Maggie’s Socially UNacceptable Humor

I love memes like this. In one swipe you can offend so many groups of people...

• Most everyone in England
• Queen fans (if there are any)
• Democrats.
• Anglophiles
• The "too soon" crowd.

Well done.


"Use the Force, Harry..."
-Captain Archer to Jack O'Neill aboard the Moya in orbit above Westeros.

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Seriously, how can someone that heavy live a long life, when fit, athletic kids are dying?
I saw an interesting article on the Sumo's and their training and calorie intake...

Basically, they engage in heavy cardiovascular training and when they are putting on fat, they are putting it on their extremities and 'outside' their ribcage. They are heavy, but they have strong hearts and cardio fitness. When the retire and become more sedate, they are at high risk, so part of the 'post-athletic' life is a weight loss while not gaining 'internal' fat.

The fat/obese that kills you is when it is on, in and around your body organs, not so much on your externals.

I forgot the documentary, but it may have been the NOVA episode entitled "Fat." They may have also done one on Sumo wrestling. But I think it was the recent one on fat.



PS And I have a hunch that the 'clot shot' is going to kill millions over the coming years... That and the damage done to immune systems of these idiots that do nothing but wear masks. They are going to be a self-fulfilling prophecy of disesase brought on by killing their own immune systems then succumbing to simple diseases.
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