Maggie’s Socially UNacceptable Humor

I knew a guy who had a wheel chair bound brother he took deer hunting. Put him in a blind and told him the feeder would be going off at a certain time and to get ready for deer to come out.

He had no sooner walked away when he heard his brother shoot. He returned to the blind and there was a dead cow laying there. 😆

The landowner terminated his lease, kept his money and rightfully so.
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I knew a guy who had a wheel chair bound brother he took deer hunting. Put him in a blind and told him the feeder would be going off at a certain time and to get ready for deer to come out.

He had no sooner walked away when he heard his brother shoot. He returned to the blind and there was a dead cow laying there.

The landowner terminated his lease, kept his money and rightfully so.

Funny story, and I'm glad the landowner seemed to get reimbursement.

Its all fun, games, and jokes until someone shoots a cow of yours, and you're out $1K - 1,500. Unfortunately we've had it happen here once, and I'm 100% sure it wasn't an accident (black cow).
I knew a guy who had a wheel chair bound brother he took deer hunting. Put him in a blind and told him the feeder would be going off at a certain time and to get ready for deer to come out.

He had no sooner walked away when he heard his brother shoot. He returned to the blind and there was a dead cow laying there.

The landowner terminated his lease, kept his money and rightfully so.

Speaking of wheel chair bound...
Funny story, and I'm glad the landowner seemed to get reimbursement.

Its all fun, games, and jokes until someone shoots a cow of yours, and you're out $1K - 1,500. Unfortunately we've had it happen here once, and I'm 100% sure it wasn't an accident (black cow).
I don't know of a more disrespectful element than day lease deer hunters. A friend allowed some guy to lease his property for two weeks who in turn set up a number of temporary blinds and offered day hunts.
When I was allowed back on the ranch after the two week period I never saw such a trashed out place; litter everywhere, along the roads, new roads where Bubbas had to go four-wheeling, at every gate empty bottles, beer cans, candy wrappers and potato chip sacks, and of course at every spot there was a temporary blind. And you wonder why Bubba is so fat. They can't sit in a deer blind three hours without stuffing their faces with junk food and cracking open beer cans and belching.

Then I started finding dead deer and at least one wounded spike with it's hindquarter blown out. I went to the campsite area that had a game pole and found along with deer parts was a red-tailed hawk which is a protected specie.

You offer people a beautiful place to hunt and they treat it with a jealous resentment, like it's a motel room or rental car and they're going get their moneys worth. The friend who owned the property never leased his property again.
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