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So over the Contrived and Repetitive Nature of Stages today

I haven’t had any bad experiences with Jersey folks. Though, most of my Jersey boi interactions have been with MDT, MPA, SAC or other service member Jersey bois. My experience though.

Myself as I’m now “not a new shooter” try my best to help newer shooters, problem solve/diagnose their issues. I don’t find value in watching newer shooters on the struggle bus since I like seeing others in this sport succeed. Whether it’s local or not.
I haven’t had any bad experiences with Jersey folks. Though, most of my Jersey boi interactions have been with MDT, MPA, SAC or other service member Jersey bois. My experience though.

Myself as I’m now “not a new shooter” try my best to help newer shooters, problem solve/diagnose their issues. I don’t find value in watching newer shooters on the struggle bus since I like seeing others in this sport succeed. Whether it’s local or not.

I think the new generation of "pro" shooters are mostly really stand-up guys and gals.

The old days of PRS were much more wild west. At least from what I saw.
See you are dating yourself. Team GAP hasn't been relevant for like 5 years. The only guy I see at matches from GAP is Robert Brantley, and he is probably one of the nicest guys out there. I just RO'd one of the bigger 2 day matches and got to interact and talk with everyone from people struggling to not zero to the PRS champion in 2023. Did not have one bad experience or anything bad to say about a shooter. I took some tough points from people who thought they got a hit but not one person argued with me about it (hit indicator going off from ground splash). Now there are shooters I know who would push back, it wouldn't change anything.

There are shooters who are assholes. Surprise, shooters are people and people can be assholes.. But if you are going to let the fact that there are assholes out there doing something you enjoy stop you from doing it, you might as well just quit life now. Because there are assholes everywhere. And the old saying is when you see one or two assholes that's on them, When everyone is an asshole, maybe you need to look in the mirror.

There are people I don't like and annoy the fuck out of me at matches. But I'm not going to let it stop me from having a good time and hanging out with the boys.

I started shooting PRS around 2013 I think.

I haven't met Robert Brantley, but I've heard nothing but great things. My comments are not in regards to anyone on Team GAP today (I have no idea who that would be, or even if they have a team), but rather the former team from many years ago. And it wasn't isolated to Team GAP, unfortunately more often than not, jersey shooters were more likely to be assholes than not back in those days. That's just the way it was.

As I stated previously, the new crop of "pro" shooters have been pretty excellent in my limited experience. Of course there will be some assholes here and there, as there is in anything, but the culture among current PRS "pros" is much better than it once was. At least from what I've seen and experienced.
Its not the same game it was 10 years ago. You have some high level shooters (which I am not claiming to be) in here who are disagreeing with what the vocal majority are saying, including one of the better MD's in the country.

What I hear people say about the PRS on this website and what I see with my own eyes traveling around the nation shooting and talking to hundreds of competitors is not the same thing. There are plenty of areas for improvement within the PRS and there is a process if people want change. But most of the complaints seem to be unfounded or not what a lot of us that shoot have seen. Its a small community, everyone knows everyone and talks.

The bottom line is the PRS has evolved. I get it some people don't like where it has gone, especially those who had a hand in its formation. It is a shooter and MD driven league and all the changes are because of the shooters and the MDs. The actual PRS has little to do with the day to day operation of matches. Its essentially a loose affiliation so we can track scores and have finales. There are MD's out there who suck and do the bare minimum and then there are MD's out there who go above and beyond to bring in new people and keep them entertained. Blaming the PRS for this is not going to change anything. If people want change, they need to get out there and volunteer at the local level.
Blaming the PRS isn’t the answer….

Aren’t they making the majority of the money and don’t they run the league ? Seems like an odd comment

You act like I don’t still hit matches, you act like guys don’t train on my range or I have access to Way who hits everything and wins steel. Pathetic

PRS people defending the PRS is nothing new it’s team sports my side is better just what you are doing ?

What’s different in matches today give 3 changes I wouldn’t recognize?
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Still waiting for the answer to what the series does with all that Advertising Money to help promote and educate?

Where is the media, still no one can answer. Where is the MDT level of content ?

The How to,

The Where to Get started

The buyers guide based on goals ?
Can tax filings be FOIA’d?

PRS main issues are self-spotting and the open-development rules on rifles.

Those are basically self-limiting to long term growth. The obvious way to work around those limitations are to have options for live spooter/shooter feedback and some kind of limited-development class.

