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Sound of Freedom - Movie that'll hopefully take down the elites and CIA's Pedo Industry

CIA? I though he was a Navy SEAL.

Where do many SEALs go when they are done with teams...onto the "other teams". Getting "the job done" when our government formally can't (whether its morally right or not...).He says he's not in there yet..well I guess they're using SEALS without giving them the paycheck yet.

So CIA/DOD-guided whatever, his political views expoused are too strong for him not to be CIA. If he isn't now, he will be. NO one has ever outed themselves so quickly no the Hide. I didn't see the deployment comment until this morning because I was focused on my interaction with him alone, but I was pretty sure he was Fed because he so SOO defensive. When I saw his response to you I knew he was of SEAL lineage.

I wonder if they did mind control on him at some point in his life? Seriously how do such genuinely smart, talented/skilled people lose sight of right and wrong so easily (or is just there are a part of psychopathology in their brains to begin with that the demonically influenced can manipulate)?

Between what God gave them (whether or not they believe in God), their own hard work and their training, these people literally are the only ones that can root out the evil that has taken over this planet, but as we have know, most of them have joined that side already. They won't be in the 144K and don't care.
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To combat that you have to invest in a community to create a sense of belonging and investment. Which is a very hard problem. Essentially how do you get people to care about their neighbor?

It's not that hard. Once upon a time, in the not so distant past, instead of being a traits of "domestic terrorists", patriotism and nationalism were honored as "positive" attributes, and one citizen was willing to die for another willingly. Remember what happened to military enrollments right after 9/11 and the confrontation by a "perceived enemy"?
We put many differences aside and became one Nation under God. You are skilled at psyops, you know there are ways to create unity among a population and ways to create division. This has to be one of the most divisive administrations since the Civil War, at its all by design.
I don't get my news from MSNBC, CNN, etc. Typically AP, Reuters, BBC News, ...maybe NPR if Im in the car and that's still usually BBC News.
What a dolt.

Reuters is "truth." What a joke!

Just one example. One of my favorites is in response to a meme, using Al Gore's own words, Reuters "debunks" by claiming that Gore didn't lie, no he just "misrepresented." Yes, that was Reuters defense.

Meme in question

Of course after getting lambasted, Reuters original is 404:

But the internet is forever:

Reuters, BBC, NPR, AP are all notorious garbage. It would be a full time job for me to go back and post the many more examples of their spin, lies and assorted falsity.

The fact you keep harping on "links, sources" under a guise of knowledge superiority is a hearty laugh. Keep it up, chief. Entertaining.
What a dolt.

Reuters is "truth." What a joke!

Just one example. One of my favorites is in response to a meme, using Al Gore's own words, Reuters "debunks" by claiming that Gore didn't lie, no he just "misrepresented." Yes, that was Reuters defense.

Meme in question

Of course after getting lambasted, Reuters original is 404:

But the internet is forever:

Reuters, BBC, NPR, AP are all notorious garbage. It would be a full time job for me to go back and post the many more examples of their spin, lies and assorted falsity.

The fact you keep harping on "links, sources" under a guise of knowledge superiority is a hearty laugh. Keep it up, chief. Entertaining.
And he wonders why no one wants to “debate” him :unsure: :rolleyes::ROFLMAO:
So glow boy is saying leave it to the "professionals". Just like the boss in the movie? Yeah let's do that and see how well that works.

Cia sure seems like they're involved. Fbi does crap. Border patrol is letting g everybody across doing whatever they want. Dea sure seems to have lost the war on drugs. Atf traffics stuff across the border and loses it all. Sure seems like they're all doing a great job about stopping the bad guys.

Everybody under DOJ is doing such a good job at going after pedophiles. Hunter Biden's laptop? Epsteins list? I keep seeing tons of ASGH going on.
Check out the story of Jason Vukovich, the "Alaskan Avenger". In a nutshell, he used the sexual offender registry to find offenders in his area, and then visited them with a hammer, offering free handy-man services.

You already know he was caught and tossed in prison for several years.

Did he visit Pelosis husband
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Thought you lot might be interested to have a read about a place in Florida called "Miracle Village." Contrary to what the word "miracle" may ordinarily indicate to you, Miracle Village is a haven community for registered sex offenders and child predators.

Beware of that talk@ 6:35 MRI brain scans showing definitive differences among a pedophilia brain vs a non-pedophilia brain. I just saw Michael Knowles "debated" by someone who tried to justify early transitioning of kids and the transgender debate because "a trans-female brain looks more female brain than a male brain" and vice versa. This study was actually used to say "See, regarding trasngenders, its just how 'they were born' and therefore we need to support the not hold them responsible". These brain pedophilia studies will be used the same way for changing pedo's to "MAPs"and "legitimizing" it.

Knowles addresses it at 2:35, basically saying you can't saying you can't use the argument that one's biological sex doesn't define one's gender and then try to say biology (of the brain) defines gender.

I think (regarding these brain studies), assuming the researchers haven't manipulated the results (and that is a big 'if' because we know what they will do when they want one outcome only), are a static point in time, and may actually reflect physiological changes that have occured as the result of psychological and sociological manipulative forces (the changes seen are the responses or results, not the cause).
Communities arent raising children or protecting them right now. That's the point. We are saying the same thing. If communities were truly altruistic and invested in other people then these things would happen less.

