Photos The one taht did not get away.

Re: The one taht did not get away.

Surgeon...I'm impressed. The gross is 164 and 5/8. He had one broken tine that we estimate would have been 5 inches. 14 scorable points not counting the broken tine. The taxidermist wants to repair the broken tine and promised he could match it to the extent one could never tell the difference. What would you do?
Re: The one taht did not get away.

just because everyone else wouldn't know doesn't mean you could sleep with yourself at night knowing the truth!! Besides, leaving it like you took it makes it that more special and gives you the story to tell!!
Re: The one taht did not get away.

Took a very nice buck this year also, have multiple trail cam pics of him, when I harvested him he had one larger tine broke off from fighting and I left it as is... Everyone still see's the broken time and it kinda of adds a conversational piece. FWIW
Re: The one taht did not get away.

Last year I drew a tag for returning Iraq Veterans for a'Once in a Lifetime Hunt' for Oryx at White Sands Missile Range in NM.

I shot this really nice bull right through the shoulder and it took off on its three good legs. When if finally fell it face planted into a ravine and snapped off one of its horns.

The taxidermist convinced me to have the horn replaced with some extras he had....I regret it.
Re: The one taht did not get away.

Yea definently leave him as is. I got trail cam pics of a huge 11 pt last year and a friend wound up killin him with part of his right main broke off which only made him a 9. But he'll he still went 156 and some change. He had the taxi. Match his horns to the pics I had and it turned out great but I would only do that if I had pics to go by. And still might not do it then. Damn nice deer " sad daddy"!
Re: The one taht did not get away.

Truth is you need to do what makes you happy. You are the one looking at him the rest of your life. There are pro's and con's.

It's not fake as the tine was there. At the end of the day it really doesn't matter except to you. I certainly wouldn't claim a score with the fixed tine as it wouldn't be accurate.

So if you want him with the tine do it and be honest with his score!! Or mount him like you found him. Either way he's a quality buck. You're the one looking at him!!
Re: The one taht did not get away.

My gut feel all along was to leave it as is. The gross score of 164 and 5/8 is scored as is without the broken tine. My wife is pressing for the tine repair and her arguement is that it was there and therefore should be there. Who can reason with that? LOL

Anyhow, guess who is going to win this one?

Re: The one taht did not get away.

Got some fixed and left some broke, thing is you can't count it if it was not there when you shot it. The ones that have been fixed do look nice.

if it is not a book deer the fixed looks good especially if its a main tine if it is a kicker or some extra point no question but to leave it broke.

nice deer either way!!
