxes is vastly different than Marxism. It can be rightfully argued that progressive taxation is unfair, it still isn’t as unfair as denying the average human to work and spend the majority of their lives productive while they provide goods, services and jobs for others and be compensated for it as the market decides is fair.
Nah- I'm good. Love your posts here otherwise but on this topic...you've already contradicted yourself and (I know you don't see how you did it) I likely can never convince of such. You're so close though but your understanding of the "market" is falsely inflated and there's nothing that I can say to convince you otherwise.

And that's ok too- just one difference of opinion where we align with over 100 other opinions. We (not you and me in particular) need to focus on those overwhelming similarities rather than minute differences/disagreements but in order to do so we need to acknowledge we have to first overcome decades of propaganda aimed at keeping us fighting amongst like minded people.

I really don't disagree with that. But you're ignoring that going to school costs money. It requires capitol that these employees don't have because you can put 4 of them together in a 2 bedroom apartment and they still can't afford rent and groceries. BUT, they can go on Section 8 and have the government provide them with housing.

One of the elements I likely haven't hit on, is the absence of hope presently. And it's not Biden's fault (although he hasn't helped) but rather decades of systematic political opinions at the federal level from both political parties and 24/7 media narratives since likely the Vietnam War (so what's that 60 years now?)

I've got buddies in trades, several of which have 20 years in HVAC as an example. One bought a townhouse 15 years ago, another one got into commercial HVAC and bought his first house.. 20 years ago if I were to guess, the third one... This fella for 20 years that now jumped into all elements of HVAC moved several times across several states and has more knowledge and experience than the other two but his wages have been suppressed and homeownership has not been an option despite his efforts and career moves. He's likely capped at this point in his profession (and a skilled profession at that) salary wise and the cost of houses keeps skyrocketing (in my personal opinion because they became an investment commodity and we allowed corporations and foreign investment companies to swoop in and steal that from about half of our citizens)

The other two in this example- despite the increase in their properties, they too haven't seen their salaries meet the increased cost of living. So while their properties have appreciated, so too have their daily expenses and annual taxes. So they're both stuck in growing their lifestyles/households (even though we aren't in a declared recession) because they too are fucked even though they technically own property compared to the 3rd fella.

All I'm arguing is this is not a sustainable model and this is not an example of a healthy economy. Yet this opinion is met with tremendous trepidation from a small and select number of posters here. And they'd have you believe that "I'm" the agitator for pointing this disparity out. Again, not trying to be rude but once again, NIMBY on parade with those folks.


These trade schools have financial aid offices and a guy can get everything covered pretty easily. You don’t have to start paying back the loan until 6 months after you graduate and trade school isn’t all that expensive to begin with. The tuition is a non issue given the kind of money you’re making after.

Unless you’re stupid and can’t learn the skills. So then we arrive at the crux of the issue: these people are in the spot they’re in because they’re stupid or lazy or both. Why should we have to pay for them?
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Anecdotal story about not making enough to afford a home.

In the '90s I flew people into and out of Aspen, Colorado. They were 30 seat turboprops and pre-911, so you got to interact with the passengers more, not always a bad thing.

There was a guy that had ridden on my airplane a few times. He told us he was a dentist. I forget what part of the country he was originally from, that was where he would travel to and from. The fun thing was, he also told us that he only lived in Aspen because he had over a $700,000 annual subsidy for housing, in addition to any earnings from his practice.

The subsidy was provided because there would otherwise be no dentist available in Aspen.

Can we get back the normal portajohn programming, please?
These trade schools have financial aid offices and a guy can get everything covered pretty easily. You don’t have to start paying back the loan until 6 months after you graduate and trade school isn’t all that expensive to begin with. The tuition is a non issue given the kind of money you’re making after.

Unless you’re stupid and can’t learn the skills. So then we arrive at the crux of the issue: these people are in the spot they’re in because they’re stupid or lazy or both. Why should we have to pay for them?
Let's project an absolute utopia where everyone holds said skilled opportunities, and let's even throw out the cost of folks pursing said education. WHO is going to staff the fast-food restaurants, WHO is going to work retail, WHO is going to stock shelves at your local Lowes/Home Depot, etc etc?

