First, I sincerely appreciate all the encouragement and support from the folks who have mentioned us on this thread. I am very flattered, to say the least.
Now, down to business.
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The DBM setup LRI is making was born out of necessity. There are issues I've encountered for a number of years that annoyed the hell out of me.
1. A DBM with a bit of elegance to hopefully appeal to the sporting community.
2. AI magazine compliance* (rant to follow)

3. Obendorf style latch for hunting applications (goes in/out of a scabbard, vehicle, case easily)
4. Lightweight
5. Crowned trigger guard with hips. -an attempt at a respectful nod to how guns used to be made.
6. Full support to gunsmiths and end-users. (more on that in a minute)
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AI set a standard with magazines that began almost two decades ago. When you look at any attempt at a "sporter" DBM what do you find? You find a corner that you become boxed into the moment you get your wallet out. Now, you are locked into the magazine configuration they offer. The stuff you've already spent thousands of dollars on has no use. It's a big reset button and you have to start all over again. Then add insult to injury when you later learn that the magazines are almost always poorly made. Rubber O rings and other things to bandaid problems that shouldn't exist to begin with.
I am of the opinion that this approach is both dumb and stupid from a manufacturer's standpoint.
It doesn't take a 30 round magazine to go shoot a deer or an elk. -Least it shouldn't. Hunting guns demand some compromise to suit the task as a whole. ( A light gun that's easy to shoot and built to deliver good accuracy from a cold bore shot.) That's really all it has to do. Now, that said, it is nice to not have to destroy your thumbs loading (3 round) magazines at the range when you just want to go shooting or while working up a load. That is where this trinket I'm making starts to get a little traction. Grab some (AI, ARC, Alpha, Accurate) 10 rounders and go to the range.
Our floor metal works with all of them.
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So, OP, at this point it might be a good time to review your setup and make sure I'm the right guy for your project and your application.
The next facet of this project that I wanted to work on was the "after purchase" side of things. A big company has been the dominant force in this particular product for a long, long time. YET, the best you get from them when it comes to fitting the thing is either a photocopy void of any meaningful dimensions or a telephone call where the person on the phone says, "send it to us and we'll do it for "x" amount of dollars.
LRI supports the product for both
gunsmiths and
end-users. Anyone can go to the product listing and download prints, setup sheets, tool packages, AND the
ACTUAL CODE that we use to fit the parts to the stock. You may have to change a bit of the syntax to suit your machine, but the meat and potatoes of the process are lined out in detail.
I've been on a crusade for the last 15+ years to change this side of the industry. When I can go to McMaster Carr's website and download a Solid Works Part file of a bolt, screw, pump, assembly, whatever, then we should be able to do it here as well.
the days of being treated as though I'm asking for access to National Security matters needs to die a quick and painful death. It is just a floormetal. . .
You can find more on our stuff here:
Anyone who has used or fitted a detachable magazine setup on a rifle has inevitably run into the situation where a particular brand of magazine doesn't work. The problem is there is no standard. No hall of records where you anoint yourself in Hoppes and pay homage to gain the magic answer. We...