I have never seen or believed the whole "i saw a ufo" thing...at least until today. I was taking the kids outside at 6:30am to load them in the truck for the ride to school. One of my twin girls (5 years old) said" look daddy an airplane". I just blew it off and said "thats great". Then she hits me with this "I didnt know airplanes can fly backwards". That got my attention I looked up. There was a bright dot moving across the sky from NE to SE however there were no flashing marker lights which seemed odd. Then the damned thing freakimg STOPPED and then backed up a rather significant distance before.moving forward again. I ran back into the house an grabbed my vortex binoculars, once I found it I noticed there were actually 3 objects flying in a triangular pattern, the two smaller objects were more faint and not visible by the naked eye. I tried zooming but all I could see were the bright lights. It was truly bizarre. North Central WV btw The cell pic I took just shows a bright dot