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What happened to the Australia in complete tyranny thread???

and my mates god brother :cool:
He was right on about America in 1776. We need someone like him imported state side. He's absolutely correct with everything he said. I hope more leaders, like him, stand up and motivate you Aussie's, because, heaven knows, we need people like him, back here in the States. Mac(y)(y)
SKY NEWS, aka Murdoch's Muppet Show, has been churning out the bullshit as usual .
Stated yesterday that thousands protested in Melbourne.
A freeze frame of crowd footage, I literally don't have anything better to do, and counting heads, shows otherwise.
If half the the shit conspiracy theorists and anti vaxxers said was even half correct, it would be half interesting.

Funny as fuck, their idea of a quarantine "concentration camp".
I've been to Dachau, and lived in a donga on FIFO sites.
Sure as fuck know where I'd rather be.
Pretty sure the Third Reich didn't provide air conditioning, crib rooms, and self contained apartments to it's victims.

But hey, don't let facts get in the way of a good story.

Still waiting for the August reinstatement of Trumpy, the blood drinking baby killers and Satanists to be exposed.

Oh that's right, it's almost Christmas...
and nuffink.

I'd rather quarantine in my own home, and not get ripped out of it under force and put into a concentration camp.

Concentration is a dense collection of a similar thing. Another word could be collection. Also, they are camp sites.

Yes, FIFO work sites have humpy hits / dongas, however you are free to come and go as you please, and you can get food to your own dietary requirements also. You are not fined $5000 for putting a single toe over a white line, or trying to communicate with your neighbour. Yes, not talk, but communicate. Apparently passing letters and notes is a big naughty.

This whole pandemic is a sham, and needs to be called out for what it is.
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no one could of predicted this aye.... like trump said, and this goes for parents... theyre not after me, im just in their way. parents are in the way of these cunts going after the kids.

View attachment 7766440

This shit will not end until the politicians pushing this and their enforcers have been conditioned to absolutely fear dark areas on lonely roads along the route of their commutes, or hearing sounds in their houses that shouldn't belong, like the shuffling of an intruder...
I don't have fagbook, this was linked to me.

Australia has committed to 51mil doses of Novavax (protein based, not RNA or whatever the shit it is).

Australian population currently sits at 25.7 million, as at 30 June, 2021.

Jab rate is 90.6% as of this week (no date for live updates, so assume 7 day rolling).

People ages 0 to 15 is 18.6% of the population.

Australia currently classifies 16 as eliagble for jabby-jabby. (First link).

Time for maths.

18.6% of the 25.7mil population is 20.9mil. of that 90.6% (amount of jabbed) is 18.9mil. that leaves 2 million unjabbed who are "eligable".

We just got 51 million doses of Novavax.

That's 25 jabs per unjabbed person. 25. 20 fuking 5.

Let do more digging.
Pfizer - 130.5 million doses
Moderna - 25 million doses
AstraZenica - 53.8 million doses
Novavax - 51 million
Covax - 25 million.
Total - 283.5 million doses.

11 jabs for every man, woman and child from the age of 1 day. 11 jabs.. each. $8billion and $350m "investment" whatever the crap that means. About $29.27 per jab, roughly. $322 per person, all 25.7 million of us.

What the fuk Australia ???
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Curious. Canada has purchased 11.4 jabs for every man woman and child as well. I bet if we dig some more, you’ll find that a common variable.
Curious. Canada has purchased 11.4 jabs for every man woman and child as well. I bet if we dig some more, you’ll find that a common variable

I NOT the sharpest tool in the shop but what you are saying is ... US, AU, Canada and most likely others , Countries Purchasing Billions-$$$ more of same product than is Not realistically needed ??? .
HHhhmmmmm ? ... but it just can't be ? , this almost sounds like a collaborations to move, wash and launder on a global scale .....LOL
Well isn't this interesting. "Sorry, we won't make payment as the deceased in question dies from co-related issues. Yes they had covid when they died, but didn't die as a direct result."
Aaaaand watch stats go up as "death via covid" anyway.