The main problem here is operational. Its not easy to integrate those changes with MDs/sponsors.
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Really as long as everyone can or cannot reload that is an issue too

There should be a promoted simplified factory ammo division that really would help new people and push manufacturing to better QC for match ammo

If you show them they have a 25fps+ SD and you stop recommending that brand, stuff would change for the better

There are ways to leverage the system to improve things across the board for everyone.

It’s not saying it’s all bad, it’s saying after all this time why are obvious improvements not made ? The cliques is why
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I started shooting PRS around 2013 I think.

I haven't met Robert Brantley, but I've heard nothing but great things. My comments are not in regards to anyone on Team GAP today (I have no idea who that would be, or even if they have a team), but rather the former team from many years ago. And it wasn't isolated to Team GAP, unfortunately more often than not, jersey shooters were more likely to be assholes than not back in those days. That's just the way it was.

As I stated previously, the new crop of "pro" shooters have been pretty excellent in my limited experience. Of course there will be some assholes here and there, as there is in anything, but the culture among current PRS "pros" is much better than it once was. At least from what I've seen and experienced.

Brantley is probably one of the kindest and most genuine people I've ever met.
PRS main issues are self-spotting and the open-development rules on rifles.

Those are basically self-limiting to long term growth. The obvious way to work around those limitations are to have options for live spooter/shooter feedback and some kind of limited-development class.

The main problem here is operational. Its not easy to integrate those changes with MDs/sponsors.

IMO the size of something like (centerfire) PRS is always going to be self limiting simply because of the expense of competing, even at a casual level, and because of the limited number of venues that are suitable for hosting a 1000+ yard rifle match with 10-20 individual stages.

NRL22, NRL22X, and PRS rimfire have a much higher potential for growth in participation, and as it turns out that's where a lot of the growth is. Both from new participants and from established shooters who've become tired of how expensive the centerfire stuff can be.

I think NRL22 has worked to address a lot of the equipment side of things already (with production division rules that make some sense), and the series makes a considerable effort to be as beginner friendly as possible.
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IMO the size of something like (centerfire) PRS is always going to be self limiting simply because of the expense of competing, even at a casual level, and because of the limited number of venues that are suitable for hosting a 1000+ yard rifle match with 10-20 individual stages.

This is where they should have adjusted, which during the COVID break would have been perfect. You could have simplified and adjusted the Open vs everything to balance the field and trim the fat.

Brought off the shelf rifles into play better, put some practical limits on things, and since NRL centerfire was gone, they could have reevaluated the ranges to spread them out and trim the ones not suited for growth. Many are there just because of who they knew, not because they offered something better.

An overall MD summit could have been held to adjust for regional differences to give all sides a fair bite of the pie. Stages could be discussed, standardized rules for running a match vs that being up to the MD in theory and as a scapegoat in practice. They missed a golden opportunity

But yes, the small stuff is the future, average range in the US - state to state 200 yards, good for .22 not so much 65
There are a lot of pussies out there. If you want to shoot then go shoot. The vast majority of complaints are by people who DO NOT COMPETE or shot one match and got their ass handed to them so they have a grudge. If people did not enjoy themselves and aren't having fun at matches, they wouldn't shoot them.

I don't get why so many non competitors are so invested in the PRS. They talk so much shit but they never did anything to make it better. How many people did they introduce to the sport? How many matches did they RO so others could have fun? Do they have a spare gun and setup they can loan out to people who want to try a match?

This whole thread is nothing but a big screaming "Stop liking what I don't like". The PRS is not training. If you want sniper training from some old guy who's TTP's are already obsolete there are plenty of people out there. Some of the best shooters AND instructors never spent a day in the military or law enforcement. In fact, the tip of the spear brings those Plumbers and Dentists into their units to teach them how to shoot better. If you want training, go take training. If you want to shoot matches, go shoot matches.

Want to learn about the PRS? Go shoot or RO a bunch of matches. You will find what people say on here about it is not reality.

You can enjoy other match formats without constantly trying to neg the PRS.
So here you've made the PRS to be the victim of non competitive shooters who are just a bunch of pussies......
Its not the same game it was 10 years ago. You have some high level shooters (which I am not claiming to be) in here who are disagreeing with what the vocal majority are saying, including one of the better MD's in the country.

What I hear people say about the PRS on this website and what I see with my own eyes traveling around the nation shooting and talking to hundreds of competitors is not the same thing. There are plenty of areas for improvement within the PRS and there is a process if people want change. But most of the complaints seem to be unfounded or not what a lot of us that shoot have seen. Its a small community, everyone knows everyone and talks.

