The war in Ukraine and Donbas

His character was already assassinated by himself. Served two years in prison and is a registered sex offender.
if true,if,then i am surprised not shocked. the last 5 years have left me current events shock proof. these days i take any criminal guilt against anyone who is not supporting the NWO as likely being a set up. the name donald trump ring a bell? what specifically do you know?
if true,if,then i am surprised not shocked. the last 5 years have left me current events shock proof. these days i take any criminal guilt against anyone who is not supporting the NWO as likely being a set up. the name donald trump ring a bell? what specifically do you know?

Sexual offenses​

Arrests and conviction for sex offenses​

Ritter was the subject of two law enforcement sting operations in 2001.[43] He was charged in June 2001 with trying to set up a meeting with an undercover police officer posing as a 16-year-old girl.[44][45] He was charged with a misdemeanor crime of "attempted endangerment of the welfare of a child". The charge was dismissed and the record was sealed after he completed six months of pre-trial probation.[45][7]

Ritter was arrested again in November 2009[46] over communications with a police decoy he met on an Internet chat site. Police said that he exposed himself, via a web camera, after the officer repeatedly identified himself as a 15-year-old girl.[5]

The next month, Ritter waived his right to a preliminary hearing and was released on $25,000 unsecured bail. Charges included "unlawful contact with a minor, criminal use of a communications facility, corruption of minors, indecent exposure, possessing instruments of crime, criminal attempt and criminal solicitation".[2] Ritter rejected a plea bargain and was found guilty of all but the criminal attempt count in a courtroom in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, on April 14, 2011.[5][47]

In October 2011, Ritter received a sentence of one and a half to five and a half years in prison.[3] He was sent to Laurel Highlands state prison in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, in March 2012 and paroled in September 2014.[4][6][7]

Car park masturbation​

In the early 2000s, Ritter and his wife Marina joined Delmar’s volunteer Fire Department. Ritter became one of its most active members, and was eventually selected as an assistant chief. According to court testimony, by 2004 when Ritter stopped attending therapy, he had made an almost daily habit of trying to meet women from chat rooms, in cars or out-of-the-way places, so they could watch him masturbate. Ritter has blamed this behavior on his ongoing depression. In 2009, when Ritter's sexual offenses with a minor became public, he lost the only regular job he had had in recent years, writing analyses on world events for a private energy firm, and was reported to be heavily in debt. Also at this time, Ritter was also removed from active duties in the Delmar Fire department, something he described as “one of the most profound disappointments I have experienced.”[5]


I'm sure with your skills you could find other places to confirm that this is true, if you doubt it.

if true,if,then i am surprised not shocked. the last 5 years have left me current events shock proof. these days i take any criminal guilt against anyone who is not supporting the NWO as likely being a set up. the name donald trump ring a bell? what specifically do you know?
I am immediately suspicious of any "found child porn on computer" from law enforcement - it seems to be their version of "dog ate my homework".
interesting. if true,brings into question judge napolitano's web postings. seems odd that someone would fall for the same cop scam x2. the twisted are often not too smart,howevr. NY post says the details you mention are true. so,again,what is the truth? the sexting stuff likely. the FBI raiding someone who is anti ukraine war and spoken of in a + way by RFK is very likely a setup. the fbi is 100% under the control of the deep state. the only thing they are competent at is corruption and lying. so,like the rest of the fed gov,i believe absolutely nothing that comes from them. anyone that does believe them is either a fool or a deep state shill.
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damn. have to follow this. he does go after the deep state hard. also,quite anti israel. also,very pointedly critical of our ukrainian war against russia. i am assuming the raid was asked for by benni. wonder who is next. mcgregor or bongino likely. tucker still "safe" for awhile. too vast and varied an audience but he is in danger and they have tried to kill him before. if camel toe is put in office,i am afraid he will commit suicide.
people are suggesting it is because he has talked about hamas prisoners being sodomized and how some are saying it is justified.

