Maggie’s Socially UNacceptable Humor

A couple drinks usually helps expressions of truth along. The solid ladies shrug in agreement and everyone has a laugh at the expense of the aging cock tease. It’s a lot of fun.
I was at a high school friend's birthday party Sat. and they invited their new neighbors. They were younger and the wife appeared to be in her twenties, with all the attributes of someone that age, specifically tight skin, toned muscles and wearing a catch me-fuck me dress that went up to her tight ass.

The hosts husband said he was a Yale grad and they were both Biden supporters. They stuck around long enough to partake in whatever was being passed around in a side yard and then took their leave, giving phony goodbyes and hugs. I avoided any eye contact like they were panhandlers at an intersection. I hope that rattled her ego. Fuck off, commie slut.
Went to the hospital this week to see if dying was going to be on the docket for Tuesday. I played the crotchety old bastard with the Nurses.

“You need to fire your marketing folks they suck!”.

“Why is that sir?”.

“Because they named the place Memorial Hospital! That means when someone shows up here you just say ‘Fuck, this ones dead too…get em a Memorial…”. You should call it “Lifesaving Medical Procedure Hospital” or something. Your not filling me with confidence here. Its like you got 3 elevators that go to the morgue and only one that goes to the pickup area!”.

She couldn’t stop laughing. She really tried too.