

... and a Grizzly sow tearing you to shreds when she feels her cubs threatened is just the result of the evil patriarchy. Sure

One of my dogs was attacked by a Whitetail doe during the time when deer give birth. He could out-turn her but there are plenty of videos of dogs getting stomped badly by a friggin deer.

ETA we just came across the same doe about 6 weeks later. Completely different reaction. She high-tailed as fast as she could.(The fawns are pretty much on their own now).
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And they did that why ?

He’s the weaker of the two candidates. He isn’t going to challenge Russia, on anything.

What a bunch of bullshit.

Hex and pox on anyone dumb enough to even remotely think of believing this bullshit…..

Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most.


Checking up on his cold? Or looking for effects of the cocktail that didn't work?
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