Shooter was Yernick not Crooks. Why they scrub both social media?

Crooks was NOT tall (relatively). Look at his gait.

This guy was tall. Totally different gait. This guy has his shoulders back when he walks, Crooks doesn't (lacks self confidence).
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Look how tall this guy is.
Look at his gatit vs. above.
Really late puberty? NOT.

Its only in the still shot/thumbnail - but the tattoo is there.

A Secret Service sniper and a local SWAT officer finally shot Thomas Matthew Crooks after he took several shots at Trump and rallygoers.

So saw another video, about parents calling cops that AR & son were both missing the day of the shooting. Why was that "special"?

Like you didn't notice it the other 43 times he took your AR15 to the gun range?

He was worried they could get pulled into his web like the other shooter's parents (Ethan's)?

And what's up with the house being totally spotless, without even any trash in the trash cans or silverware? How do I get them to do the Crooks' residence treatment to my house?
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wrap around tattoo across half his entire elbow. How can you not see that? This is the back portion wrapped from the front.
Same thing on his walking picture... some sort of dragon tattoo wrapping around his right elbow.. This is the front portion wrapping around back... Somebody said that earlier zoom image of him sitting or something was mirror image reversed. So, right elbow.
Screenshot from 2024-08-21 19-07-28.png
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The dead guy is Crooks. The tiny point on his right ear, tell ya that...
Yearick had the white van with Arizona plates. Where inside the drone used to fly over the rally, and a couple of explosives were found.
Yearick family ownes Yearick Armory in Arizona, where machineguns and explosives can be did some drone building.
The original Yearick owner,...his father, retired from the business, I believe moved from Arizona to S Carolina, If I remember correctly, and the kid reportedly hung out there occasionally...that van with the explosives and drone inside discovered by tracking dogs, and cops at the rally near the water tower....but the dogs were tracking Crooks's scent... They seem to come together here!
And Crooks did not drive both vehicles simultaneously.
Which means they are connected.
...Both vehicles were at the rally, Yearick's van and Crooks small car...Both contained the explosives, that could be remotely detonated. Crooks had one remote detonater in possession on the roof...according to police.
Information shows, Yearick has been a "professional protester", mostly...
He has disappeared....
Yearick is more muscular, with arm tat, that's probably him walking around with the same t-shirt and dress.
Since Yearick has disappeared and the family knows nothing...
Theroy....I believe, Yearick to be a government operative and known professional protester, no one is looking for him, and the government is not interested in finding him...Ray Epps? The Pipe Bomber?
Case closed... a metally ill, lone gunman.
Except everyone knows it was a government involved assination attempt.
Crooks, practiced shooting skills, at Homeland Security shared shooting range... 43 times Crooks signed in, and the day before the assination attempt, signed in as Tom Crooks, and had a shooting partner, (government handler) on a few occasions, on the rifle and pistol shooting ranges. Plus casing out the Butler rally area in advance quite a few times.