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His character was already assassinated by himself. Served two years in prison and is a registered sex offender.
and they framed donald trump in a much bigger way, didn't they.
ever since he blew the whistle on no wmds, they have been going after him.
is he a pedo? hell if i know, but it doesn't mean he is lying about anything else.
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My guess is the Ukranians are doing a last ditch effort to do something not tactically useful but blatant and evil and brazen enough that Russia will take off the gloves and the Ukraine hopes that when Russia does that, NATO pours a bunch of western folks in for cannon fodder and goes to war with Russia directly.

It's kind of the game Castro tried to play in trying to get the USA and USSR to start a big war.
Fortunately he didn't succeed and nobody went to war.

The MIC and our traitors in the government are so enthralled by the allure of quick riches they might just be stupid enough to kickstart WWIII
Russia pretty much said if NATO starts attacking them directly, they will consider it an existential threat and it will be nuke them all and hope somebody is left alive time.
Why would they use “their last few spare reserves” on this? Something is off.
The whole thing is bizarre. The Ukrainian info space is quiet by usual standards about it (like the proper one, not the barking meme dogs who will take any excuse to make c&*ts of themselves). The Russian info space is in it's standard doom loop and all we really have evidence of is:
1. The Ukrainians downed a Russian chopper with an FPV, which is kind of insane and a bit of a crazy moment in modern warfare
2. A supposed Ukrainian missile strike on a Russian column.
3. Lancets burning a lot of shit. Also kills on Ukrainian AD
4. Ukrainian DRG's driving around in various parts of the area.

There is only one real interesting thing atm. Basically every location the mappers say is now occupied by Ukraine is pretty much easy to cover low ground. Unless they break out it's not going to end well.
I would be interested to see mechanism of injury. I was looking and don't see many signs of Explosions in many of the trucks that have bodies in them. Some are burned out, but many are not burned but it looks like the soldiers didn't have a chance to get out of them before they were killed.
I would be interested to see mechanism of injury. I was looking and don't see many signs of Explosions in many of the trucks that have bodies in them. Some are burned out, but many are not burned but it looks like the soldiers didn't have a chance to get out of them before they were killed.

Probably a US made M30a1 rocket from a Himars. An airburst warhead with 182,000 little 4mm tungsten balls. Just a wild guess, since the Ukrainians have bragged alot of the effects of this round in the past.

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I would be interested to see mechanism of injury. I was looking and don't see many signs of Explosions in many of the trucks that have bodies in them. Some are burned out, but many are not burned but it looks like the soldiers didn't have a chance to get out of them before they were killed.
Pretty sure that was a himar strike, there is footage of it from a Ukrainian drone and it happened quite far in Russian territory.
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Something else entirely is at play that has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with regional military conflict.

Whether it is prior positioned investments by Blackrock and the multinationals, or whether it is raw material and energy-centric financial gains that must be protected, something else is driving the U.S. State Dept and CIA that has nothing to do with Russia expanding a defensive border against NATO intrusion.

What I can also assure you is that Russians certainly see this context that just doesn’t make sense. Why is the U.S. Government so entirely willing to bankrupt itself, essentially destroy itself, in an effort to protect a few thousand square meters in Eastern Ukraine.

Bankrupt itself? The US throws that much money away on useless trinkets every year.
Something else entirely is at play that has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with regional military conflict.

Whether it is prior positioned investments by Blackrock and the multinationals, or whether it is raw material and energy-centric financial gains that must be protected, something else is driving the U.S. State Dept and CIA that has nothing to do with Russia expanding a defensive border against NATO intrusion.

What I can also assure you is that Russians certainly see this context that just doesn’t make sense. Why is the U.S. Government so entirely willing to bankrupt itself, essentially destroy itself, in an effort to protect a few thousand square meters in Eastern Ukraine.
Makes about as much sense as unsecured, wide open borders.

♦ To stop him in 2016, the FBI and DOJ ran a comprehensive surveillance operation against his campaign. The same people manufactured a completely fabricated case of Trump colluding with Russia. Have you forgotten?

