Oh I do like the competitive aspect. In it for the fun doesn't mean I dont care about the placement or I'm not competitive. I'm not very good, but I love the competitive aspect of it. I make it to about 4 or 5 national matches a year, and went to the 2018 NRL Championship and the 2019 PRS Finale. Had a ball at both of them. Emphasis on,.... I had a ball... along with nearly everyone else there.
These events are fun. And yes. The Match Directors put them on. Im an MD myself. And I see all these grandiose ideas being tossed around here about "giving back to the sport" and "supporting the shooter", but from where I'm sitting and what I've seen, I think both our leagues do these things. Mostly I see a lot of rancor directed at Shannon and bunches of statements as to what a terrible guy he is. But all this stuff about how terrible the PRS is, I simply don't agree with. All these things the league could and should be doing, for the most part, they already do. They provide set rules and guidelines, and a ton of other support role activities too numerous to list. And quite frankly, for the last 3 years, anytime ive had an issue, Shannon or Julie has been a phone call or text away, and they got right on it and helped.
I was the MD for the Rocky Mountain Region Club Series Championship last August. Even though we were the first championship event of the season, they were waiting for me to send the Saturday afternoon match scores so they could tally up the Regional standings for me. They were on the phone with me helping me get it right.. they were literally hanging out that afternoon waiting for my call just so they could help.. They were wonderful. To me, a $40 membership for score tracking and a slough of Regional Championship trophies and some pretty useful vendor discounts is money well spent. Not to mention a t-shirt
I just don't see it fellas. I do agree with some of the things said. But not every organization is going to be everything to everyone. A lot of the things being said here as to what they should or could be, just isn't accurate. I think both leagues have done a great job with what they have.
When did you start shooting the sport?