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Sound of Freedom - Movie that'll hopefully take down the elites and CIA's Pedo Industry

The two sides are diverging, and not naturally. Neither party is leaving room for any centrism. Anyone willing to try to work with the other party gets primaried. That sort of polarization will end up having no one talking, and that’s a problem. There are many people who aren’t straight line party bullet point believers, but there’s no support for independents or third party politics, at least not until one of the big parties needs their votes.
yup, it isn't about details like less welfare or more welfare. it is now about good and evil. the left is literally evil.
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And this is why no one gets anywhere....
and that is why millions have crossed our southern border, including countless trafficked children (85k missing).
unless you want to defend pedo joe, mayorkas and the dems. is it evil or not?

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Duder has been on SH for over a decade, now feels it’s the time to get active…ly ignored.
I've been wondering if he has a point (and when he might be getting around to it.......). :rolleyes:

I'm sensing he's just "Mr. Wonderful" and he wants everyone to know it.
I've made it several times...

I really should have listened to Sammy C ....I tried engaging with the idiotic and was dragged down to their level and beaten with experience
And yet (just like numerous others before you), here you remain. :rolleyes:

And we're the "idiots" :LOL:
@BCP Again both parties suck, but if youre gonna make claims of war mongering lets take a look at who's started the conflicts of the last 40 years.

The only Presidents that haven't are Carter (D), Clinton (D), Obama(D), Trump (R), and Biden (D)....So you might want to rethink your statement on who is warmongering.
And this is why no one gets anywhere....
That single statement proves you have the mental block of those who aren't clear headed enough to be conservative or conserva-tarian in your beliefs and votes, instead you're drifting aimlessly.

Dedicated democrats have the full mental block that results in them not being capable of assimilating objective facts and logic even when they witness it with their own eyes and ears.

The overriding problem isn't that our Constitutional Republic "hasn't gotten anywhere", it's the exact opposite, that Americans have much too frequently compromised with the anti-American anti-freedom democrat party, too often allowed them to move us to the left...

I respect Conservatives and Conserva-tarians, whether or not they've served... Everyone else is a visitor insurgent.
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OK, lets cut out the “Mr. Wonderful” stuff.

That’s Too Close To “Mr. Wonder

Mr. Wonder is a real life pedophile who used his position as the host of a children’s show on a local television station, to provide camping trips with the male children. In those days, we had lots of backwoods, for despicable characters to take sexual advantage of the children. However, some of the children told their parents and Mr. Wonder absconded off to Brazil. However, years later he snuck back into the US in California no less where he was loved and respected. (Imagine that) However, who soon became known and got his ass caught.

Mr. Wonder…When you look up in the dictionary the words despicable, asshole, pedophile, or any other less than kind description, it says see John Frank Selas III. (Aka Mr. Wonder)

Warning, he likes to be around children.

Mr. Wonder gets off easy

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I tried to talk about anti-trafficking...but if Im attacked Im not gonna back down. Im sorry youre used to pussy ass liberals that believe in gun control. That aint me. Sorry
Youre going to spend your free time, the thing we all have in limited supply, to argue with a majority of like minded people??

The group thought is all similar here, no minds are going to be changed, no points are going to be awarded, no single person is going to be influenced. Many have tried, they end up typing a shit load of words, gaing no traction, and ridiculed along the way.

My advice....find a different way to spend your time. Assimilate or get run over.

Good luck, with whatever you choose.
OK, lets cut out the “Mr. Wonderful” stuff.

That’s Too Close To “Mr. Wonder

Mr. Wonder is a real life pedophile who used his position as the host of a children’s show on a local television station, to provide camping trips with the male children. In those days, we had lots of backwoods, for despicable characters to take sexual advantage of the children. However, some of the children told their parents and Mr. Wonder absconded off to Brazil. However, years later he snuck back into the US in California no less where he was loved and respected. (Imagine that) However, who soon became known and got his ass caught.

Mr. Wonder…When you look up in the dictionary the words despicable, asshole, pedophile, or any other less than kind description, it says see John Frank Selas III. (Aka Mr. Wonder)

Warning, he likes to be around children.

Mr. Wonder gets off easy

If the shoe fits.
Ok well there's a lot to unpack here.

