Maggie’s Socially UNacceptable Humor

Here’s a few… I’ll just start posting up some of my better ones. 😏


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The guy with the antigun sign is the guy I would rob if I was a criminal...

To side track this, I can't follow this logic with a map.

I generally operate that these people are stupid but not dumb if you get my drift. It generally ends with them getting angry when I say you know I worked a DUI last night, is Ford responsible for that crime as well? Totally different, no it is not. Legal products in both cases how is it different. Well no one needs a gun, no one needs booze, or a car for that matter. They do need a car, really, call uber, or ask someone in NYC if they have a car or rely on public transportation. This city has busses, you don't need a car.

They generally get angry and change the subject, be nice and stick to the point and you will get to I don't like guns so no one should have them. Ok we are still in an america with a constitution there are ways to remove the 2A, do that if it is what you want. Never happen, your right, why? Too many peop......stop right there. All that needs to be said.
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This one got me banned from Long Range Hunting because some fucktard was arguing with me about something he was completely, and provably, wrong about... Apparently a bunch of them got butthurt, bitched, and then flagged my post so the site owner would see it. What a bunch of fags. 🙄🙄🙄

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You know what's better than winning Gold in the Special Olympics???

Not being in the fucking Special Olympics...

Doug Ramsey, COO of Beyond Meat, was arrested after a parking lot rage incident. He took a bite off of a mans nose.
Does he need more meat in his diet?
Is he a blood thirsty vegan?
I'm looking for follow up news.
I looked this up.

Holy Balls on a Billygoat this happened!!! Boowah ah ahh ahah aha... Mr. "Don't Eat Meat" vegan took a bite out of a football fan? Like ate his %$#@ing nose! Boowah a hha hah ah ah ah haha.....

This is the funniest thing I have seen since learning that Charles was caught earlier trying on Mom's lingere at Buckingham Palace.