I did, you just disagreed with the suggestion. Human Trafficking networks are complex criminal enterprises that are sophisticated. You have to fight them the same way you fight cartels. Which the world is also sucking at btw. Targeting only low level people doesn't significantly move the needle, especially when the children you're supposed to be helping are immediately tossed back into the conditions that got them there in the first place. Dismantling the networks systemically and with aggression would probably move the needle, but it would have to be a constant effort, as another group would spring up to take advantage of the void left by the old network. To combat that you have to invest in a community to create a sense of belonging and investment. Which is a very hard problem. Essentially how do you get people to care about their neighbor?

Do you disagree with that?
What I know is that they will continue do it in spite of the intricate and sophisticated "solutions" we might come up with. There is one solution to stop them.

And yes, you get rid of one system and another pops up to take it's place, just like drug gangs and cartels. In the last century, for a while, for example, the Medellin Cartel was a big thing. Now, it is the cartels in Mexico. And I think of those cartels as the actual acting government of Mexico. They just allow the government officials to live as useful idiots.

So, yeah, Epstein gets arrested and dies in jail and nothing has slowed down the sex trafficking. In fact, parallel to that, the original british movie "Traffick" with Helen Mirren showed that to a fine degree. The US and UK got Pakistan to run out the poppy farmers. So, they moved to Afghanistan where the CIA ensured their shipments as long as they spied on the russians for us. They even got some fundamentalist known as the Muhajadeen to act as a data base, but they used their own translation for a name, as in, Al Qaeda.

I fear it is much like cockroaches or wasps. You will never get rid of them entirely. But you have to do something about the infestations facing you.
pedos are defective talking apes and should be put down like any other dangerous animal.
that minimal level of decency, respect and compassion for others which would make them "human" is missing, so they don't qualify as one.
Any adult, most likely an older family member such as a grandmother, that targets, has it in for, picks on and torments or tries to destroy a child emotionally, needs to be taken out and head shot.
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🤣🤣🤣 Ah yes “the deep state” the thing you’ve never heard of until 2016. Sponsored by the Illuminati and chaired by Bigfoot. Truly the controlling cabal is run out of a pizza den in Brooklyn.

Ever heard of Occam’s Razor? Might do you some good.
Turn off cnn, ap and reuters. Might do YOU some good….. :rolleyes:
🤣🤣🤣 Ah yes “the deep state” the thing you’ve never heard of until 2016. Sponsored by the Illuminati and chaired by Bigfoot. Truly the controlling cabal is run out of a pizza den in Brooklyn.

Ever heard of Occam’s Razor? Might do you some good.
You need to go back to Arfcom and your own kind.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser :cool:👉👉 Pays to be a winner boss.

Its truly funny when you cannot make a logical argument against nearly any of the points I've attempted to discuss and youve had to resort to insults.
Nice general response but I didn't debate you. I just offered a suggestion, boss.

I learned long ago not to waste my time wallowing in the mud with insane Leftists.
I mean I guess that’s one approach. You could also try flash mobbing Congress again, you know since it worked out so well the first time. 😁

Ever consider that things are shitty because no one engages in dialogue anymore?
Trust me- IF we ever "flash mob" the Government for reals, you'll know it.

Everyone hates how everything has gotten so political, and I do too.
I hate that wanting a balaned budget, affordable groceries and gas, a useful childs education without brainwashing and Traditional Family Values are now something expected to be ashamed of.

The corrupt elite force in the powers that be have pushed us to near full compression- and the whole mess is gonna throw a rod like a 20 lb boosted nitrous injected high revved meth-head driven carnival ride motor. And when regular folks say enough is enough and don their boots and rifles, the tone will get somber fast.

I'm not calling for violence (yet), but if it is to come- let it be in my day that my kids will not need know the horrors of what we will do. Clean, fast, efficient, and complete.
I agree, things have gotten political. The "two sides" are diverging, and it sucks. I hate both parties for different reasons mostly if you have to fight to maintain the power of governance, then you're already corrupt and self serving.
The two sides are diverging, and not naturally. Neither party is leaving room for any centrism. Anyone willing to try to work with the other party gets primaried. That sort of polarization will end up having no one talking, and that’s a problem. There are many people who aren’t straight line party bullet point believers, but there’s no support for independents or third party politics, at least not until one of the big parties needs their votes.
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You need to go back to Arfcom and your own kind.

I don't think he's young, I think he's a 50-60 year old IT worker.

Nice general response but I didn't debate you. I just offered a suggestion, boss.

I learned long ago not to waste my time wallowing in the mud with insane Leftists.

And that's the problem. Radical libtards have gotten hold of the Democrat party and turned a sane, blue collar party into a warmongering/open borders/LGBT wackjob party.

Trust me- IF we ever "flash mob" the Government for reals, you'll know it.

Everyone hates how everything has gotten so political, and I do too.
I hate that wanting a balaned budget, affordable groceries and gas, a useful childs education without brainwashing and Traditional Family Values are now something expected to be ashamed of.

The corrupt elite force in the powers that be have pushed us to near full compression- and the whole mess is gonna throw a rod like a 20 lb boosted nitrous injected high revved meth-head driven carnival ride motor. And when regular folks say enough is enough and don their boots and rifles, the tone will get somber fast.

I'm not calling for violence (yet), but if it is to come- let it be in my day that my kids will not need know the horrors of what we will do. Clean, fast, efficient, and complete.

If you talk about secure borders, bringing jobs back home and spending money on infrastructure/roads instead of wars it's "Fascist Dog Whistles" lol.