Shots Fired At President Trump's Butler PA Rally!

Ahhh, Crooks was also a ninja?
There's plenty of HVAC techs here including me. I've been on quite a few of buildings of this type. Climbing the ductwork is not possible in my opinion. Using the uni strut holding the lineset maybe? But it's not structural. It's usually just screwed to the sheet metal siding with self tapping screws. It's just there to keep the copper tubing in place and looking neat. The gutters on these buildings are not something that I would trust to hold my weight. I'd grab it like a drowning man would a life preserver if I was falling but not as a means to get me on the roof.
The bands around the duct maybe an inch and a half and are usually three to four feet apart in a vertical installation. Even if they were only two feet apart Crooks would have to be a rock climbing legend to have the finger strength to hold onto it.
I took the wording to mean some type of duct work or gutter.

I'm tracking with what you are saying about the lack of load bearing ability but I have gotten on roofs via ducts and gutters with 20 to 30lbs on my back a bunch of times.

Some of the guys that were smaller and in better shape than me could get on a 12 foot roof in about 30 seconds. (pissed me off)

We would do it during classes as a challenge and as a learning tool to adapt. I was 200 to 220 lbs at that time and while in decent shape was totally NOT the ninja. We may have popped a few fasteners but never had anything tear off the side of the building. For sure it was not good for the building.

I'm not saying this as any kind of proof that the shooter used this method. I'm just saying if my fat ass could do it, it is totally believable that his lanky ass could as well.
Bill O'Reilly has publicaly satated he believes "Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gun man for the Kennedy assasination' and with his statement I decided to take a look at what they were saying on snipers hide. Terry C I know your reading this and some others I wont mention, but do you realy buy it????????

NOthing about this can be compared to the Kennedy assasination.
But keep trying to get that in peoples heads.

Ray Epps? Is that you?
NOthing about this can be compared to the Kennedy assasination.
But keep trying to get that in peoples heads.

Ray Epps? Is that you?
Im just saying that here at snipers hide you get people who actualy worked as snipers in the field and have great knowledge of the job.

The media and most civilians have very little understanding outside of movies?

I compare the two because of the 2nd shooter possibility.

If you keep trying to call me out how about you give me your 2 cents?? is my website that also has a picture of me.

In fact my name is Terrence Good and if you would like to message me to set up person to person meeting Im good with that?
5 shell casings????

This is nuts

4:50 in video
Five in that immediate area, that he saw. He may even have been standing on one or two, based on that snip. Likely a couple rolled down off the roof too.

Again, not saying there wasn’t another shooter, but unless I’m missing something, nothing here proves that theory.
Oh for fucks sake...
Where have i said EVER that Soup isnt involved?
Sorry, you are too fucking obtuse, not to be on the ignore list.
View attachment 8467387
When you said "THIS IS NOT THE GODFAMNED JFK ASSASINATION!!!! #@$$$!$%^^**^$^*(&^$#%&$@!&!!!@!!!!!" you stupid fuck.

Life's hard. It's even harder when you're a retard with anger issues.
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Im just saying that here at snipers hide you get people who actualy worked as snipers in the field and have great knowledge of the job.

The media and most civilians have very little understanding outside of movies?

I compare the two because of the 2nd shooter possibility.

If you keep trying to call me out how about you give me your 2 cents?? is my website that also has a picture of me.

In fact my name is Terrence Good and if you would like to message me to set up person to person meeting Im good with that?

Oh boy.....

Bye bye.
The only thing that disagree with this logic is because you can't tell me that the SS isn't communicating with every single agency via radio, prior to and during active surveillance.
Unlikely. That's not how radio comms work, especially encrypted ones. There is NO federal agency around us that can communicate via radio with us. That's why they get paired with locals.
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Five in that immediate area, that he saw. He may even have been standing on one or two, based on that snip. Likely a couple rolled down off the roof too.

Again, not saying there wasn’t another shooter, but unless I’m missing something, nothing here proves that theory.