The bottom line is the PRS has evolved. I get it some people don't like where it has gone, especially those who had a hand in its formation. It is a shooter and MD driven league and all the changes are because of the shooters and the MDs. The actual PRS has little to do with the day to day operation of matches. Its essentially a loose affiliation so we can track scores and have finales. There are MD's out there who suck and do the bare minimum and then there are MD's out there who go above and beyond to bring in new people and keep them entertained. Blaming the PRS for this is not going to change anything. If people want change, they need to get out there and volunteer at the local level.
And here the PRS is not at fault for not managing a Series that they take the money for managing......
Blaming the PRS isn’t the answer….

Aren’t they making the majority of the money and don’t they run the league ? Seems like an odd comment

You act like I don’t still hit matches, you act like guys don’t train on my range or I have access to Way who hits everything and wins steel. Pathetic

PRS people defending the PRS is nothing new it’s team sports my side is better just what you are doing ?

What’s different in matches today give 3 changes I wouldn’t recognize?
And here we get a little light to shine for transparency......

Bottom line, the PRS takes in a lot of competitors money as well as sponsorship money in the name of growing the sport. Why are the PRS minions so averse to a little constructive criticism?

If the PRS is taking in money from me and supposedly for my benefit (from Sponsors), why wouldn't I have the right to ask what I'm getting for my dollars?

Unfortunately it's not that we're a bunch of sniveling pussies, it's that we are mature men who don't need to have a dick measuring contest over every little thing that we do. MOST of the gun owners love the opportunity to go shoot and enjoy ourselves and just want to maximize both the opportunity and the fun. We don't care if we place last, as long as it's an enjoyable endeavor.

In all fairness, the term PRS is applied to any long range precision match whether it is a field match, outlaw, etc. In that aspect it will get broad brushed with any criticism that is give to other leagues as well. The PRS should take advantage of the opportunity to influence and lead the long range sector of shooting sports before somebody else does.

The precision rifle craze is real and the vast number of these rifles are never put to use in a PRS competition, why is that?
So here you've made the PRS to be the victim of non competitive shooters who are just a bunch of pussies......

And here the PRS is not at fault for not managing a Series that they take the money for managing......

And here we get a little light to shine for transparency......

Bottom line, the PRS takes in a lot of competitors money as well as sponsorship money in the name of growing the sport. Why are the PRS minions so averse to a little constructive criticism?

If the PRS is taking in money from me and supposedly for my benefit (from Sponsors), why wouldn't I have the right to ask what I'm getting for my dollars?

Unfortunately it's not that we're a bunch of sniveling pussies, it's that we are mature men who don't need to have a dick measuring contest over every little thing that we do. MOST of the gun owners love the opportunity to go shoot and enjoy ourselves and just want to maximize both the opportunity and the fun. We don't care if we place last, as long as it's an enjoyable endeavor.

In all fairness, the term PRS is applied to any long range precision match whether it is a field match, outlaw, etc. In that aspect it will get broad brushed with any criticism that is give to other leagues as well. The PRS should take advantage of the opportunity to influence and lead the long range sector of shooting sports before somebody else does.

The precision rifle craze is real and the vast number of these rifles are never put to use in a PRS competition, why is that?

Things can be a little confusing within the shooting sports, because some long established organizations are non-profits (like USPSA) and exist (at least ostensibly) for the good of the discipline they govern, while others, like the Precision Rifle Series, are for-profit companies that exist solely to make money for those who own them.

So I find the continued assertion that the PRS is somehow evil for making a money for the folks who own to be patently ridiculous, and maybe a little deceptive, even if unintentionally. More power to them, I say. Doesn't bother me one bit, as long as they keep up their end deal, which from what I can tell is simply to provide score keeping, rankings, a rule set for matches run within their series, etc..

It also doesn't bother me that Frank makes money off of this website and all of the information and community it provides for the people who choose to visit. Good on him for all of the time and effort he's invested, and I hope it's made him a wealthy man.

But as far as I'm aware, "the PRS" is only obligated to "grow the sport" to the extent that it is profitable for the organization. The same is true of providing free educational materials, choosing to advertise (or not) some place or another online, promoting certain instructors, etc.

This is the reason that you see so many people talking about supporting the MDs and ranges who make the matches happen. The bulk of our match fees go to the MD/range, while the money that is actually spent with PRS (membership and their cut of entries) is a drop in the bucket of what most shooters spend in a year. If the PRS disappeared tomorrow (or was replaced by a non-profit) there would still be precision rifle matches. But if your local MD quits or the range that hosts your local match closes, you might just be SOL.

