:Local folk lore be damned", said one innocent bystander gathered at the shin dig. "That Yote's been causing problems forever", said another. "Good riddance" said Cattle Farmer Bob. "That there damn Yote's pulled down better part of my herd. Even took Betsy. Betsy was special. (I'm just gonna throw in one of these (") quote marks thingy's real quick cuz it just feels like it's time)", Bob continued with "Betsy could really give ya the goose bumps when she wanted to".
Ok look. I dunno if this beast has taken out literally 100's of cattle, on it's own, in the dark, wind, n rain. I don't know. But neither do you. So don't judge. It very well could have.
What I do know is I really like the handiness of packing my homemade AR around.
143 yds. "Almost" missed. Went for the headshot and just about brushed it's teeth.
Bella isn't particularly impressed with an animal she loves to chase when it just lays there.