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So, you are going to ignore the clearly visible arm tattoo on the roof body?
I don't ignore any clues, I've never seen a tattoo on the dead guy on the roof. I do see blood and dirt on the right arm...and in another photo it looks more like a tattoo...maybe, the first time I've seen that one. One could get identical tats as his buddy....but a pointy ear? Yearik ear tops are normal, with messed up bottoms.
But you can't ignore the weird points on Crooks right ear, in all the photos that identify him as Crooks.
The body was immediately cremated, the FBI redacted the autopsy report....if there is nothing to hide, the shooter is dead, case closed, the public, should be able to see the autopsy report. The Kennedy autopsy comes to mind...
According to Clay Higgins firmer cop and now congressman, went to investigate, and was appalled the body had already been cremated. He also said Crooks? Fired 8 shots, local police sniper fired the ninth shot hit tbe buffer tube area on the rifle, sending shrapnel into the shooters face, stopping him, then the 10th shot the SS sniper shot the head of the assassin.
More information...does the rifle on the roof look like it had bullet contact?
Does the shooters face look like a few fragments hit him in the mouth and face?
Just more information...
all of this higher tech analysis is over my head. i and many others have said repeatedly that we are NEVER going to know the truth or the details. i doubt it,but the best we will get is some kind of warren commission white wash. i don't think it was a deep state planned hit. if it were,trump would be dead. i agree with clay martin in that i believe it was a rush job by elements in the fbi and dnc using who/what they had on hand with cooperation by elements in the schutzstaffel. in a way,a poorly planned and executed rushed attempt. how high the plan went in any of the 3 are things that will never be known. they came close. not to say they won't try again. depends on obama,gates and soros decision about what to make the election outcome evolve into.
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Deep state planned, or deep state permitted...absolutely!
The deep state was definitely involved.
The FBI and governor Whitmer kidnapping, scheme. The FBI and J 6th, involvement. Hunters cover up since 2019, 51 intelligence people can't be wrong, signed a statement.
The J 6th pipe bomber turns out to be the DC Metro Police on video.
FBI interference in the election, partnering with big tech, to censor communication.
The Mar A Largo raid on Trump.
Patriots, Christians, moms objecting to school boards...are all terrorists, enemies of the government.
Then Oswald missed Kennedy the first, shot, the 2nd wasn't fatal, but the 3rd head shot was...and he was much closer with a telescopic sight...if one can believe he was even involved, or just a was definitely a CIA operation.
The dead guy is Crooks. The tiny point on his right ear, tell ya that...
Yearick had the white van with Arizona plates. Where inside the drone used to fly over the rally, and a couple of explosives were found.
Yearick family ownes Yearick Armory in Arizona, where machineguns and explosives can be did some drone building.
The original Yearick owner,...his father, retired from the business, I believe moved from Arizona to S Carolina, If I remember correctly, and the kid reportedly hung out there occasionally...that van with the explosives and drone inside discovered by tracking dogs, and cops at the rally near the water tower....but the dogs were tracking Crooks's scent... They seem to come together here!
And Crooks did not drive both vehicles simultaneously.
Which means they are connected.
...Both vehicles were at the rally, Yearick's van and Crooks small car...Both contained the explosives, that could be remotely detonated. Crooks had one remote detonater in possession on the roof...according to police.
Information shows, Yearick has been a "professional protester", mostly...
He has disappeared....
Yearick is more muscular, with arm tat, that's probably him walking around with the same t-shirt and dress.
Since Yearick has disappeared and the family knows nothing...
Theroy....I believe, Yearick to be a government operative and known professional protester, no one is looking for him, and the government is not interested in finding him...Ray Epps? The Pipe Bomber?
Case closed... a metally ill, lone gunman.
Except everyone knows it was a government involved assination attempt.
Crooks, practiced shooting skills, at Homeland Security shared shooting range... 43 times Crooks signed in, and the day before the assination attempt, signed in as Tom Crooks, and had a shooting partner, (government handler) on a few occasions, on the rifle and pistol shooting ranges. Plus casing out the Butler rally area in advance quite a few times.

Nope. Dead guys was not Crooks. Yearick had same ear points, plus lobe differences that could only be from a gauged ear repair.
Sorry, but I have a more complex understanding of facial anatomy than you. Including experience with headshot results.

Benny Johnson remarked that autopsy results have been modified.

Yearick worked for Rothschilds, went to Ukraine to "serve" - likely CIA asset while there. Involved in over 7 ANTIFA protests throughout the country during the summer of love, as well as anti-Trump stuff 2016/17. I don't understand, even after we have seen how much the FBI did to prevent Trump from taking office in 2016, that we even question the role of antifa with the deep state. Yearick operated the drone inside the van because he was the shooter on the roof.
I think Crooks was an FBI asset. They were too familiar with him, and people that smart don't go and work preparing food at nursing homes without a legitimate side gig. They knew he had psychosocial diagnosis, and took advantage of it, groomed him, like they have other mass shooters. Probable SSRI too. Both the Sandy Hook and the Colorado shooters were very smart, and sure shared a family connection and that both of their fathers had been involved in he same SEC trial. Lately of course, they've been taking advantage of the trans community - since they are untouchable by the press. And the FBI is protecting Crook's family with that BS about the parents calling police two hours before stating "our son was missing with the AR". Did they also call the other 43 times that Crooks took the AR to the gun range?

