The war in Ukraine and Donbas

I doubt this guy is 'French', he has a very strong French accent like someone from northern europe or middle east. An ex-legion guy maybe? Even better, the guy you can hear on the radio has a typical Swiss French accent which is totally out of place.
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This might change the NATO landscape somewhat.

Turkey joins the BRICS: Ankara's request at the Summit - They found everything H.Fidan-Wang Yi - Russia welcomes​

H.Fidan set off the "bomb" inside NATO​

"Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan agreed with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi that Turkey should join the BRICS. Turkey's request will be put on the agenda of the organization's next Summit.

Turkey is slowly and steadily following the path of the UAE, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, while the defeat of NATO in Ukraine will play a key role.

While delivering his speech on Turkey-China relations in the Changing World Order at the Center for China and Globalization, Fidan discussed the Middle East-West Corridor Initiative, a trade route that will start from Turkey and reach the China through the Caucasus, Caspian Sea and Central Asia, alongside China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)."

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i just wish putin would finish this off. would remove an excuse for other countries ground forces to enter (i hope). of course,might make it worse but a NATO/US invasion would at least put the lies up front.
also would remove any option for us to rebuild that shithole.

I want Russia, hoping the ukies turn on their own gov't soon, to overrun kiev
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This might change the NATO landscape somewhat.

Turkey joins the BRICS: Ankara's request at the Summit - They found everything H.Fidan-Wang Yi - Russia welcomes​

H.Fidan set off the "bomb" inside NATO​

"Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan agreed with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi that Turkey should join the BRICS. Turkey's request will be put on the agenda of the organization's next Summit.

Turkey is slowly and steadily following the path of the UAE, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, while the defeat of NATO in Ukraine will play a key role.

While delivering his speech on Turkey-China relations in the Changing World Order at the Center for China and Globalization, Fidan discussed the Middle East-West Corridor Initiative, a trade route that will start from Turkey and reach the China through the Caucasus, Caspian Sea and Central Asia, alongside China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)."

Kind of confirms that Turkey is serious about getting out of NATO. NATO and Bricks are not compatible.
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Article with potential telegraphing what's in the Russian plan. Or its just propaganda.

"The United States itself regularly and consciously takes steps aimed at increasing escalation. They are supplying the terrorist state of Ukraine with increasingly deadly weapons systems. Therefore, if the Yemeni Houthis, Syrian and Iraqi Arabs, or some activists in Germany or Africa get thousands of cheap FPV drones or some other weapons that fall on the heads of American troops at their bases, then don’t be surprised by this in Washington.

The United States simply will not be able to present anything serious to the Russian Federation, and they will be afraid to start a nuclear war, so they will have to endure it or negotiate. US bases are a very serious opportunity for power projection, but at the same time an incredible vulnerability given modern technological realities and combat experience. The Americans will get tired of strengthening air defense/missile defense, no Patriot air defense systems and other means will be enough, and even the US Federal Reserve System may go bankrupt on ammunition.

