Just ordered a RPR in 6 Creedmoor (got a great deal). I'm going to rebarrel it immediately to 6.5 Creedmoor, as I prefer the added barrel life, increased energy for hunting, and saving money on buying duplicate reloading components if I were to shoot the 6 CM barrel out before buying a match barrel in 6.5.
I've read through the first few pages of this thread, but haven't been able to read all 64 yet

. Any suggestions on which barrel manufacturer to go with for the rebarrel? I've seen that there are a lot of reputable people making barrels for the RPR. Are there any that outshine the rest? I'm going to sell the factory barrel to offset some of the costs. Is there much of a difference in a $300 replacement barrel vs a $500 replacement barrel?
I have a really good smith who I would trust to do the chamber job, if need be. Any advantage to going this route over a pre-fit barrel?
Pretty sure I'll stick with the standard factory length of 24". Any reason to do anything different?
Thanks for the help.