I can concede to one shooter. But why was Trump allowed to take/remain on the stage? LRF, Drone, on a roof with a rifle...Duh?? Duh alone doesn't cut it for me. Add in everything else like the Austin group money short, stuff Nuland said hours before, conflicts over SS vs local PD duties, undercovering Trump with 25% the SS resources Jill had and using temporary DHS workers - nope. Not buying pure ignorance.
I can concede to one shooter. But why was Trump allowed to take/remain on the stage? LRF, Drone, on a roof with a rifle...Duh?? Duh alone doesn't cut it for me. Add in everything else like the Austin group money short, stuff Nuland said hours before, conflicts over SS vs local PD duties, undercovering Trump with 25% the SS resources Jill had and using temporary DHS workers - nope. Not buying pure ignorance.
This is the reason for all the chaff.

Spot on.
You wont convince me those SS lunch ladies are regular SS.
Oh boy.....

Bye bye.
Are you one of those guys that like to mess with people because?

You have admitted in a previouse post that you were diliberatly starting shit???

I understand that its all in good fun and I can laugh at myself without letting it get personal.

I am trying to look at a very real event that did take place July 13th. Two poeple died and another two have suffered injuries because of Crooks actions that day. I ask questions that might not be in line with your views and you joke. Thats all good.

But when you use profanity directed at me, that would be crossing a line?

Like I wonder who you are and what you look like?
Are you one of those guys that like to mess with people because?

You have admitted in a previouse post that you were diliberatly starting shit???

I understand that its all in good fun and I can laugh at myself without letting it get personal.

I am trying to look at a very real event that did take place July 13th. Two poeple died and another two have suffered injuries because of Crooks actions that day. I ask questions that might not be in line with your views and you joke. Thats all good.

But when you use profanity directed at me, that would be crossing a line?

Like I wonder who you are and what you look like?

  • Haha
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Unlikely. That's not how radio comms work, especially encrypted ones. There is NO federal agency around us that can communicate via radio with us. That's why they get paired with locals.

But according to the "locals" (local PD), they weren't "paired". That the local/state "assisting" CS were not in communication with SS CS is unfathomable. And local PD sheriff stressed that they were not assigned to protect any roofs or cover any areas outside of the perimeter, they were only doing "traffic duty" and incidental stuff just from large crowd size. No SS presence or presentation at the final security brief morning meeting - that means no effort to coordinate, and is a big deal actually.

No ONE was covering the roof. It would take one team at the most to cover all those roofs of that company- a physical presence alone- even if you took the tubby DHS tactical virgin and put her up there - would likely have been enough deterrence. And if desperate for bodies to work blocking with large screens could have blocked many views towards Trump from vulnerable positions.

Was there someone on the tower - where were all the CS teams? So Greg just took a picture and left his post and he gets a pass? And I'm sorry, but I still have a problem with the audio, and who shot what when.

During the hearings this past week, multiple reps asked both the SS Director and Wray specifically the number of total agents that were supposed assigned to protect Trump, the total number of counter snipers of both local and federal designation, as well as their names, and we're flatly refused as usual. If you have to take days or weeks or months to get your story straight, someone is lying or covering something up.
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Something I find interesting with stuff like this is that several people can be right at the same time, and argue about it due to logic and imagination failures.

For example, the audio where they're pointing out the possibility of multiple weapons firing.

I think that's plausible, even likely given the number of people in the vicinity carrying guns. The imagination and logic failures occur when everyone makes the leap that it must be more than one BAD GUY.

Could be cops shooting at his dumb ass, we know there was a team right behind him inside the window. You think if they dusted him from behind in the back they'd rush to tell those details? Could be one of the fumbling fumbalinas having an ND. Who knows?

I know they're trying to claim they can determine direction on some of this audio and granted I'm not an audio wizardologist but I find it amazing you can determine direction from a single source microphone.

Now sure you can look at video and say okay we can see where the camera is and use that to approximate location and measure sound and volume and velocity but which way is the mic facing on the phone? What's the distance to the source? The interference? The mic quality? Etc?