When you look at the gait and the height are the person walking through the rally, versus Crooks graduation walk - it is pretty obvious. Crooks was 5'8" , hunched shoulders showing social awkwardness, where as Yearick was 6'3" and walked with his shoulders upright and confident.
I think the one picture that was taken by local police on the AGR grounds may have actually been Crooks, as he had a lighter hair color than the person walking through the rally. I'm sure they were both on the rally grounds.

But your other connections between Yearick and Crooks are correct.
It would be interesting to see the occupation of his "shooting partner" and whether he was an asset as well. Get on it Tony Seruga!
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Almost looks like this person is being escorted by LE.

I found this on X. I have no idea where this is, when this was taken, or who those people are. Nowadays it's hard to trust what you find online.

However, it does try to paint a certain narrative. I'll let you decide for yourself whatever you think this could be.


Can anybody confirm if the dead shooter on the roof had white shorts? I know he had a light grey shirt, so that's a match. The shorts though, I don't know.
If that's real - that's Crooks not Yearick. Crooks 5'8". Yearick 6'3" wearing black socks. Body on roof had shorts.
Agree! But the body has already been cremated. Blood was washed within 24hrs off the roof.
But today DNA in very tiny quantities can be tested...just a few cells...don't need the body or the blood...His DNA is all over the rifle, the magazine, the cartridges left in the magazine, glasses, clothes, shoes, plus finger prints on the weapon, cartridges, and magazine.
Go back to the roof around roofing nails, there is DNA.
Even on the ground ....water without bleach will not destroy it.
Also just incase your interested, it was against the law, and not protocol for the FBI to hose off the roof with water.
Blood is a toxic environmental contaminate, requiring expensive environmental hazardous material specialist handling companies for removal from the site.
The cops never handle the body or blood.
In this case, Crooks(?) body stayed on the roof all night, waiting for the medical examiners office, arriving at 6 AM.
In my neighborhood a suicide gunshot to the head, the cops never move the body, and are gloved. After the body removal, the hazardous cleanup crews van arrived to remove the blood, brain, and body tissue contaminates....costing the landlord many thousands of dollars.
Notice the cops on the roof never removed the body.
Did not his father go down and identify his sons body? Were no finger prints taken by the medical examiner? DNA in the home match DNA on the rifle, his car, the bombs, and any personal belongings, or devices like phones, and detonator, soft drinks or food packages in the car.
It's that simple.
Law enforcement forensics should already have completed a full investigation...they know who the body on the roof is. They know if these guys are connected. There are fingerprints and DNA all over the van the car, the bombs, gun, cartridge box, the ladder, etc, and still on the roof...
No doubt, "they know"... with absolute certainty...but will they lie, or keep pertinent information from the people...,"they" always do.
  • Haha
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But today DNA in very tiny quantities can be tested...just a few cells...don't need the body or the blood...His DNA is all over the rifle, the magazine, the cartridges left in the magazine, glasses, clothes, shoes, plus finger prints on the weapon, cartridges, and magazine.
Go back to the roof around roofing nails, there is DNA.
Even on the ground ....water without bleach will not destroy it.
Also just incase your interested, it was against the law, and not protocol for the FBI to hose off the roof with water.
Blood is a toxic environmental contaminate, requiring expensive environmental hazardous material specialist handling companies for removal from the site.
The cops never handle the body or blood.
In this case, Crooks(?) body stayed on the roof all night, waiting for the medical examiners office, arriving at 6 AM.
In my neighborhood a suicide gunshot to the head, the cops never move the body, and are gloved. After the body removal, the hazardous cleanup crews van arrived to remove the blood, brain, and body tissue contaminates....costing the landlord many thousands of dollars.
Notice the cops on the roof never removed the body.
Did not his father go down and identify his sons body? Were no finger prints taken by the medical examiner? DNA in the home match DNA on the rifle, his car, the bombs, and any personal belongings, or devices like phones, and detonator, soft drinks or food packages in the car.
It's that simple.
Law enforcement forensics should already have completed a full investigation...they know who the body on the roof is. They know if these guys are connected. There are fingerprints and DNA all over the van the car, the bombs, gun, cartridge box, the ladder, etc, and still on the roof...
No doubt, "they know"... with absolute certainty...but will they lie, or keep pertinent information from the people...,"they" always do.