In addition, the Russian Federation may well begin to support national liberation movements not only in Africa, but also in Europe. Prospects look great in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Catalonia, Basque Country, Corsica, Bavaria, Tyrol, Silesia, Flanders and other oppressed regions. The European allies of the United States simply need to be saddened for their Russophobia. Whether the Kremlin will agree to this or not is another question."
If a person can shoot bats or chimney swifts out of the sky, why not drones?
If a person can shoot bats or chimney swifts out of the sky, why not drones?
Because drones, particularly FPV ones, can kill tanks and can also fly right into the window of the building with a few pounds of explosives attached to it, in some weird tragectory, which makes it hard to hit, but it can also drop grenades on a fellow brave with a shotgun... Real life example - I can hit 23-24 clay pigeons out of 25 with ease. I thought I was ready for some "no problem" hunting and I was sure that I am pretty good with a shotgun. Then I went duck hunting one day, and spent exactly 75 shotgun shells, taking down 3 ducks. Ducks do not fly like clay pigeons, in other words ducks do not follow rules of engagement... Now, imagine FPV drone with a human brain controlling its movement, it is not a duck...
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Because drones can not only kill tanks and can also fly right into the window of the house with a few pounds of explosives attached to it in some weird tragectory, which makes it hard to hit, but it can also drop grenades on a fellow brave with a shotgun... Real life example - I can hit 23-24 clay pigeons out of 25 with ease. I thought I am ready for some "no problem hunting" and I am good with a shotgun. Then I went duck hunting one day, and spent exactly 75 shotgun shells, taking down 3 ducks. Ducks do not fly like clay pigeons, in other words ducks do not follow the rules of engagement...
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We dont want to get into tactics here, but suffice it to say that Kortik is right. There are many ways to make a drone ruin your day. Thinking a shotgun is the Holy Grail is myopic. There's a huge difference between a drone standing still looking in your window and its use in a war.
Because drones can not only kill tanks and can also fly right into the window of the house with a few pounds of explosives attached to it in some weird tragectory, which makes it hard to hit, but it can also drop grenades on a fellow brave with a shotgun... Real life example - I can hit 23-24 clay pigeons out of 25 with ease. I thought I am ready for some "no problem hunting" and I am good with a shotgun. Then I went duck hunting one day, and spent exactly 75 shotgun shells, taking down 3 ducks. Ducks do not fly like clay pigeons, in other words ducks do not follow the rules of engagement...
This right here. That's why all the "immigrants" don't need guns just some cash to buy drones and a way to get/ make explosives or biologics(ie illegal lab in komifornia recently). People who believe future wars are going to be small arms type shooting wars are just kidding themselves.
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This right here. That's why all the "immigrants" don't need guns just some cash to buy drones and a way to get/ make explosives or biologics(ie illegal lab in komifornia recently). People who believe future wars are going to be small arms type shooting wars are just kidding themselves.
Let me put a finer point on it: those who think the future wars will be like the past will be the losers. I get that it is hard to comprehend what is going on and how fast it is occurring, but unless there is some EMP event we aren't going back. Even then it would re-emerge eventually. We aren't totally there now obviously, but the changes to the battlespace are very very real. For every scenario you can think of as countermeasures there is someone else working on countering that idea. That's how we got counter-counter UAS efforts; sounds stupid, but its a thing.

The evolution of war and control simply does not stop. Ever.
some DOJ harrassment

kinda follow this guys stuff and often agree with him. he is so aggressive and pointed in his posts that i have wondered if he is for real. would be labeled "pro russian" by the deep state. so,when this got put out i thought he must surely be on to something. or,getting ready to say stuff in russia that would piss off the NWO or deep state. definitely targeted and,of course,unconstitutional. we know doj/deep state cares less about that.
Let me put a finer point on it: those who think the future wars will be like the past will be the losers. I get that it is hard to comprehend what is going on and how fast it is occurring, but unless there is some EMP event we aren't going back. Even then it would re-emerge eventually. We aren't totally there now obviously, but the changes to the battlespace are very very real. For every scenario you can think of as countermeasures there is someone else working on countering that idea. That's how we got counter-counter UAS efforts; sounds stupid, but its a thing.

The evolution of war and control simply does not stop. Ever.
Kind of a wild (and unrelated to war) idea here, but just imagine the use of observaton drones for hunting certain wild game, like hogs, wolfs, bears, tigers and even elefants somewhere in Africa, etc. With deer, it may not work 100%, as deer can hear real well even a tiny noise. But you can at least get an idea where to go to make a shot as opposed to just sitting still or walking in a random direction. Could be a good alternative to noisy hunting dogs...
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Let me put a finer point on it: those who think the future wars will be like the past will be the losers. I get that it is hard to comprehend what is going on and how fast it is occurring, but unless there is some EMP event we aren't going back. Even then it would re-emerge eventually. We aren't totally there now obviously, but the changes to the battlespace are very very real. For every scenario you can think of as countermeasures there is someone else working on countering that idea. That's how we got counter-counter UAS efforts; sounds stupid, but its a thing.

