Precision em!!

28” Criterion 1:8 twist Remage
PA Hypertap
Trued REM 700 w/ PTG Bolt
Vortex Viper Gen II FFP 5-25x50 MRAD
MPA BA Mount
Nightforce 20MOA Rail
Taking it out to Raton range next weekend. Will update with groups and such.
Spent 8 hours shooting at NRAWC today. The ELR course was closed due to Turkey season in that canyon but we got access to the private Cooper range and we had a blast shooting the 1000, 1333, and 1550 yard steel targets. Rules were you had to hit each target 3 times before moving to the next. Gonna do it again tomorrow. No groups to show you all as we don’t have any type of scope or spotting scope attachments to record it.
Visit the NRAWC in Raton, NM. Great place to send it!
308, I'm behind the curve. Might upgrade the action after this season finishes. Currently a Howa 1500 action. All of the PRS matches I shoot are out to a 650 yd max, but I'm moving towards the end of the year and matches where I will be going are out to 1k. Budget is a little tight this year with a house purchase so I might order a zermatt action or something towards the end of the year to get in 2024.
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