Putting the truck together as a station was an effort but it has paid off over an over. It's an older truck but is my do all, e-comms, range, work, play, ect. After I put the fiberglass camper shell on, Went to mount a CB style spring mount to holed the Ham-Sticks, but did not like the fact it would be mounted to the fiberglass w/o a ground. Thinking about it, took my pocket meter to Lowes an Ohm-ed the foil duct tape. The cheapest one was the best so I got 3 rolls then went to find bare copper wire. They had spools of 18gauge so get two of those an headed home. Took the copper an hooked it to the single reporting radio ground an used the foil tape to hold it in place on the inside of the shell. Found I could span 8" before the Ohm meter read 0.01 resistance so now the whole underside of the shell is lined with the wire an foil. Mounted the ant base an then made it report to the single ground as well. Installed a MFJ 1979 an turned the 480 to 20 meters. the ant in on the left side on the shell about 12" back from the front of the shell an about 6-8" above the truck bed. Checked tune an it is a flat 1-1 from about 13.854 to 15.252 I was shocked to say the least. Turned the power to 50 watts an keyed up in a QSO was listening to get get a check an one guy was in Calf. the other in Montana. They both came back saying a 5x5 to a 5x7. They seem to be interested in the set up so turned on the amp, set it to max an keyed up again now it was 5X9 an 5X9 with 15 over. To say I was happy was an understatement to say the least. The added ground plain made a huge difference to the trucks ability. Also carry a grounding plate with wire that I throw into local ponds/lake that adds as well. Most of the good remote parking spots have water near by. At the local range there is a stream that you have to cross over that work very well also. The range is in a valley but the Ham sticks work well that low of a AGL an get a lot of NVIS effect which is perfect for e-comms plus the 20meter set up has lots of reach for nation wide info.
The truck has been used many times for local group/s(alike thinkers) E-com training (none ARES/RACES)an from parked to full operation on 70cm, 1.25, 2, 20, 40, 60 & 80 meters only takes 15 minutes total, which includes the Honda running if required. I made a antenna head the holds 6 ham sticks (3 band dipoles) that works perfect just like a fan di-pole. It sets at about 20-28' agl on military fiberglass poles the MFJ 1979 is mounted into the CB mount, an the antenna for 70cm -2 meters is a mag mount the sets in a pizza pan at 18' agl. Run a VX6R on that antenna an carry 2-3 baofeng BF-F9V2+ w/ pryme AL 800 antennas to mon all UHF freqs used. Also have a lap top an Signalink to send digital or SS/FS TV if needed with a digital camera to send photos if required. The 500watt amp was installed just for the SS/FS TV but I have found other uses for it at times as well. I also carry a portable 1/2wave 80 meter NVIS set up w/ reflector wire if mother-nature really wants to play. With that setup an 500watts I've never had issue to a 125-150 mile radius to date in the worst she as thrown at me. I would really like to find a 4X4 van some day an move all the gear into it, as I think the added space would allow for more interesting items to be played with as well as enhance some endeavors, I see coming down the road.