♦ To stop him in 2017, the DOJ and Congress ran a comprehensive Special Counsel operation against his presidency. The justification of the SC operation was to prove a completely fabricated case of Trump colluding with Russia. The real reason for the SC operation was to cover up the FBI and DOJ completely fabricating the case of Trump colluding with Russia. Have you forgotten?

♦ To stop him in 2019, congress and the intelligence apparatus (Mary McCord and Michael Atkinson) manufactured an impeachment hoax using Ukraine, a fabricated DoD plant on the National Security Council (Vindman), the CIA (Ciaramella) and the Intelligence Community Inspector General (Attkinson). Have you forgotten?

♦ To stop him in 2020, the U.S. Intelligence Community, working through the U.S. CDC, seeded a global pandemic and quickly manufactured an election result using mail-in ballots to manufacture 81 million votes for a completely controlled candidate with dementia. Have you forgotten?

♦ To stop him in 2022, Joe Biden (through AG Garland) appointed a special prosecutor (smith) to investigate, indict and convict him. Have you forgotten?

♦ To stop him in 2023, the FBI and DOJ raided his home. Indicted him under claims of “national security,” then began to use Lawfare in the court system against him. Have you forgotten?

♦ To stop him in 2024, the U.S. Secret Service permitted a 20-year-old with a backpack, range finder, drone and long rifle, to walk into a Trump rally, set up position on a rooftop next to the USSS operating team, and fire eight shots at less than 150 yards at President Trump’s head, wounding his ear. Have you forgotten?

So, my question remains:

What will the Ukraine stakeholders, in congress, within NATO, within the State Dept, within the CIA and Intelligence Community and within the multinational banking and investment companies (Blackrock), do over the next few months to stop President Donald Trump from winning in November?

well put questions raised. the point about no front line reporting is one i never considered but is very telling. wars between on involving major powers are usually heavily covered.
well put questions raised. the point about no front line reporting is one i never considered but is very telling. wars between on involving major powers are usually heavily covered.
when people see war up close, even second hand, most will naturally want it to end.
seems as long as they don't get closer than a podium speaker, they don't give a fuck.
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Zelenskyy false flags again and they are responsible.
By some accounts, it appears that they pushed into the Kursk "region" and still over 100KM from the actual city of Kursk.

This is the seemingly the most complete and potentially legit version of the Uks push into Russia. He also give plausible reasons behind their running that operation.

Mainly the first 10 minutes lays it out.
Then targets would have to be located in NATO countries as true source of Ukraine military "might" comes from NATO without it this war would be over quite a while ago.
However if one looks at the "accounting books of war" it appears that Russia is persevering and doing quite well while the NATO is the one scraping various military knickknacks to plug the Ukraines gaps and sending "volunteers" to man the tech... Do not forget the bill that is being hidden by MSM that is issued every day for supporting 404 state which is basically non existent. I'm pretty sure keeping that country running requires a lot of not just plain cash but tangible goods too. All that is being reflected in trainwreck of EU economy which i guess will be closely followed by an US crash (check the data on CC debt and PMI). IF and thats a big IF somehow we manage to get into elections in US and IF Trump actually survives :) and does not fuck up (again) we are in for a crash of a lifetime (which is needed to reset stuff) that just might through financial pain cause also moral cleansing and revival of the old (nation first) ways. Alternative is a WWIII where probably we end up vaporizing much of the planet and probably not surviving as a species but rationally speaking if necons and woke agendas win and we actually get this "new human nor black nor white" former alternative sounds just about right, no sane person would like to live in this future utopia thats being showed down our throats..
Does the Ukrainian incursion into Russia tell you anything about the Russian Operational level IC/CM capability?
Yes he is just trying to bleed the US & nato, and doing a damn good job of it. Much like the games in the M/E, trading cheap drones to deplete the iron dome. Once they believe its down to XXX level the real show will begin.
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