My buddy just received a Recce 10. I haven't weighed it but he stated that it was 8 lbs dry also, but it felt lighter then that. My LMT MWS comes in at 8.7 lbs and is exceptable but the Barrett felt exceptional. The lightest 7.62 that I had felt prior to that was a co-workers LaRue PredAtober. Not sure which is lighter. The Barrett shot well just sighting it in. Haven't shot groups yet. He was using 175 g SMK's. What ammuntion are you using for .75 moa?
As far as a gasser, I myself would choose Gucci. For me my choice would be LMT MWS, KAC SR25 or Noveske. To be included into consideration would be LaRue, Barrett, POF USA
The LMT's are exceptional. While they can be a little heavy, that can be changed with options and customization. Newest LMT offerings are on par with comperable KAC and other lighter weight offerings. However platforms do exist that are even lighter.
Choose accordingly on how you intend to use the rifle.