I don't know ANYONE who has, or had the coof. I have 3 customers with directly related medical issues from being jabbed. (2x Az and one pf).

Do estates get funeral costs for jab related injuries or death ?
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From people I know.

No confirmed covid, although I think one extended family member has had it twice. once pre jabs once post.

One AZ now has a pacemaker, no previous heart problems.

BIL taken to hospital suspected heart attack then had a stroke, he knows 4 other people who have had Pfizer strokes.
BIL also has heart damage & they are talking about surgery.

Auntie had AZ first, then had Pfizer booster spent days in ICU & apparently one side of her heart is damaged.
SKY NEWS, aka Murdoch's Muppet Show, has been churning out the bullshit as usual .
Stated yesterday that thousands protested in Melbourne.
A freeze frame of crowd footage, I literally don't have anything better to do, and counting heads, shows otherwise.
If half the the shit conspiracy theorists and anti vaxxers said was even half correct, it would be half interesting.

Funny as fuck, their idea of a quarantine "concentration camp".
I've been to Dachau, and lived in a donga on FIFO sites.
Sure as fuck know where I'd rather be.
Pretty sure the Third Reich didn't provide air conditioning, crib rooms, and self contained apartments to it's victims.

But hey, don't let facts get in the way of a good story.

Still waiting for the August reinstatement of Trumpy, the blood drinking baby killers and Satanists to be exposed.

Oh that's right, it's almost Christmas...
and nuffink.

View attachment 7764131
This is the kind of worthless cuck who worships power, and believes a badge makes you god. Weak and morally directionless man-boys like this are far greater danger than some idiot Antifa kid who wants to riot. This cocksucker will do whatever anyone in authority tells him to do and believes everything their propaganda organs put out. Anyone who dares to disbelieve it or even questions it is a conspiracy theorist. He will not believe his lying eyes. People like this are essential to a totalitarian regime. These are their sheep, and without them blindly following they have no power.
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Prepare your tinfoil hats my fellow Aussies.
Why are supposed coof cases UP and record numbers, etc, however each state govt will NOT commit to lockdowns, only "restrictions" ??

The govt knows they can't have lockdowns, as the mass protesting on the streets have been effective. The govt WONT lockdown, because when people protest in the streets, they will be shown to have lost control, and the people can basically end this.

By having lockdowns, business will also drastically suffer, and business-SA has already stated that if a lockdown occurs, businesses will be able to claim losses against the govt for restriction of trade.

Sooooo in SA at least, we are having "restrictions". Business can only be 25% capacity, only 10 people at houses for NYE parties, etc.. no business can do 25%, they will basically have to close until the restriction is lifted. It's some such per square metre or whatever.

See where I'm going ? Govt won't do lockdowns again, they will just implement harder and harsher "restrictions".

It does take a Mensa member to work it out.
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the system is so fucked because the people are fucked in the head!

went yesterday to see my father who was in palliative care, and cause i wont disclose my jabbed status to anyone they wouldn't let me in.
my father passed away 4 hours ago today. my mother called me not long after he passed to let me know, missed the call but she left a message. piece of shit sister tried to call but i ignored her cause i already know the father was gone. mum calls me an hour later and tells me i can come now to see him. told her if i come there will be others they will be putting into the ground so my fathers baby brother went in my place. fucked the jabbed!!!
i saw him about 6 weeks ago when i was in there with my wife for her post breast cancer treatment meetings. he was all there but his body was slowly giving up on him. from what mum was telling me yesterday, he was doped up on morphine and sleeping most of the time.

between my wife, father and my work related injuries and all the bullshit happening around the world, I CAN STILL THINK CLEARLY.
was a mess when i heard mums message but have since settled, until i start thinking about him again...
i saw him about 6 weeks ago when i was in there with my wife for her post breast cancer treatment meetings. he was all there but his body was slowly giving up on him. from what mum was telling me yesterday, he was doped up on morphine and sleeping most of the time.

