Maggie’s Socially UNacceptable Humor

^^^ This!

Rapid charging in particular is bad bad bad for battery packs.

But many factors.

In VT last winter we got a few days of stupid -35) cold. The EV batteries of cars
Parked outside the ski lodges and Air BNB places got so cold their range dropped from the 200 miles that would get chad and Muffy back to Boston…. To 30 miles. Which got them 1 exit down the Interstate.

Remember the storm in Virginia that stranded all the EV drivers last winter.

They are useless! Unless you live in temperate climates, use on limited basis. And have time for optimum charge rates.

They are fashion statements, not transportation. There is a reason that by 1910, gasoline had stomped steam and electric. It’s called energy density and transportation ease.

Period. Until they develop far more efficient… everything, they are just a fashion statement. And priced accordingly.


I have been playing with batteries long before they became "cool".

I fly model airplanes. Years ago I flew "gas" planes, but as soon as "clean" batteries started to come on scene I switched to electric power. They don't call "gas" planes slimers for nothing. The oils in the fuel just make the plane....well slimy.

Back then we started with small planes and small NICAD packs, there where few commercial choices back then so we stole batteries from other sources. I remember building my first LiPo pack out of inventory scanner batteries. In racing cars we went through gold, red, black Panasonic batteries back in the day. Fast forward to today and the light weight lipo batteries are where it is really at. So much power, the ability to dump it so fast. I have planes that will eat 60 amps for a steady 5 minutes then land. Few things hit batteries harder then electric planes. And the people that fly them know very well the plus and minus side of the cutting edge battery tech.

I have yet to meet one model flyer that has an EV.
To be fair, -35f is exceptionally cold and can (and does) cause problems for even standard gasoline / diesel vehicles that have not been setup for extreme weather. Your gasoline car may not start easily if it's sat out all night in -35f

The same applies in extreme heat actually, you start driving around in 120f and greater, Electric cars have their own issue with power being limited, and you'll find other gasoline cars and such may have to reduce performance a fair bit to not overheat.

To work properly the batteries need to be within a range of temperatures that are not too extreme and even if parked and not in use, the batteries can be damaged by extreme temperatures, so most of the higher end ones will activate heating or cooling of the batteries (using battery power) while parked and off.

Winter range (much like battery life) varies greatly by brand and model.
For example back 9 years ago when someone was doing winter range tests, the Tesla S lost 20% but the Nissan Leaf lost 50%

Here is an informative video on someone reviewing Tesla Model 3 cars more average in -13f / -25c

Here is him doing an extreme weather test with the Tesla Model X in -33f / -36c temperatures:

Again not all electric cars are made equal and you need to do a lot of research before buying.
If you are going to be tooling around in -35f you probably need to be driving something with modifications for extreme low temperatures.

Something else that most might not think about is the super charging cables have to be cooled in the summer and warmed in the winter!

Part of the reason Gasoline replaced Electricity was down to significant political and financial evil done by Standard Oil
But range was also an issue, in a city around the farm around town good, long haul or high power, Electricity had no hope of competing.

If you live in an urban / suburban area and can park at home where you can charge in your garage, and you are not in some crazy hot / crazy cold place, and you don't depend on the vehicle for long road trips, electric vehicles work well for your daily commute.

With Europe, California and several other USA states banning new ICE vehicles after 2035 it's going to be interesting to see what happens once "optional" vehicles become "mandatory" vehicles.

Batteries are total shit back then, no different from steam. To blame it on standard oil is pure fantasy. Now if you want to say standard oil had evil business practice, no argument there from me, I would think you are being rather kind.

At the dawn of the automotive age when all of these different modes of moving the horseless buggy around are still being figured out, and you built a gasoline engine from planes battery tech was also very young, it was very nasty, very heavy, very expensive and had little ability to store energy. One reason you hand cranked "cheap" cars and electric starters are for the richy rich and their duesenbergs.

Battery power has a place now, but it is not for everyone, and it is about as far as you can get from "clean".
REAL green power right here:

I did not know that...and now am wondering how you do.

They advertise it here all the time on billboards and there are little clinics for it all over.

In my case I have a medical need for it, and it's taken care of at my local doctor's office which is better because you need to get regular blood tests and carefully balance the dosage so as not to get annoying or concerning side effects.
Some of the little boutique places are a bit more interested in getting your levels really high because lots of folks love to see high numbers to brag and don't really understand why too much of a good thing is bad.

For fun, next time you get your bloodwork done at your doctor's office have them test for it and look at the T level, the free T level, the sex hormone level and the estradiol level and tell you how things look.
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They advertise it here all the time on billboards and there are little clinics for it all over.

In my case I have a medical need for it, and it's taken care of at my local doctor's office which is better because you need to get regular blood tests and carefully balance the dosage so as not to get annoying or concerning side effects.
Some of the little boutique places are a bit more interested in getting your levels really high because lots of folks love to see high numbers to brag and don't really understand why too much of a good thing is bad.

For fun, next time you get your bloodwork done at your doctor's office have them test for it and look at the T level, the free T level, the sex hormone level and the estradiol level and tell you how things look.

Last bloodwork doc asked if I was taking a T supplement. "No," I replied. ""Good," he said.
This one got me banned from Long Range Hunting because some fucktard was arguing with me about something he was completely, and provably, wrong about... Apparently a bunch of them got butthurt, bitched, and then flagged my post so the site owner would see it. What a bunch of fags. 🙄🙄🙄

View attachment 7958464
I got banned from there too, similar shit
This one got me banned from Long Range Hunting because some fucktard was arguing with me about something he was completely, and provably, wrong about... Apparently a bunch of them got butthurt, bitched, and then flagged my post so the site owner would see it. What a bunch of fags. 🙄🙄🙄

View attachment 7958464
Len is such a fucking snowflake cunt, he's banned me like 3 times now..
I occasionally rejoin to troll the LRH Karen brigade
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Len is such a fucking snowflake cunt, he's banned me like 3 times now..
I occasionally rejoin to troll the LRH Karen brigade
Is that old Mario's gay midget porn stunt-double named "Feenix" still over there opening his cockholster? I hated that MF'er. And all the other Fudds stroked his ego as if they wanted to blow him. He was Captain Cunt over there.
  • Haha
Reactions: 762 ULTRAMAGA
Is that old Mario's gay midget porn stunt-double named "Feenix" still over there opening his cockholster? I hated that MF'er. And all the other Fudds stroked his ego as if they wanted to blow him. He was Captain Cunt over there.
Last I checked,
he's a tosser for sure but there's honestly so many dumb old twatts on there that it's hard to assign an award for the flappiest.
That Primal Rights youtube bro is up there at the top of the pile though for sure..
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Reactions: Fig and FuhQ
Last I checked,
he's a tosser for sure but there's honestly so many dumb old twatts on there that it's hard to assign an award for the flappiest.
That Primal Rights youtube bro is up there at the top of the pile though for sure..
Always used to argue with Eric Cortina and Alex Wheeler, too. Their arguments were based solely on what works best for them MUST be the absolute truth and final word in how everyone should do things, simply because they’re well known. And then when I’d call them out, all the thirsty dicklicks would rush to their defense to give them a handy. 🤦🏼🤦🏼🤦🏼 Celebrity-worship is for the weak betas.