Precision em!!

yes sir, I pick around a bit. got an old '84 les paul custom and a 1937 martin d28 replica.
Nice! Same... I collect "vintage" tube amps (90's music equipment is now considered that... Damn I feel old...🤦🏼)...Typically Mesa Rectifiers, Marshalls, but have a nice first year production Blackstar Series 1 100w head and matching cab, too. Some I've had since new, some are recently additions now that I'm no longer a Poor.

Hang onto that old Gibby, those things are going up ridiculously in value. I've been wanting a 69 LP for a long time, but the prices are too high now. No way in hell I'd pay $20+K for a guitar. Amps is already an expensive enough hobby, because most people selling them know there's something wrong with them, and then rip you off, because they're too cheap to send it to Mesa to get it fixed, so they just dump it off on someone else for current market value.

I like to get them for a good enough price to comp the cost of repairs, buy it, send it in & get Mike B. to fix it, then you have an amp worth what you have invested in it, and better than when you first got it. Hell, I just fixed a pretty rare one myself this week. I've always soldered, but never soldered a PC board before, but I fixed it, and it works perfectly now. All it needed was 2x $0.20 each high-end metal oxide 1K 2W resistors soldered in to replace the 2 burnt-out ones. 15 minute job saved about $500 on the amp value alone + whatever repairs would cost (guessing another $250 or so). LOL
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Hard to go wrong though with just black - you’re always gonna have a black scope and bipod, and it gives it those classic 2005 snipershide build looks.
He might but not always.

Limited edition no dye atlas cal from a few years ago (same timeline as the supercal being introduced). Thanks @Kasey
Nice! Same... I collect "vintage" tube amps (90's music equipment is now considered th[thread_id]=6252617&hash=865d5a59a5b977974709f54e38a3b7fdat... Damn I feel old...🤦🏼)...Typically Mesa Rectifiers, Marshalls, but have a nice first year production Blackstar Series 1 100w head and matching cab, too. Some I've had since new, some are recently additions now that I'm no longer a Poor.

Hang onto that old Gibby, those things are going up ridiculously in value. I've been wanting a 69 LP for a long time, but the prices are too high now. No way in hell I'd pay $20+K for a guitar. Amps is already an expensive enough hobby, because most people selling them know there's something wrong with them, and then rip you off, because they're too cheap to send it to Mesa to get it fixed, so they just dump it off on someone else for current market value.

I like to get them for a good enough price to comp the cost of repairs, buy it, send it in & get Mike B. to fix it, then you have an amp worth what you have invested in it, and better than when you first got it. Hell, I just fixed a pretty rare one myself this week. I've always soldered, but never soldered a PC board before, but I fixed it, and it works perfectly now. All it needed was 2x $0.20 each high-end metal oxide 1K 2W resistors soldered in to replace the 2 burnt-out ones. 15 minute job saved about $500 on the amp value alone + whatever repairs would cost (guessing another $250 or so). LOL
I didn't think about me being so old that shit from my childhood is now collectable, so thanks for that.
also, did we just become best friends?
but yeah you're so right, something about that "vintage" technology sounded so right.
The LP was from my grand pappy who owned a furniture store in a small town and the guitar was his present to himself one year. he died a few days before I was born and left it to mom(me). I began playing very young to my mother's surprise. no idea how many thousands of hours I've put on them instruments...
and I still suck.