You put way too much faith in the government.
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In case somebody missed this image from a few pages back.. you can see the tattoo here.
I clearly see a dark blue tattoo on the forearm.

That fucker sure was pale. I initially thought it was because he was dead but in the earlier video showing him walking he looks death white too which made him stand out.
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The government can find people through DNA/ fingerprints, when they want to.
Remember the Las Vegas shooter...they found the guy who handloaded some of his many thousands of rounds in Arizona, and his girlfriend helped load some of the magazines....just to give the impression they were on the case. But everything else fell through...a lone shooter, again...never mind all the questions and time line changes to fit discovered information, the good government liars get permotions.

Or the Whitehouse cocaine baggy...discovered by SS, they know, but delayed, and lied....the email from the former director confirms she wanted the case dropped.
Rumors are, the Cocaine belonged to VP Harris....
Yep, faith ...that the government will cover up it's crimes, royally screw up, start wars, lie, cheat, and steal their way up the power chain.
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If that's real - that's Crooks not Yearick. Crooks 5'8". Yearick 6'3" wearing black socks. Body on roof had shorts.

The data I got on Yearick is he is 37 yrs old 5' 10" born Dec 3 '86....
Not the young guy on the roof. Plus a photo of a large tattoo on the left arm.
The guy walking at the rally doesn't have a large tattoo on his left arm.
Still going with Crooks on the roof until, more credible information comes out.


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Yes, it's precaution for officer safety, like taping over security cameras. Never know when a dead guy is gonna come back to life!
Little bit of this, little bit of only the medical examiner can declare them dead, and cuffing removes officer liability.

My wife has documented bodies with the head half gone, or 3 weeks dead and rotting with ekg and defibrillator leads attached by fire or ems.

This stuff doesn't happen fast, and the secret service has never been a part of a modern shooting.
View attachment 8459778

Almost looks like this person is being escorted by LE.

I found this on X. I have no idea where this is, when this was taken, or who those people are. Nowadays it's hard to trust what you find online.

However, it does try to paint a certain narrative. I'll let you decide for yourself whatever you think this could be.


Can anybody confirm if the dead shooter on the roof had white shorts? I know he had a light grey shirt, so that's a match. The shorts though, I don't know.
Whoever that was in the video walking, he had black socks and is slightly knock knee'd.

This person doesn't appear to be knock knee'd and looks to have shorter legs.

Curious who the big guy is he's walking with, dressed as Security/LE, and has that person ever been ID'd.
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If there were two people Crooks, Yearlik (sic)on the property, which I think there were because of two vehicles, they were both wearing the same ensemble of grey Tshirt, white shorts and black socks and footwear.

Yes, the down-shot photo @AGR was Crooks with strawberry blonde hair, the body on the roof Yearick had much darker hair. And tats.
Yearick large tattoo on "Left arm"..
Crooks no tattoo on "Left arm."
Crooks's right arm has what appears as just a shadow...but the left is in the sun, clearly no big tattoo.
Plus the ears, are totally different, eye brows in Crooks are very thin, facial hair on Crooks is less pronounced.
Plus one is 20 yrs old and one is 37 yrs old.
The patsy would be the young guy, the handler would be the older guy, is my guess.
It has been stated that Crooks forgot to turn the bomb, switchs to ON, so it could receive the signal from the hand held remote detonator, inorder to explode.
Doesn't sound like Crooks, was that knowledgeable about the bombs.
This is definitely a conspiracy to commit murder... so who all is involved, besides the usual suspects?


