Harry Truman once said:
“Socialism is what they called public power…social security… bank deposit insurance. ..free and independent labor organizations, anything that helps all the people. Truman concluded by noting “When the Republican candidate inscribes the slogan ‘Down With Socialism’ … what he really means is, ‘Down with Progress.’”
Would you all rather live in a country where Jeff Bezos makes more money in a day than most Americans do in their lifetime. Or where three men, Bezos, Buffet and Gates control more wealth than half the population of America, a hundred and seventy million people net. You want oligarchy?! The have and halve nots?
If most old people not having to eat cat food or deciding whether to pay rent or get their medications, or most citizens being able to get preventive health care and not fearing going to a doctor until they end up in an ER s'socialism'(?), bring it on.
You get Social Security, or a pension of any form, but you're against "socialism", then you are morally obligated to sign your check over to the US Treasury every month.
Its funny how narrowly some people define 'socialism' to, anyone but them. Or anyone that doesn't look, act, dress, speak, or eat like them.