I quit Aug 12, 2016 after 35 years, I tried all the tricks, chantix, patches, gum. What finally bought me to quit is HATRED, absolute hatred is a great motivator, I hate Obama, he was head of the Government I hate with all my heart and sole. That mother fuker taxed my ciggs, he made money off me smoking, so every time i voluntarily smoked a cigarette that marxist mother fuker was taking 20 cents from me and using it to fund an all powerful machine that is slowly but progressively enslaving me and my fellow citizens. Then the bitch Hilary was looking like she would win the election so that would mean civil war. In a civil war I would have to get in better shape to destroy all the communists I can.This meant I needed to cut funding to my enemies, Hilary, Obama, the unconstitutional federal government, which is about 95% of it, and start getting in fighting shape. Well, since the election, I realize how right I was with all the melt downs and the attacks on Trump and our Constitution, I am continuing to defund the enemy, get in shape and staying ready to destroy all communist enemies of my country. You never know how far these leftists will go to get rid of trump, and take control of DC and the federal apparatchiks, civil war could start suddenly, stay ready my friends. Every time I think about smoking I buy 100 pieces of brass or an 8 lb jug of powder. Quitting for freedom is what I call it. Hatred is a great motivator, dont under estimate your enemies, they want to enslave you and your kids, stay ready at all times. Turning Butts into Bullets program for quitting by ArmyJerry.
PS, every time you light up, the government buys 4 bullets to enslave you, quit for all our benefit.
PPS, Chantix did mess with me mentally, a little, wuld not recommend to others because of that. Hatred is a better path to quiting,