Let's examine why you think illegal immigration is evil. Illegal yes, but evil? I could understand saying smuggling fentanyl is evil, and human trafficking is evil. We could examine the number of illegal immigrants in the country here, and the vast majority are from expired visas. View attachment 8188765

Secondly, no one is saying that border security is not important or should be "wide open"...what they are saying is that spending billions on a wall thats defeated by a $15 ladder is foolish. If you examine history, border walls have never worked...didnt work for Hadrian, or Qin Shi Huang, and it didnt work for the Soviets. There are other ways to secure a border. The vast majority of major criminal enterprise comes through ports of entry...so trucking and maritime shipping, invest where the big problems are.

As for the 85,000 that ORR/DHS lost track of I cant speak to it. Nor do I know what time period those that sought asylum entered the US. As of July of this year there were 6,127 UAC's in ORR's care. Meaning that of the 410,000 that have been allowed asylum since 2013, it has under its care 1.4% of those kids. After they are placed with sponsors, where does the responsibility lay? I dont know enough about the ORR and their processes to speak on the matter. We should be doing better to make sure these children are given the care they need, however I seriously doubt this issue is limited to the last 3 years.
Allowing sex trafficking and cartel trafficking is evil. You are evil for trying to defend it, however inept the attempt.
Why are you simping for billionaires? Also its funny that you think everyone who isnt a conservative is a 'Democrat'.
If you look at policies pushed by those in power...rich people are getting richer, and thats the ground truth. So respect all you want....they are still going to fuck you over while distracting you with "who the bad people are"
You're a fucking hypocrite for bitching about LBC's post because you're literally accusing him of doing what you actually did to me: In your above comment you falsely accused me of simping for billionaires (I never said anything even close), and you fabricated a false narrative to make it appear I suggested, said, supported, certain concepts and positions.

Based on the same above quote we can logically deduce of you the following:

1) You think anyone who self labels as a Conservative or Conserva-tarian is somehow 'simping for billionaires', despite the fact the vast majority of outspoken billionaires are WEF supporting progressives, a.k.a. Fascists

2) You identify more with democrats a.k.a. nazicrats, than Conservatives and Conserva-tarians (the freedom loving people who founded and built our Constitutional Republic)

3) You think being rich/pursuing wealth, in and of itself, is unethical. You automatically equate wealth with greed

4) You think anyone who is wealthy is an evil, power hungry, lying authoritarian

You must be a member/sympathizer of the SRA/Socialist Rifle Association. Do you also support ANTIFA? BLM? WEF? Green New Deal?
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Mmmm insightful. Im derailing a thread by saying "hey doing raids isnt enough, you need to support victims and destroy the networks too" sure is a way to say that my mindset is twisted.

If anything, it says that those that are giving me heat aren't really against sex trafficking at all...you just want to be mad about something. Interesting.
You leftists love to use the Alinsky tactic of accusing others of what YOU are actually doing and thinking.
Clown, I'm done with you. To my ignore list you go. Buh bye.
You're a fucking hypocrite for bitching about LBC's post because you're literally accusing him of doing what you actually did to me: In your above comment you falsely accused me of simping for billionaires (I never said anything even close), and you fabricated a false narrative to make it appear I suggested, said, supported, certain concepts and positions.

Based on the same above quote we can logically deduce of you the following:

1) You think anyone who self labels as a Conservative or Conserva-tarian is somehow 'simping for billionaires', despite the fact the vast majority of outspoken billionaires are WEF supporting progressives, a.k.a. Fascists

2) You identify more with democrats a.k.a. nazicrats, than Conservatives and Conserva-tarians (the freedom loving people who founded and built our Constitutional Republic)

3) You think being rich/pursuing wealth, in and of itself, is unethical. You automatically equate wealth with greed

4) You think anyone who is wealthy is an evil, power hungry, lying authoritarian

You must be a member/sympathizer of the SRA/Socialist Rifle Association. Do you also support ANTIFA? BLM? WEF? Green New Deal?

Sure I can handle this.

Examine TCJA...sure there were tax cuts across the board for most folks, however the tax cuts to corporations were WAY larger than the offset provided to people. The idea was to spur investment and growth, which didn't happen. Again the concept of "trickle down" economics was a lie. We are literally worse off as a country because of TCJA. NAFTA and USMCA exported jobs out of the country, again a concept pushed and passed by conservatives. What I'm saying, and have been this whole time, is that politicians DO NOT have our best interests at heart.

1. Of the political donations from billionaires. The spending to conservative candidates eclipsed those spent on progressives by 4 times. Why?

2. The two parties at the founding were the Federalists, and Democratic Republicans. Federalists wanted a strong central government and was made up of mostly the wealthy. The Democratic Republicans were typically poorer and sometimes illiterate and believed in states rights, they supported the common man and wanted an economy based on agriculture. So no your interpretation of founding parties is historically wrong.