You have to understand that you live in a society, and when industries break down, the proverbial machine breaks down right?


Is Dildo Lover at it again?

That means he is FBI.

Trannies love dildos.

LD? No,


Dildo Lover
Haven't you already, and dramatically for that matter, pontificated (and with great pride I might add) that you were putting me on ignore? Didn't I PM you months ago with an olive branch offer too? Please have enough self respect to stick to your guns at least. You do understand by you responding to me tonight makes you a hypocrite every time you post a response or a meme about our politicians being fickle as that's exactly what your present response represents. You're a glory whore making posts for the likes and when the opportunity presents, you completely reverse everything you previously said trying to solicit more 'likes'.

And this behavior separates you from our current politicians how again? Don't bother answering that question, I already know you don't have a leg to stand on.

Anecdotal story about not making enough to afford a home.

In the '90s I flew people into and out of Aspen, Colorado. They were 30 seat turboprops and pre-911, so you got to interact with the passengers more, not always a bad thing.

There was a guy that had ridden on my airplane a few times. He told us he was a dentist. I forget what part of the country he was originally from, that was where he would travel to and from. The fun thing was, he also told us that he only lived in Aspen because he had over a $700,000 annual subsidy for housing, in addition to any earnings from his practice.

The subsidy was provided because there would otherwise be no dentist available in Aspen.

Can we get back the normal portajohn programming, please?
"Can we get back the normal portajohn programming, please?"

I can agree with that. My apologies to everyone else here for the sidebar/dick measuring rant that occurred in which I got sucked into participating in. But yes- @anon is correct, let's get back to the regularly scheduled programming.

Fuck Right Off Somewhere Else
Did we just witness the birth of a new, Pit-specific acronym, like ASGH? If so, well done, sir! Go ahead and award yourself an Orwell (I would, but I'd just be stealing the idea from you).
On the other hand, maybe it already exists elsewhere and I'm just too behind the social media trends to recognize it? Sure wouldn't be the first time. But, I did Google it and only came up with recipes for Frose', apparently some kind of frozen wine cooler drink I had also never heard of. So, I think you're in the clear - all yours.
Now to get it trending...
NAFTA? Talk about being clueless.
It started a hundred years before NAFTA but the finishing touch was The Great Society Act.
Capitalism worked until government interfered and government didn't do their job with securing the border.
Bleeding heart liberals invite Marxist to abuse because the Marxist offers the feel good solution with a hidden agenda.

Haven't you already, and dramatically for that matter, pontificated (and with great pride I might add) that you were putting me on ignore? Didn't I PM you months ago with an olive branch offer too? Please have enough self respect to stick to your guns at least. You do understand by you responding to me tonight makes you a hypocrite every time you post a response or a meme about our politicians being fickle as that's exactly what your present response represents. You're a glory whore making posts for the likes and when the opportunity presents, you completely reverse everything you previously said trying to solicit more 'likes'.

And this behavior separates you from our current politicians how again? Don't bother answering that question, I already know you don't have a leg to stand on.

I'm dead dude.....😂

On the other hand, LD/DL isn't even a real glowie. He probably goes from forum to forum acting like this till he gets banned. He's so bad that the real agencies don't even want him in their ranks....and that's saying a lot these days.


I'm dead dude.....😂

On the other hand, LD/DL isn't even a real glowie. He probably goes from forum to forum acting like this till he gets banned. He's so bad that the real agencies don't even want him in their ranks....and that's saying a lot these days.


Meh, just another fat kid with skittles breath in the basement bouncing between gun forums and porn sites. But hey, I'm not here to judge.
You go ahead and keep your blinds open waiting for the upcoming 'no knock' warrant you signed up for by engaging with me, meanwhile I'll continue to exchange meme's and opinions with folks here that contribute a bit more than trademark paranoid schizophrenic tendencies. You do you Chief.
You picked a fucking great place to try to pull this shit...