Frank talks about variables in shooting and how much error is just noise in a shooting solution. How much of these theories are we taking as fact that's based on noise?

And then drawing some pretty big conclusions based on it?

Could there have been a conspiracy, yeah, was that more likely than just regular government incompetence that allowed some fool to get as close as he did? Who's ever worked around Feds? Who's worked around them recently?

This shit with Potatus in charge is par for the course.
Instead of speculating wildly about the unknown why don't you focus on the things that are? Or dig deeper into them. Dig deeper into who the kid is I just saw last night they found a bunch of his social media posts.

Pull those up and post the relevant ones for discussion instead of hypothesizing about whether or not it was the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus on the Grassy Knoll.
Ahhh, Crooks was also a ninja?
There's plenty of HVAC techs here including me. I've been on quite a few of buildings of this type. Climbing the ductwork is not possible in my opinion. Using the uni strut holding the lineset maybe? But it's not structural. It's usually just screwed to the sheet metal siding with self tapping screws. It's just there to keep the copper tubing in place and looking neat. The gutters on these buildings are not something that I would trust to hold my weight. I'd grab it like a drowning man would a life preserver if I was falling but not as a means to get me on the roof.
The bands around the duct maybe an inch and a half and are usually three to four feet apart in a vertical installation. Even if they were only two feet apart Crooks would have to be a rock climbing legend to have the finger strength to hold onto it.
View attachment 8467375
Well, I guess now we know who really did was Honnold!

I agree with you...this ninja/freeclimber strat and some of these other "theories" are just getting stupider.
  • Haha
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So back to the shooting.

My theory is if Crooks was working with another entity the people closest to him makes the most sense.
Grown men years older than the Crooks boy visiting and interacting with this kid, the travel logs and trips to the FBI, Secret Service area, at the same time the sudden outward display of Trump support in the form of signs in the family yard when the boy donated money to a Dem. organization..., the activities prior to July 13 and the facsimile to Lee Harvey Oswald's profile fits this ideological loner / misfit to a T.

The agencies that set up these assassinations know what to look for when mining for a sacrificial, useful idiot and have been doing it for many decades.
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I took the wording to mean some type of duct work or gutter.

I'm tracking with what you are saying about the lack of load bearing ability but I have gotten on roofs via ducts and gutters with 20 to 30lbs on my back a bunch of times.

Some of the guys that were smaller and in better shape than me could get on a 12 foot roof in about 30 seconds. (pissed me off)

We would do it during classes as a challenge and as a learning tool to adapt. I was 200 to 220 lbs at that time and while in decent shape was totally NOT the ninja. We may have popped a few fasteners but never had anything tear off the side of the building. For sure it was not good for the building.

I'm not saying this as any kind of proof that the shooter used this method. I'm just saying if my fat ass could do it, it is totally believable that his lanky ass could as well.
I'd like to see an actual picture of the setup. But for the sake of the discussion I will give it a plausible way of gaining access to the rooftop.
As for a second shooter.
I'm not buying it. Way to complicated to pull off and since they would have to have the local police involved. That's too many people to keep it a secret. The water tower doesn't work for the trajectory. It would have to come from the area of Crooks.

Benny: 1. makes inference to shooter possibly knowing the DHS detailees since they practiced at same range - very iffy IMHO less you can confirm connections.
2. Crooks was ID'd as suspicious at entry ?due to LRFvs."suspicious for Antifa"; DHS had denied use of drones by local PD for surveillancemaking it difficult to trail Crooks after denial of entry.
Jump to 41:30. 3: Three man CS team was supposed to be in the second story; one person went home early. Since Crooks was denied entry to rally proper (Id'd for Antifa association/LRFpossession ?) and spectators noting Crooks behavior - one of two remainder people went looking for Crooks ...(but did Greg take the picture before or after he left?). Couldn't find the guy (Crooks), tried to get back in building and his entry card for the building didn't work, so he called his partner out of overwatch position to get him back in after being locked out.

