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When does the “knob gobbler” photo come out? 😡

I am content with whatever they call me, because what they think of me is completely out of my control. However, do something to me and my fellows to harm us in any way, and I damn sure will make it as costly, horrific, and debilitating to them to get each one of us as I possibly can. Our lines in the sand are right here in alignment with our Republic's values. We are going nowhere. We are not retreating. And we will not yield any more of what the Founders had won with so much sacrifice.

..."I swear before this company, that I shall fight to the death for my King. And if my King shall be struck down, I will take his place, and fight as he would have fought. And if any man here today sees me taken with weak heart and run away, he shall remind me of this pledge made here before my kin"...

-Anglo Saxon 'Mead Oath'. A pledge made by every soldier before every battle.
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To me, this kinda proves once again 2020 was stolen. Because PJ's crowds were about the size of small office party and they're holding this against DJT. I'm not going to be 1 bit shocked when Kamala is installed as new fake president. I pray that not be the case; but I think they've now got full control.

Some guys from the hood with a repo truck needs to take that thing away, and then issue instructions on how to get it back if they want it back, after paying ridiculous fees. Shit like this needs to hurt, and only then will they think twice about chasing clout like they are doing. They stole a whole election, so what's a bit of extortion compared to that?

BTW I was two blocks away from the rally. Went there to hang out for a bit after I was done at work. Tickets sold out early. Literally as soon as it was announced. The entire several block circle was full of wholesome Patriots and I am literally hoarse now from having SO much awesome conversations with everybody just in this tiny sector of a huge area. It is definitely not a NYC atmosphere here but a real small town USA feel. It was orderly, civil, and family friendly to the max, just like Tea Party.