So, Charles / HebrewHammer sent me a Steiner C35 to get my thoughts on it. I haven’t bought one (yet), but with a full LIST price of just $4K for a legit 640px dedicated thermal clip-on with HD display, I’m gonna grab one anyway (be sure to have mercy on a poor ol’ Horta, Mr Hammer).
I’m a big fan of getting the negatives out of the way first, so I’m going to beat the C35 up a little before going into what it does very well, which is what it was designed to do.
First, the C35 is a fricking Brick House! At over 35-ounces with battery installed, it’s the heaviest consumer thermal I own. It’s big and bulky compared to its competitors as well. I don’t own any Yoter/Bering stuff, so I can’t compare with their units.
Second, the battery is a funky 18650 “B”. You can NOT use a standard 18650. It won’t fit. One is included, but you’ll need to get more or — use an external Anker-style USB pack.
The rail mount is a monster and the QD throw lever is a boat paddle.
I’ve looked all over the unit itself, the packaging, and the documentation and I can’t, for the life of me, figure out where this thing is made. Someone help me out here… WHERE IS THIS DAMN THING MADE?!
I figured it was from Chynah and the core was likely iRay, but I’m not so sure. The unit has the funky FLIR Boson color pallettes, so there is a slim chance it may NOT be Chinesium (fingers crossed).
More (good news) to come shortly. Dinner time.
Initial presentation:
The Razor 1-10x is in a 1.57” Scalarworks mount, so the C35 looks to be designed for a 1.5” optic.
“The Crew” of comparison thermals:
The Testbed — Geissele SOCOM SD, Razor G3 1-10x in Scalarworks, other meaningless trinkets. Will be testing the C35 for POI shift on multiple guns/optics pairs.
Pre-fight contender weigh-in: First, the Heavyweight! Steiner C35:
Next, the longtime Reigning World Clip-on Champion! BAE/Oasys/Trijicon UTC-Xii:
The reigning Middleweight Champion of the World! BAE/Oasys/Trijicon UTM-x:
The recently-dethroned lightweight World Champion! BAE/Oasys/Trijicon SkeetIR-x!
The NEW Lightweight Champion of the World! Pixels on Target (PoT) Voodoo-S!
The Slant-eyed Lightweight Contender from Chynah! The iRay USA RH-25 Choodoo:
Ze German contender from ze Fatherland, the Andres Industries TigIR-6M!
And last but not least, a lightweight contender from Planet Unobtanium! The BAE FWS-i:
ALL units were weighed in full USABLE form — meaning batteries were installed and their rail mounts were on.