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Yes, the down-shot photo @AGR was Crooks with strawberry blonde hair, the body on the roof Yearick had much darker hair. And tats.
Along with the SS snipers standing down and not doing their job which included not communicating with local agencies, that takes some CIA level planning and subtrafuge.

CIA and their Dem. Party are like hyenas, masters at creating and exploiting chaos.
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Yearick large tattoo on "Left arm"..
Crooks no tattoo on "Left arm."
Crooks's right arm has what appears as just a shadow...but the left is in the sun, clearly no big tattoo.
Plus the ears, are totally different, eye brows in Crooks are very thin, facial hair on Crooks is less pronounced.
Plus one is 20 yrs old and one is 37 yrs old.
The patsy would be the young guy, the handler would be the older guy, is my guess.
It has been stated that Crooks forgot to turn the bomb, switchs to ON, so it could receive the signal from the hand held remote detonator, inorder to explode.
Doesn't sound like Crooks, was that knowledgeable about the bombs.
This is definitely a conspiracy to commit murder... so who all is involved, besides the usual suspects?

I Think the guy walking through the rally video is Yearick. He was definitely a fed asset, previously with antifa and working in Ukraine prob. CIA. Knowledge of explosives.

Crooks is being the Patsy. I think the picture taken on a roof or window downward is that of Crooks.

Top left is Crooks, also at AGR. I find it very interesting when you first see the body lying on the roof in the photos taken by spectators the body has dark hair and tattoos. You can look at the gait of the rally "walker", very different from Crooks at graduation, and he (Yearick) is taller.
Then they showed an "official" close-up of a headshot with lighter hair much later. I think they have used some filter /photo shopping to change that photo hair color (or peroxide causing blonde streaks), because all the facial features are definitely Yearick, including the ear notching which you see on his thumbnail of "Max Swell" skin "dog-earing" of the left superior neck directly below the ear. There could also very definitely be a second body of Crooks. But unless they did a rhinoplasty on Crooks, it is more likely that they just changed the hair color that photo. I wish more spectator photos will come forward. It also doesn't make sense that one of them was walking swiftly along the rooftops as caught in the victims cell phone video, or is another guy was "bear crawling" on the roof. Same person? Personally, I don't think so. I think Wearick was walking, more likely Crooks crawling on a roof.

Going to point out on many cameras, we see lateral mirror images, especially iPhones easily invert images that makes right look left and left looks right. For example early photos the shot looks to be to the right forehead, but with the lighter hair picture, it looks like a left forehead shot. That looks more like Crooks hair color. So did they filter/Photoshop their hair color, or is it a different body? I think they killed both, but I do believe they used a filter to change the hair color on the roof to match Crooks. Did Crooks ge a rhinoplasty between his graduation in 2018 to present?
It was presented to Congress after the hearing that there are two CS shots made. Supposedly, one round from local PD CS hit the rifle, but you certainly don't see rifle parts or frags in the shots that would suggest that or obvious change in outline if the gun on the roof shots. Why was the rifle so far from the body in the "official" shots, to keep the dead guy already handcuffed from coming back to life and using it again? Who moved it? There is also a different count in the casings initially in one video versus later obviously move to the body.
Is it possible that one CS hit either Crooks or Yearick, and the CS hit the other? Or is that done in a bathroom, as in the AGR bathroom with the one spectator (red shirt) noting a comment he overheard police made about "blood in the bathroom". Red shirt guy was arrested, interrogated by FBI twice, and his cell phone has been confiscated.

Someone made them wear the same outfits, I'm surprised someone forgot to tell one of them to change their hair color.

Zero doubt in role Yearick played. He had a white van with AZ plates that was running the drone, and he also had the explosive experience. Probable CIA asset since he was at Ukraine. He was a political ideolog.

Crooks was a highly intelligent autistic kid on SSRI's that was likely groomed aka MKUltra, Monarch, Mammoth whatever you want to call it project. Who was the shooting partner Crooks went to the range with 9 times, and whom did the cell phone belong to that showed up multiple times in Crook's residence and DC adjacent to FBI buildings?