Benny said 4.:the real big scandal, as mentioned by Cori Mills & Eli Crane (both reps. w/military CS exp.) is why there wasn't overwatch located on the water tower, which under DHS control.

5: Unsecured perimeter was 80yds from Trump on the ground, putting Trump in a "kill box".

I still don't get why Trump was allowed to remain on the stage.
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2016 - FBI, CIA, DOJ, DNC committed treason trying to remove Trump from office. US military general tells China he'll let them know if Trump tries anything and will stop him.
2020 - Same group stole 2020 election and created J6 false flag to seal the steal and throw everyone in prison. Dominion security Chief said he made sure Trump didn't win.
2022 - lots of additional election fraud.
2024 - These same people are now all honest and not trying/helping to get Trump killed knowing they probably won't be able to steal it again?

Makes perfect sense to me. Glad those dark times are now just American history.

Let's just shake hands and move forward.
Im just saying that here at snipers hide you get people who actualy worked as snipers in the field and have great knowledge of the job.

The media and most civilians have very little understanding outside of movies?

I compare the two because of the 2nd shooter possibility.

If you keep trying to call me out how about you give me your 2 cents?? is my website that also has a picture of me.

In fact my name is Terrence Good and if you would like to message me to set up person to person meeting Im good with that?
still don't get why Trump was allowed to remain on the stage.
Is the rrason for all the smorgasbord of bullshit flying all over the internet.
THIS is what they desperately want you to memory hole.
Along with the 8 milliin shares of stock.
Why the news wanted to cover this rally over all the others.
Why extra SS was repeatedly denied to Trump.
All these things are the chewy center, they want you distracted from, and theyd like you(us) to memory hole.
This is the worst case of Pavlov's Razor ive ever seen.
Somewhere in this smorgasbord of shit, is a delicious, simple, chewy truth at the center.
  • Sagan standard: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
  • Hanlon’s razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by incompetence or stupidity
  • Grice’s razor: Address what the speaker actually meant, instead of addressing the literal meaning of what they actually said
Instead of speculating wildly about the unknown why don't you focus on the things that are? Or dig deeper into them. Dig deeper into who the kid is I just saw last night they found a bunch of his social media posts.

Pull those up and post the relevant ones for discussion instead of hypothesizing about whether or not it was the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus on the Grassy Knoll.
  • Hitchens razor: What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence
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Come on
I thought Pavlov's Razor was pretty inventive.
Doesn't apply to you, because you were doing the same thing as me

Mocking wanna be intellectual elitist nerds using phrases like 'according to the unicorn's rainbow razor concept Crooks must have made the shot with his big toe as trained by DHS' whatever 🙄
Im just saying that here at snipers hide you get people who actualy worked as snipers in the field and have great knowledge of the job.

The media and most civilians have very little understanding outside of movies?

I compare the two because of the 2nd shooter possibility.

If you keep trying to call me out how about you give me your 2 cents?? is my website that also has a picture of me.

In fact my name is Terrence Good and if you would like to message me to set up person to person meeting Im good with that?
Terry, the bear pit guys are getting inside your head…
12 minutes of the video is missing. watch the clock on body cam..

