So over the Contrived and Repetitive Nature of Stages today

Why not just have a few MDs change it up...

I started this in 2002, Rifles Only, where I worked who really started all this began in these matches in 1998...

We never rested, we used military operations to create stages, etc.. the first SHC was 2002, 10 years before the PRS came into being. Before them, there were other leagues that failed.

I have no interest in starting a new league; there are plenty of leagues, the issue is the lack of imagination because of guys like the above who enjoy being mediocre
This here.

I have not competed at all any shooting contest. I have had to shoot in a test for a commission to carry a firearm on duty. And more recently, shoot to have an LTC. But that is not this.

I have not competed in any long range or PRS matches. I get the problem, though. It is becoming more about equipment and what the winners are getting good at is bagging a 30 lb rifle with the smallest recoil. Which is only good for that contest. And then, no one is offering the idea, even, to "grow the sport" by offering training pathways to get new people into the sport. And those new people may not have a lot of money. Therefore, they might very well arrive with a Ruger Precision Rifle or something they could afford and getting laughed at by the gucci purse swingers is just going to piss them off.

So, for me, how useful is the positional shooting at distance? Obviously, it has a military use for snipers in the Marines, Rangers, SF, SEALs.

Excluding much of the sneaky bastard work, at least set up shots where you have a hide and are rested. And then the next stage is hump a distance and up some stairs or a ladder to an elevated platform and be a DM and you need to make a shot within a time limit. And that would definitely require training. You could spend 10k on a rig and it won't help a bit if you don't have the mechanical ability to operate the system.

I don't begrudge bench rest or even cut-and-paste barricade PRS shooting. It beats selling crack cocaine.

How about improvised positions one might find while hunting if we cannot train as something similar to SOTIC in the Rangers?

I know I am just spitballing. I am still the stupidest guy here and that does not bother me. And I may misunderstood the OP post.

Anyone can correct me and I will not be bothered by it.