The evolution of war and control simply does not stop. Ever.
yes. not an expert, but as an aside,i start to think that all the $,faith,and dependence thrown into carrier battle groups is like the the billy mitchel,battleship controversy in the 20s. also,the maginot line/defense vs panzer divisions. looks now like in depth defense and drones are the answer to large mechanized offensives. guess we'll see when russia makes a strong move at kharkov or even kiev.
“Dying ain’t much of livi’n son.”
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lockheed martin alone will do ~$70 billion this year, while employing ~116,000 people, and purchasing components from over 13,000 suppliers.
i don't think it is a secret why the government loves feeding these wars. the economy seems to depend on blood being spilled somewhere.
Let me put a finer point on it: those who think the future wars will be like the past will be the losers. I get that it is hard to comprehend what is going on and how fast it is occurring, but unless there is some EMP event we aren't going back. Even then it would re-emerge eventually. We aren't totally there now obviously, but the changes to the battlespace are very very real. For every scenario you can think of as countermeasures there is someone else working on countering that idea. That's how we got counter-counter UAS efforts; sounds stupid, but its a thing.

The evolution of war and control simply does not stop. Ever.
Here is an example of what I am talking about. There is always the technology cat and mouse development. EW is a huge and constant risk, so now we have counter-EW. Once the current threats are addressed, others will counter the counter. A lot of it will be through automation of detection, data analysis and decision computation. Integrate drones designed for various combat missions into this system and add its own increasing/changing abilities and you have a rapidly changing battlespace. There is a lot of this learning going on in Ukraine by all sides. The kicker is when these systems will be used in a non-combat area to foment regime change, utilized in IOT asymmetrical warfare, etc.


That's nothing.

The U.S. remains the largest donor of aid to Afghanistan, providing a total of about $2.6 billion since the collapse of the previous Afghan government

Drone deployment is getting even better on both sides.
Video of Ukrainian drone bypassing a cope cage on a Russian tank.

All the horrors of warfare that Science Fiction books and movies warned us about are going to be coming to pass really soon.
Folks that are all begging for a glorious war with Russia and China and Iran and everybody at the same time are about to find out there will be no glory, just horror and dying.
All the horrors of warfare that Science Fiction books and movies warned us about are going to be coming to pass really soon.
Folks that are all begging for a glorious war with Russia and China and Iran and everybody at the same time are about to find out there will be no glory, just horror and dying.

And I don't think the West is learning quickly enough how drone warfare is going to be a huge force multiplier for many countries that don't have the military resources the West does.

I personally get the impression that we are asleep at the wheel, slow to adapt while other countries are figuring out this new type of warfare very quickly.
BTR and BRADLEY going at each other like in a medieval joust , both landing hits on each other both suffering casualties
BTR gunner was just a bit faster in a lopsided fight and that 30mm at point blank is likely inflicting enough damage ; Bradley seems to have hit the flank and exhaust and looks like one or two dismounts riding the BTR are at least wounded.

Bradley comes to a halt

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I think we may see, in the near future, some sort of anti-drone module installed on certain highly important military machines like tanks, etc.
Module will include a sort of detection device (close range radar looking in all directions) and something like M134 Minigun, most likely automatically controlled by detection device). The only problem, it will cost a LOT more than a drone. For dudes in tranches, the only realistic alternative will likely be a very compact jamming device, say, the size of the laptop or smaller... But it will not be cheap enough to be used by everybody.
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. For dudes in tranches, the only realistic alternative will likely be a very compact jamming device, say, the size of the laptop or smaller.
The drone warfare is evolving so fast, I don't think that will be worth deploying anyway.
They are already steering drones with fiberoptic wire that is jam proof but whose range is limited by the wire length. They also are ramping up better and better autonomous hunter/killer drones that are programmable and very jam resistant.
Techno arms race but low budget and big payback.
The drone warfare is evolving so fast, I don't think that will be worth deploying anyway.
They are already steering drones with fiberoptic wire that is jam proof but whose range is limited by the wire length. They also are ramping up better and better autonomous hunter/killer drones that are programmable and very jam resistant.
Techno arms race but low budget and big payback.