nice neat pile rt and up 3 oclock from the shooters body. Then 12 minutes cut out from video new people arrive and they find 3 more shells seperate from the origional pile?
Yep, early in the video the first cop goes "1,2,3,4,5. ...5 shell casings."
Later and 12 minutes deleated out of the body cam another cop now counts 8 shell casings.
(Also Look at the SWAT rifles not equipped for sniper application, all with CQB and close range optics.)
The 5 shell casings makes sense with the acoustics evidence on Trumps open mic he was speaking from and the pop/ bang of the bullet arriving and the sound from the muzzle arriving to Trumps microphone tells alot about distance and magnitude of the shot...which clearly has 3 rifles.
The front sniper team, always pictured, with the 300 WM bolt guns never fired a shot....apparently reacted to a shot fired at them from another position...but never fired their rifles...
It was the sniper team behind them with a 308 that made the shot.
190 yds to make a head shot....quite easy.
Everything is close...130 yds to Trump, the sniper team on the roof with the 300 WM bolt guns were 10 yds closer than Trump to the killer ....and only 160 yds to the water tower. Nothing close to long range all easy shots.
A congressman testified he made 15 hits out of 16 tries on the head of a human target at 130 yds 8 shots with scope and 8 shots with red dot displayed in testimony...and hadn't shot his AR15 in 6 years.
No miricle shooters here, just Trump moving his head at the right instant was the only miracle.
Conspiracy until proven otherwise...cause they've all been conspiracies so far ... this would be a first! ...Remember, "51 intelligence officials have signed a statement saying so."
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But according to the "locals" (local PD), they weren't "paired". That the local/state "assisting" CS were not in communication with SS CS is unfathomable. And local PD sheriff stressed that they were not assigned to protect any roofs or cover any areas outside of the perimeter, they were only doing "traffic duty" and incidental stuff just from large crowd size. No SS presence or presentation at the final security brief morning meeting - that means no effort to coordinate, and is a big deal actually.

No ONE was covering the roof. It would take one team at the most to cover all those roofs of that company- a physical presence alone- even if you took the tubby DHS tactical virgin and put her up there - would likely have been enough deterrence. And if desperate for bodies to work blocking with large screens could have blocked many views towards Trump from vulnerable positions.

Was there someone on the tower - where were all the CS teams? So Greg just took a picture and left his post and he gets a pass? And I'm sorry, but I still have a problem with the audio, and who shot what when.

During the hearings this past week, multiple reps asked both the SS Director and Wray specifically the number of total agents that were supposed assigned to protect Trump, the total number of counter snipers of both local and federal designation, as well as their names, and we're flatly refused as usual. If you have to take days or weeks or months to get your story straight, someone is lying or covering something up.
Gee, I was addressing the comms comment.
Ahhh, Crooks was also a ninja?
There's plenty of HVAC techs here including me. I've been on quite a few of buildings of this type. Climbing the ductwork is not possible in my opinion. Using the uni strut holding the lineset maybe? But it's not structural. It's usually just screwed to the sheet metal siding with self tapping screws. It's just there to keep the copper tubing in place and looking neat. The gutters on these buildings are not something that I would trust to hold my weight. I'd grab it like a drowning man would a life preserver if I was falling but not as a means to get me on the roof.
The bands around the duct maybe an inch and a half and are usually three to four feet apart in a vertical installation. Even if they were only two feet apart Crooks would have to be a rock climbing legend to have the finger strength to hold onto it.
View attachment 8467375
that is quite sensible. crooks doesn't appear to be in the top 10% of his gen in athleticism. i don't see a sling on the rifle. climb up something,pipe maybe,with an unsecured weapon? don't think so. and people in floor below. things are noisy under a metal roof. loud crowd,so maybe hard to hear crawling over you,but?
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Is the rrason for all the smorgasbord of bullshit flying all over the internet.
THIS is what they desperately want you to memory hole.
Along with the 8 milliin shares of stock.
Why the news wanted to cover this rally over all the others.
Why extra SS was repeatedly denied to Trump.
All these things are the chewy center, they want you distracted from, and theyd like you(us) to memory hole.
if it looks like a duck,walks like a duck,quacks like a duck it's probably not an otter.
my understanding of ocam's:
when ALL other possible explanations have been ruled out,then the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. the term is used with slightly diff phrasing. any incorrect meaning is mine alone.
ALL possible explanations have in no way been ruled out. if that happens,and it won't,then a single,deranged,unsupported lone shooter will be the answer. there are so many other factors unexplored,hidden,denied,unproven,misrepresented that the simplest solution can in no way be taken as final.
as a matter of fact,all of that applies to the jfk shooting as well.