The issue is MDT doesn't have a bag rider at all out of the box, or an OEM version either. There are many aftermarket options but they all vary in dimensions. But, everyone has different needs of course.@NiteQwill I don´t get it why people moan about the ACC Elite Bag Rider. The only difference to the Vision or MPA one is that you can´t adjust the height on the MDT one. I´ve never felt that i need one that is adjustable and that i would benefited from it.
I´m just curious to know, because i feel that people constantly brag about the BagRider on the ACC Elite is Bad or whatever.
People want different things or need this and that, which is fine. To each his own.
After using only a Oryx Chassis for the last 2 Years or so the ACC Elite was a big step up and i like that it is flexible in terms of adjustment for anyones needs.
Bought a Foundation Centurion a week ago, on which i set the height of the Cheek Piece, added weight to it and done.
Works as good as a Chassis for me and i don´t feel like i am missing something of the many bits and pieces from the Chassis, be it ergonomics, the thumb rest or whatever.
I have all of the above. So, to me, refined small areas (like a bag rider) is important to me. At the end of the day, I shoot a Foundation, MDT, Manners, etc. all the same. I doubt it will be any different with the Vision Pro.