I hate to tell y'all, but to me the sound of the first three shots is different than the next five. Yes, I do think there are two shooters, I said it. The first was a better shot, that hit Trump, the next set were mch more off. Wasn't there a discrepancy initially also of where the shooter was on th roof?

Someone knows the truth.

Y'all seriously don't think they would manipulate a photo for propaganda purposes? I trust the spectator photos more than any official photos.
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I Think the guy walking through the rally video is Yearick. He was definitely a fat ass it, previously with antifa and working in Ukraine. Knowledge of explosives.

Crooks is being the Patsy. I think the picture taken on a roof or window down word is that of Crooks.

Top left is Crooks, also at AGR. I find it very interesting when you first see the body lying on the roof in the photos taken by spectators the body has dark hair and tattoos.
Then they showed an "official" close-up of a headshot with lighter hair much later. I think they have used some filter /photo shopping to change that photo hair color, because all the facial features are definitely Yearick, including the ear notching which you see on his thumbnail of "Max Swell" skin "dog-earing" the left superior neck directly below the ear.
Going to point out on many cameras, we see lateral mirror images many, especially iPhones easily invert images that makes right look left and left looks right. For example early photos the shot was to the right forehead, but with the lighter hair picture, it looks like a left forehead shot. That looks more like Crooks hair color. You don't think they would take out both assets in the end of the day?
Zero doubt in role Yearick played. He had a white van with easy plates that was running the drone, and he also had the explosive experience.
I hate to tell y'all, but to me the sound of the first three shots is different than the next five. Yes, I do think there are two shooters, I said it. The first was a better shot, probably Yearick tha hit Trump, the second might have been Crooks.
Someone knows the truth

I seriously don't think they would manipulate a photo for propaganda purposes? I trust the spectator photos more than any official photos.
My first and last impression of dead guy is thats Yearick. Darker hair, not lighter, than Crooks, heavier chin and heavier beard stubble. The dead guy pic is of an adult male older than 20 yr. old Crooks.
I Think the guy walking through the rally video is Yearick. He was definitely a fed asset, previously with antifa and working in Ukraine prob. CIA. Knowledge of explosives.

Crooks is being the Patsy. I think the picture taken on a roof or window down word is that of Crooks.

Top left is Crooks, also at AGR. I find it very interesting when you first see the body lying on the roof in the photos taken by spectators the body has dark hair and tattoos. You can look at the gait of the rally "walker", very different from Crooks at graduation, and he (Yearick) is taller.
Then they showed an "official" close-up of a headshot with lighter hair much later. I think they have used some filter /photo shopping to change that photo hair color, because all the facial features are definitely Yearick, including the ear notching which you see on his thumbnail of "Max Swell" skin "dog-earing" of the left superior neck directly below the ear. There could also very definitely be a second body of Crooks. But unless they did a rhinoplasty on Crooks, it is more likely that they just changed the hair color that photo. I wish more spectator photos will come forward. It also doesn't make sense that one of them was walking swiftly along the rooftops as caught in the victims cell phone video, or is another guy was "bear crawling" on the roof. Same person? Personally, I don't think so. I think Wearick was walking, more likely Crooks crawling on a roof.

Going to point out on many cameras, we see lateral mirror images, especially iPhones easily invert images that makes right look left and left looks right. For example early photos the shot looks to be to the right forehead, but with the lighter hair picture, it looks like a left forehead shot. That looks more like Crooks hair color. So did they filter/Photoshop their hair color, or is it a different body? I think they killed both, but I do believe they used a filter to change the hair color on the roof to match Crooks. Did Crooks ge a rhinoplasty between his graduation in 2018 to present?
It was presented to Congress after the hearing that there are two CS shots made. Supposedly, one round from local PD CS hit the rifle, but you certainly don't see rifle parts or frags in the shots that would suggest that or obvious change in outline if the gun on the roof shots. Why was the rifle so far from the body in the "official" shots, to keep the dead guy already handcuffed from coming back to life and using it again? Who moved it? There is also a different count in the casings initially in one video versus later obviously move to the body.
Is it possible that one CS hit either Crooks or Yearick, and the CS hit the other? Or is that done in a bathroom, I eat the AGR bathroom with the one spectator noting a comment place made about "blood in the bathroom".