between my wife, father and my work related injuries and all the bullshit happening around the world, I CAN STILL THINK CLEARLY.
was a mess when i heard mums message but have since settled, until i start thinking about him again...
My condolences for your loss....
"[Forwarded from Aussie_News (admin)]

Go to phase 5, been sharing this since last year

Stage 1: Simulate a threat and create fear. (December 2019 - March 2020)
• Cause a pandemic in China.
• Cause thousands of old people to die.
• Increase the number of sick and deaths.
• Proclaim from the very beginning that only vaccines can save humanity.
• Focus all attention on lapwing nineteen
• The result will be general panic.

Phase 2: Sow the weeds and arrange for division (March 2020 - December 2020)
• Enact more unnecessary, restrictive and unconstitutional coercive measures.
• Paralyze trade and economy.
• Observe how the majority will obey and a minority will oppose.
• Demonize the sleepers and create a horizontal separation.
• Don't give the leaders of the dissidents a platform.
• Punish disobedience.
• Make the PCR test commonplace.
• Create confusion regarding cases, infected, sick, hospitalizations and deaths.
• Ban all effective treatments.

Phase 3: Come up with an insidious and deadly solution (December 2020 – June 2021)
• Offer everyone a free vaccine.
• Promise protection and a return to normal.
• Set a (vaccination) goal for achieving herd immunity.
• Pretend that part of the economy has recovered.
• Hide numbers on vaccine side effects and deaths.
• Pretend the side effects are “natural” consequences of the virus and disease.
• Pretend that variants are natural mutations of the virus.
• Justify the maintenance of the mandatory measures by continuously raising the threshold for herd immunity.
• Punish doctors who perform “illegal treatments” that make people better.
• The result will be doubt and the feeling of being betrayed by vaccinated+s, while opponents will become discouraged.

Phase 4: Install apartheid and the QR code (June 2021 – October 2021)
• Make sure there are shortages of things.
• Introduce the corona pass (QR code) to reward the vaccinated and punish the transgressors.
• Create an apartheid society where vaccinated and unvaccinated people are pitted against each other.
• Remove the right to work or study from the unvaccinated.
• Remove basic rights from unvaccinated+den.
• Make unvaccinated people pay for PCR testing.
• Result will be the first phase of digital control, impoverishment of opponents.

Phase 5: Create Chaos and Martial Law (November 2021 – March 2022)
• Cause major shortages of goods and food.
• Paralyze the economy and close factories and shops.
• Explode the number of unemployed.
• Provide a third shot (booster shots).
• Cause more deaths among older people.
• Introduce mandatory vaccinations for everyone.
• Make sure that the myth of variants, the effectiveness of the vaccine and the herd immunity is magnified.
• Demonize all anti-vaxxers and hold them responsible for all deaths.
• Arrest the leaders of the sleepers.
• Make sure everyone gets a digital identity (QR code): birth certificate, identity document, passport, driver's license, insurance certificate.
• Set Martial Law to take out the opponents.
• The result will be the second phase of digital control. Prison for or clearing of opponents.

Phase 6: Eliminate all debt and make money disappear (March 2022 – September 2022)
• Cause the economic, financial and stock markets to collapse and banks to fail.
• Make sure that the customers pay for the bankruptcy of the banks and use the money in their account for this.
• Activate the Great Reset.
• Money as we know it is disappearing.
• Eliminate debts and loans.
• Introduce the digital wallet.
• Seize land and land.
• All unapproved drugs are banned.
• Make it clear that there is a requirement for biannual or annual vaccinations.
• Provide food rationalization and a diet based on the Codex Alimentarius.
• Extend the measures to third world countries.
• Result: third phase of digital control. The entire world is now part of the New World Order."