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so we can stop sending our own money?

lady and her husband moved to texas and asked to be removed from the az voter roles.
now she finds out her ballot was already submitted by somebody...

How is it that these people in positions of local influence trend toward the same physiological pattern? Or am I the only one who notices.

What kind of judge would allow this?

…the kind that work with this psychopath; you can literally see the crazy in her eyes.


And looking at it now, wondering if she’s actually on of those skin-walker lizard people, LoL. 😝 Something’s just not right…

What would have happened if he said something like, "I would like several ballots to cast more than one vote for Kamala because I identify as a poly-gender voter with more than one personality."

On the other hand, what would they have done if he was asking to vote like he did in the video but wearing a "Trump 2024" t-shirt and complimentary MAGA hat?