Shots Fired At President Trump's Butler PA Rally!

Take this with a huge grain of salt since is CBS:

FWIW they have been steadily dripping good info out.

Seriously? I can hardly believe this….kid buys a ladder (10 foot or 12 foot from what I can see), stuffs it into a sonata, drives an hour, carries heavy fiberglass ladder around building that’s the command post for supposed police, all whilst toting his rifle….in broad daylight….and NOBODY in LE noticed this? NOBODY????

Tomorrow, I’ll be turning one of my Maisto Formula 1 models into the actual car….that’s about as plausible. Either THIS story is bunk or you can make your own conclusions.

Seriously? I can hardly believe this….kid buys a ladder (10 foot or 12 foot from what I can see), stuffs it into a sonata, drives an hour, carries heavy fiberglass ladder around building that’s the command post for supposed police, all whilst toting his rifle….in broad daylight….and NOBODY in LE noticed this? NOBODY????

Tomorrow, I’ll be turning one of my Maisto Formula 1 models into the actual car….that’s about as plausible. Either THIS story is bunk or you can make your own conclusions.
It is worse than that if this is true, they did notice:


Seriously? I can hardly believe this….kid buys a ladder (10 foot or 12 foot from what I can see), stuffs it into a sonata, drives an hour, carries heavy fiberglass ladder around building that’s the command post for supposed police, all whilst toting his rifle….in broad daylight….and NOBODY in LE noticed this? NOBODY????

Tomorrow, I’ll be turning one of my Maisto Formula 1 models into the actual car….that’s about as plausible. Either THIS story is bunk or you can make your own conclusions.

Not even a clipboard or reflective vest...
Not sure if posted before. But here's a photo of him at local shooting range with his dad's AR and what looks to be a shooting jacket and support glove. Probably practicing for high power matches or something?

View attachment 8460218
This pic and the fact he used a range finder indicates he was a technically sound, knowledgable shooter.

People that think the Left doesn't know shit about guns and shooting are fooling themselves.
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In that video when they show him on the roof, it resembles the Maxwell guy. Not saying it is, but this would be the first picture I’m aware of that Crooks has long hair.
Everyone seems to be forgetting this pic:

And given the angle is from above squares with the reports that local PD in that building took a pic of him.
dude. I doubt anyone on this site, let alone anyone or everyone I know, hasn’t said something about someone that they later recanted or changed their mind on.

“Strong beliefs loosely held.”

I believe what I believe based on my experiences to date. 100% chance that in a few years some of my views will have changed based on new experiences. Its called growing.

How about posting the numerous videos where he says he was completely wrong about Trump?

Reagan was a Democrat for Christ’s sake. People change.

lets hope he has changed. time will tell i guess.
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i wonder if trump did his homework on who the candidates were, looks like he didnt. will there be a 180 before the election?
I highly doubt it. I had high hopes that he'd learned his lesson the first time around. Starting to look like that's not the case. Time will tell. He is going to be the next president.
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......he then proceeded to setup a portable charcoal grille and Bluetooth radio, next rolling out a beach blanket and applying sun screen. The Amazon delivery driver had some difficulty locating him at first but secret service agents were able to point the driver in the right direction once they located the ladder.
I highly doubt it. I had high hopes that he'd learned his lesson the first time around. Starting to look like that's not the case. Time will tell. He is going to be the next president.
Trump is vain as fuck ,and absolute sucker for platitudes and ass kiss folk ,while we might not see half the Apprentice cast this time round you can bet your money that half od his criminal defense folk will somehow end up in his administration for no good reason , we will again see shit load of serial turn coats in his admin

Lets just hope he does not kneecap himself too much as a massive break with WEF is imperative for all our sakes
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This pic and the fact he used a range finder indicates he was a technically sound, knowledgable shooter.

People that think the Left doesn't know shit about guns and shooting are fooling themselves.
Not to start a fight, but, I have been to a range or two, and just because folks are at a range and have a range finder doesn't make them knowledgeable.
The tool(s) of choice, position, etc say he was less than knowledgeable, at least in the task he was attempting.
I saw a pic, (Can't find it again), that looked like a RedDot on the AR he had on the roof. And, an AR 5.56 wasn't the right tool.
Is anybody seeing the "I hate Republicans; I hate Trump" video Crooks recorded being played on the news? Are they mentioning it? I would not even know about it if not for this thread.

Yes, I saw it along with the blackrock video......creepy kid. I was curious when this was taken, as he made the last remark......."and you got the wrong guy." Wonder if the vid has been scrubbed as it has never shown up in the press reports that I have seen. Rather ironic that his parents were registered counsellors. WTF?

I do have to disagree with you regarding the local police. How was that ladder missed and why weren't teams put on roofs and water tower? The tower would have given 360 panoramic view. That's a major fuck up along with the cop that pussed out. He could have easily shot rounds into the ground/air to attract attention. SS would have surrounded and moved Trump out of danger at that point.

The ss is totally woke and inept. Totally defiant even now. Just speaking for me, If I were Trump and the RNC, get rid of the ass clown ss and bring in the pro's that know what they were doing.

There is just no way that this event wasn't pre-planned at the highest levels.
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Seriously? I can hardly believe this….kid buys a ladder (10 foot or 12 foot from what I can see), stuffs it into a sonata, drives an hour, carries heavy fiberglass ladder around building that’s the command post for supposed police, all whilst toting his rifle….in broad daylight….and NOBODY in LE noticed this? NOBODY????

Tomorrow, I’ll be turning one of my Maisto Formula 1 models into the actual car….that’s about as plausible. Either THIS story is bunk or you can make your own conclusions.
Exactly..................Elite's hit job with a lot of willing accomplices. Throw in a bunch of keystone cops and there are too many coincidences to believe that this wasn't approved and coordinated from above.
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