3. Wealth inherently isn't evil, but I think at a certain point what you do with that wealth can become evil. You can choose to be a force for good, or use wealth to keep others down to increase profits over people. For example look at Amazon, they use wealth and influence to basically have indentured labor, and prevent unions from fighting back.

4. Thats not true. There are plenty of wealthy very altruistic people that do good...however most dont.

For what its worth fascism by definition is a right wing ideology, characterized by dictatorship, nationalism, militarism, and the forceful suppression of opposition. I've already said I was an anarchist like 6 times, which is the exact opposite of fascism. I dont know how else to say it.
For what its worth fascism by definition is a right wing ideology, characterized by dictatorship, nationalism, militarism, and the forceful suppression of opposition. I've already said I was an anarchist like 6 times, which is the exact opposite of fascism. I dont know how else to say it.
You should read the book on fascism by Jonah Goldberg. Fascism is not Hugo Voss fashion and high stepping. Hitler was a socialist.

Granted, plenty of "right wing" politicians are control freaks, just as are the socialists AKA the DNC. But being control freaks is not the sole domain of conservative people. PM Trudeau is a good example of a person opposite the "right wing" who is allowed to do black face and then also says he is restricting firearms in certain ways as a carte blanche directive.

Anarchy is fine until your neighbor kills you and rapes your wife and daughter just because he wants to and got the surprise in first.

Yeah, I know, anarchy is to be self-governance. Amongst people who cannot even park a vehicle between the lines. Anarchists are the most optimistic because they are under the delusion that people, in general, are as moral as they are.
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Forget the dictionary or academic definition of Fascism because Fascism has always been a left wing system... Let's look at real world facts... The two most infamous Fascists in history are Hitler and Mussolini.

Hitler pretended to be a Communist in his earlier years to gain a following and political power, but Nazism was a form of Socialism.

Mussolini was a self avowed Communist who later morphed into a Nazi Socialist.

The Godfather of Fascism was Giovanni Gentile, a self described Socialist.

Another FACT: American 'progressives' initially supported Hitler until his evilness became too known- then they turned on him publicly. Those same 'progressives' struggled to differentiate between Stalin's Communism and Hitler's Socialism (which was just to the right of Communism but by no means a right wing concept). That, along with decades of 'progressive' journalists' and news' disinformation about 'Fascism being a right wing thing' are why so many think they know so much that isn't true about Fascism.

The greatest nation, system, efforts, and flag, against "Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Authoritarianism, Totalitarianism, and Tyranny", the world has ever seen- is our Capitalism based American Constitutional Republic and our Stars & Stripes. Until the Obama Administration changed all that.

Conservatives and Conserva-tarians (a.k.a. Americans) know Fascism is, based on historical fact, Leftism. Everyone else just buys into the Left's propaganda.
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How did this POS only get 5 years?!
Sorry assed plea bargain. Once had a mental retardation facility worker nailed to the wall for abusing a Profoundly Retarded man. She was going to serve some serious time and once free would never work in the care field again. Went to lunch and came back, plea bargained to disturbing the peace. Rapides Parish is famous for letting criminals walk.

Now for the rest of the story. One of the best direct care workers in that very large facility. Really liked her, until I walked in the cottage right after lunch one day On a scheduled appointment. As I walked through the door, I heard screaming. Walked to the sound of the screaming and sure enough, was pounding on the poor fellow.

There is an old John Wayne meme about this type of situation. Your brain keeps telling you, turn around, you don’t want to get into this shit, but…Your Feet Keep Walking towards the sounds because what you feel is overcome by what you know is right and you keep going. This pretty much describes it.

You should try it. I got near hypothermic twice during Hell Week, and every day sucked, but sure man.

Let me guess you would have served but you were too smart and you almost joined but in MEPS they said you had too much muscle mass...

Funny story, that class was the first to switch to the woodland BDUs and it sucked because the pockets and blousing filled up with sand.
Which class did you graduate?......Me? I stayed in the Boyscouts.
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225, I got there as 221 was graduating, and it took forever to class up. Pre-phase was its own kind of special hell, but I got in great shape.

I felt so sorry for the folks in 224. After the Dog and Ponies and Sea Worlds were over the instructors pounded those guys.

I probably should have stayed in the Boy Scouts tbh
Probably not cool to ask which Team(s) you were on? ....Might have common aquaintances.