Drones definitely seem like they will be a big equalizer on the battlefield in a lot of ways.

While we focus on building million+ dollar bombs and billion + dollar military vehicles, and other big high $ toys that enriches the MIC, other countries will be able to expand their capabilities on the battlefield rapidly and cheaply with things like drones.
500$ FPV kamikaze drone is definitely punching way above its weight and makes prospects of armies with small number of 10-25mio tanks and IFVs an extremely unsustainable proposition.

EW is ever developing fight , but having followed bunch of the latest development it seems 12/76 is the most reliable as the drone manufaacturers are always weeks or months ahead of the EW , but more importantly EW gear is one thing but getting everyone up to speed on how to best utilse it is another thing.
Mass purchases of Shotguns are happening on both sides as its still the most reliable counter to FPV

Indeed drones are being developed at rapid pace by amateurs that are limited in means but not by ingenuity and freedom of action. That is why US military is now also running some programs for low cost development outside LM, Raytheon, Boeing as these are just to big to move in the right direction.

One man band development , all of the shelf electronics
it begins to look,to me,like modern ground combat is statically not survivable. i wonder what will or would happen if that becomes clearly known to the common people worldwide. will willingness to participate fall even farther off in the west? in asia? in latin america? the role of propaganda and control of information would become more important than it already is. islam? no.korea? china? africa? in ww1 all of europe was hot to go to war. the effect on that if the outcome of combat then was known? europeans in 1914 were very jingoistic. the mindless slaughter in france was not known or seen. "regular" techniques worked eventually. armored warfare made big changes in ww2 along with air warfare. but now would common knowledge of almost certain death or maiming make war fighting less desirable to the cannon fodder despite patriotic propaganda?
I personally get the impression that we are asleep at the wheel, slow to adapt while other countries are figuring out this new type of warfare very quickly.
I think it's just the nature of the beast, the more you are invested into complex and expensive systems the slower and less nimble you become.
Like no other nation on earth has a fleet of nuclear carriers like the US but at the same time nothing stops countries from trying to develop counter measures against such a fleet.
Those counter measures are by nature, based on newer technology.
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I think it's just the nature of the beast, the more you are invested into complex and expensive systems the slower and less nimble you become.
Like no other nation on earth has a fleet of nuclear carriers like the US but at the same time nothing stops countries from trying to develop counter measures against such a fleet.
Those counter measures are by nature, based on newer technology.
Interesting info I read a week ago about how dedicated China is about countering U.S. Carriers.
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Looks pretty serious to me:

In the past, there were always a couple of Russian subs with nukes situated not too far from the Eastern coast of the US. But scale of the recent deployment of Russian subs, many armed with hypersonic missiles, probably having multiple nuke war heads, is certainly unprecedented.
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Soooo..... It's a crisis when their shit is close to our border, but it's NOT a crisis when our shit is close to their border.

The West is gunning hard for a shooting war with Russia. Their media prostitutes are more than willing to generate and feed fear laced garbage to the sheep.
Looks pretty serious to me:

In the past, there were always a couple of Russian subs with nukes situated not too far from the Eastern coast of the US. But scale of the recent deployment of Russian subs, many armed with hypersonic missiles, probably having multiple nuke war heads, is certainly unprecedented.

90% of that would cease if we would back off of the proxy war we are funding against their country.

A group of unellected people small enough to fit onto a single board room are putting things in motion that endanger most of the world population.