We Few by SOG soldier, Nick Brokhausen


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member
So Nick's book is out... previously only privately published. An amazing read! Got myself a couple of autographed copies of the public edition today.

Shameless plug... yes. Amazing read... Yes! You should buy this... Yes!

Watch his livecast, which was online today. His talk was amazing.

Order your copies here...


I got to pre-review this and was one of the guys checking up on commas and stuff. Sorry, errors in the book are mine, not his. Because I missed them. Not his fault, mine.

One of the best books about the recon and Studies and Observations Group soldiers in VN ever-written. Engaging, funny, truthful and from a guy who has more cojones in his pinkie finger than most of us (me included) ever managed to grow. And the ending will leave you, well, a bit choked up.

Buy this book. Read this book. Enjoy it thoroughly. Nick is one of us... through and through. No, not a sniper. But for sure an UN-PC hard-core warrior who stood tall when America called. Damn what a gentleman!



And, Yes, I an tell you what happened to the halftrack... If you buy the book and ask nice.
Probably not... If I could get a bunch done... I'd never mark them up anyway.

That said, I may be able to get folks some direct contact with publisher or with someone who can do this. It's not me. Nick and I are not 'buds' so no way on my end. Give me a few days and may be more realistic.

Special Forces Berlin, on the other hand... I can get copies done. Again, no markup. Warriors to warriors.

But if some folks want a Nick book signed... it's possibly possible. Just not possible for profit.


Probably not... If I could get a bunch done... I'd never mark them up anyway.

That said, I may be able to get folks some direct contact with publisher or with someone who can do this. It's not me. Nick and I are not 'buds' so no way on my end. Give me a few days and may be more realistic.

Special Forces Berlin, on the other hand... I can get copies done. Again, no markup. Warriors to warriors.

But if some folks want a Nick book signed... it's possibly possible. Just not possible for profit.



Looks like an excellent read. If you end up getting a hard copy, I'm in. Just got the Kindle versions as well
SirHr, I'll take one of each books you've mentioned.

I remember many years ago, gathering the names/monikers of those wanting the signed copies of Lone Survivor. That worked out very well, iirc.

I thought I already sent you a copy of SF Berlin... autographed for your wife? Maybe that was someone else.

Jim is coming up to hang out for a week after July 4... eating steak, drinking beer, shooting guns, working on cars... will be a good time. I'll see what I can do about some Nick books.


I thought I already sent you a copy of SF Berlin... autographed for your wife? Maybe that was someone else.

Jim is coming up to hang out for a week after July 4... eating steak, drinking beer, shooting guns, working on cars... will be a good time. I'll see what I can do about some Nick books.



Someone else. I wish it were me
Sorry Nik... I meant that for Sean the Nailer. I was sure I had sent his wife a signed copy for their anniversary.

Like I said... I'll see what I can get from folks. You are not forgotten!


SirHr, you are totally right. Yes, we did receive one, as I had just asked My Lady about it. Sure enough, she had it stashed amongst 'her books'. This is why I had forgotten about it. My apologies.

And yes again, as it was nearly a fight to get it out of her hands. :D Add to this, my memory, (or lack thereof) and everything starts all over again.
Good read. Apparently there should be a second part coming soon. The only typo I saw was "comer" for "corner" several times. Anybody wanting to read this book let me know and I will pass it on. It is mostly about letting off steam as an SOG member, which is a change of pace. It is during the period when going in meant getting shot out pretty quick most of the time.
I thought I already sent you a copy of SF Berlin... autographed for your wife? Maybe that was someone else.

Jim is coming up to hang out for a week after July 4... eating steak, drinking beer, shooting guns, working on cars... will be a good time. I'll see what I can do about some Nick books.


Think that was supposed to be me, but I never received a book.
I convinced myself that he was using comer instead of corner as some sort of copyright thing. A lot of maps willl do this, misspelling a street so that it’s identifiable if copies are made and no credit is given. But then again, I’m not sure why you’d need to do this in a book. It helped me overlook the error though.

Looking forward to part two.