Someone made them wear the same outfits, I'm surprised someone forgot to tell one of them to change their hair color.

Zero doubt in role Yearick played. He had a white van with AZ plates that was running the drone, and he also had the explosive experience. Probable CIA asset since he was at Ukraine. He was a political ideolog.

Crooks was a highly intelligent autistic kid on SSRI's that was likely groomed aka MKUltra, Monarch, Mammoth whatever you want to call it project. Who was the shooting partner Crooks went to the range with 9 times, and whom did the cell phone belong to that showed up multiple times in Crook's residence and DC adjacent to FBI buildings?

I hate to tell y'all, but to me the sound of the first three shots is different than the next five. Yes, I do think there are two shooters, I said it. The first was a better shot, that hit Trump, the next set were mch more off. Wasn't there a discrepancy initially also of where the shooter was on th roof?

Someone knows the truth.

Y'all seriously don't think they would manipulate a photo for propaganda purposes? I trust the spectator photos more than any official photos.
The guy on video running below the roofline and pops his head up moves more like a twenty yr. old.

I'm wondering if Crooks somehow left the roof and ducked into a window and was a second shooter from inside the building.

Theyre working on another plot as we speak. People as diabolical as this aren't going to just pack up and go home after one failed attempt. I'm thinking a drone strike or SAM is next. Poison has always been and ancient favorite.

Look at this hair color of he deceased. Left temple shot, darker hair color.

Darker hair, tattoos.
Its only in the still shot/thumbnail - but the tattoo is there.

A Secret Service sniper and a local SWAT officer finally shot Thomas Matthew Crooks after he took several shots at Trump and rallygoers.
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Dark hair.
View attachment 8484423

Dark hair.
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The guy on video running below the roofline and pops his head up moves more like a twenty yr. old.

I'm wondering if Crooks somehow left the roof and ducked into a window and was a second shooter from inside the building.

Theyre working on another plot as we speak. People as diabolical as this aren't going to just pack up and go home after one failed attempt. I'm thinking a drone strike or SAM is next. Poison has always been and ancient favorite.

I thought about that, if Crooks was the one inside, shooting from there, and the one shot in the AGR bathroom...
give Crook's body to Allegheny Medical Examiner.
Yep, caught crawling up the roof to the peak, the running across the roof, the cop picture of the suspicious guy, (Crooks), from the 2nd story window, all point to Crooks. Who was right there, and by the building, minutes before, where the shots occurred. Immature tactics...
Did he do any shooting?
Probably because that's what he was training for.
And They needed him in place, as the lone gunman.

But Remember there were two cell phones in the rally crowd, that also visited Crooks at his home.
So there were definitely others involved, and some of them were present.
I don't ignore any clues, I've never seen a tattoo on the dead guy on the roof. I do see blood and dirt on the right arm...and in another photo it looks more like a tattoo...maybe, the first time I've seen that one. One could get identical tats as his buddy....but a pointy ear? Yearik ear tops are normal, with messed up bottoms.
No, tops of his one ear has same notching, in Max Swell thumbnail along with totally different lower (esp. earlobe/antitragus differences) that matches much more. Face of deceased on roof abolutely matches Yearick >>> Crooks.
Bender said:
View attachment 8459816
Open attachment. Top picture on the left is Crooks outside AGR building. Notice difference in hair color that shot vs. from spectators shots of body on roof. No way same person.

Also on the above attachment, look at the first line right photo, notice it is an mirror image of other pictures showing Head shot on right side. Also on that top right photo, noticed some almost blonde streaks on the top and on the bottom right that are totally out of place? Something you guys might not know about but that's from using straight peroxide. Peroxide was probably on hand to clean up blood in multiple places, and can be used to quickly alter hair color.
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The deceased has a very large (over 3 inch) well healed scar along the jawline .

I tried to enlarge the video of ther person walking through the rally to look for the scar => AI interference/pixelation is obvious if you try to enlarge it!
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  • Haha
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