Yeah, call it what you want. All rifles are switch barrel rifles. What separates them is the ability to swap bolt heads, which changes them into an entirely different class of rifle. That's my whole point. I have my main gun. It probably won't ever change except to replace barrels when it needs it. My secondary gun, which i don't have yet, will stay 223 most of the time, with occasional use as a 308, and the possibility of short mags if i ever need/want one. This rules the fix out. If the fix meets your requirements, good. Get one. It doesn't meet mine...for now. I feel like people are telling me what i do and don't need when i pretty plainly explained it in the context of the magazine limitation discussion we had earlier. I like the concept of the rifle. A friend of mine has one. I'd like to have one, but for my needs, a custom bighorn makes more sense. The fix will be a "bucket list" gun for me because as of right now, other options make more sense.