As for dick measuring contests...have you read the thread?
Its not the same game it was 10 years ago. You have some high level shooters (which I am not claiming to be) in here who are disagreeing with what the vocal majority are saying, including one of the better MD's in the country.

What I hear people say about the PRS on this website and what I see with my own eyes traveling around the nation shooting and talking to hundreds of competitors is not the same thing. There are plenty of areas for improvement within the PRS and there is a process if people want change. But most of the complaints seem to be unfounded or not what a lot of us that shoot have seen. Its a small community, everyone knows everyone and talks.

The bottom line is the PRS has evolved. I get it some people don't like where it has gone, especially those who had a hand in its formation. It is a shooter and MD driven league and all the changes are because of the shooters and the MDs. The actual PRS has little to do with the day to day operation of matches. Its essentially a loose affiliation so we can track scores and have finales. There are MD's out there who suck and do the bare minimum and then there are MD's out there who go above and beyond to bring in new people and keep them entertained. Blaming the PRS for this is not going to change anything. If people want change, they need to get out there and volunteer at the local level.

Time for me to step into this.

First thing, I do not compete in PRS or any other sanctioned shooting.

One point, made very clearly by Frank, very early in this thread was MDs and ROs have zero training, other than what they get locally. If they get any at all.

FFS, this is a sanctioning body for match shooting. The rules and training for MDs and ROs should be consistent across the board. Same with actual rules for shooting. Creating a training course by the actual people "running" PRS would go a long way towards getting rid of the "we don't do it that way at my home range" mentality.

People that shoot BR, F-Class, High Power, IDPA, etc, etc have a firm set of rules that apply nationwide.
How difficult could it actually be for the so-called sanctioning body to actually establish rules for training and match operations?

Or do they not care as long as their new boat is paid for?

Here's an opinion of mine:
Maybe every match should have an offhand stage. You shoot the rifle as is, no removable weights. This could bring down rifle weight and get rid of some of the gamer/bag benchrest mentality.
Maybe there needs to be a minimum trigger pull weight, maximum rifle weight, etc, etc...

People are going to bitch because you can't please everyone.

Fuck! You could give everyone on this site a thousand dollars. Somebody would bitch because it was all twenties. Another guy would bitch because it was all $100 bills because they are hard to spend.
Things can be a little confusing within the shooting sports, because some long established organizations are non-profits (USPSA) and exist (at least ostensibly) for the good of the discipline they govern, while others, like the Precision Rifle Series, are for-profit companies that exist solely to make money for those who own them.

So I find the continued assertion that the PRS is somehow evil for making a money for the folks who own to be patently ridiculous, and maybe a little deceptive, even if unintentionally. More power to them, I say. Doesn't bother me one bit, as long as they keep up their end deal, which from what I can tell is simply to provide score keeping, rankings, a rule set for matches run within their series, etc..

It also doesn't bother me that Frank makes money off of this website and all of the information and community it provides for the people who choose to visit. Good on him for all of the time and effort he's invested, and I hope it's made him a wealthy man.

But as far as I'm aware, "the PRS" is only obligated to "grow the sport" to the extent that it is profitable for the organization. The same is true of providing free educational materials, choosing to advertise (or not) some place or another online, promoting certain instructors, etc.

This is the reason that you see so many people talking about supporting the MDs and ranges who make the matches happen. The bulk of our match fees go to the MD/range, while the money that is actually spent with PRS (membership and their cut of entries) is a drop in the bucket of what most shooters spend in a year. If the PRS disappeared tomorrow (or was replaced by a non-profit) there would still be precision rifle matches. But if your local MD quits or the range that hosts your local match closes, you might just be SOL.

As for dick measuring contests...have you read the thread?
You miss the main point... If you are taking money to manage a "series" you should in a word, manage it. Being a for profit organization doesn't make a company evil, but nobody has made that assertion. It would actually be a more profitable proposition for them to appeal to the masses and draw in more people, thus increasing income.

Where does the idiom "grow the sport" come from? As far as I know it comes from the same PRS organization and shooters who claim to want a broader appeal but resist anytime new ideas are brought forward. Again, the numbers don't lie. The same tired 300 shooters love the way it is and the organization just appeals to the echo chamber.

Leadership should be provided to the MDs much in the way it is provided in NRL 22 and NRL Hunter.