The war in Ukraine and Donbas

Yeah, if one nukes goes, all nukes go.
World would end in just a few hours.
Whoever targeted those early warning radars need to be flayed alive and made an example of.
No, I think not. A few tactical nukes and the real power brokers will carefully consider how yo play the situation yo their advantage. I expect an all in cathartic conventional war after the European nuke exchange. Lots of cannon fodder will die, MIC will profit, eventually there will be a peace deal that ignores the human cost.
No, I think not. A few tactical nukes and the real power brokers will carefully consider how yo play the situation yo their advantage. I expect an all in cathartic conventional war after the European nuke exchange. Lots of cannon fodder will die, MIC will profit, eventually there will be a peace deal that ignores the human cost.
Who would fight this European ground war? Europe has no ground combat power. The recent immigrants won't fight for their new countries - they are there for the free benefits. The white majorities? They see they are being suppressed for the immigrants. This is not 1918 or 1944 - this is "1984" (the book). Half US ground combat power is National Guard and they are already mobilizing every 3 years or so. US going to restart the draft and build 10 divisions or so with the "every kid a winner" generation? US drafting women next time? LBTQ... going to serve when war is real and not just for the free surgeries?
No, I think not. A few tactical nukes and the real power brokers will carefully consider how yo play the situation yo their advantage. I expect an all in cathartic conventional war after the European nuke exchange. Lots of cannon fodder will die, MIC will profit, eventually there will be a peace deal that ignores the human cost.
The power brokers on this side have no control over the other side(s). If anything starts to go south with the other sides the missiles will start to fly. They will not lose.
If it is indeed true, it is a big development:

I wish it were true but I have doubts.

If you click on the "Tech Beat" link showing all of the videos they have produced and posted to YouTube, it appears that all of their past videos are just click bait bull shit. Everything from the opening graphic to the titles are crafted to drag you in.

Everything they have posted as "news" in the past has been total B.S.

I do wish Turkey would leave NATO. People have no clue how powerful and strategic Turkey is. Them leaving the group would be pulling the first loose thread that could lead to the dissolution of the empty shell of meddling elites that make up NATO.

On the surface, Turkey leaving and realigning would look dangerous.
In reality it probably would be, but perhaps that would make remaining members question the relationship between the original NATO mission versus the world geopolitical tampering they are currently doing.
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The power brokers on this side have no control over the other side(s). If anything starts to go south with the other sides the missiles will start to fly. They will not lose.
All the brokers with real impact, on both sides, have a great deal invested. They clearly understand each others’ positions, and will communicate directly when their hegemony is directly threatened. Right now, clown world is controlling comms and most decisions of the western governments at the behest of rich megalomaniac nwo autistic pedos. That shit will be swept off the table in a just few days whenever the direct action arm of deep state finally gets their ass in a crack.
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In my earlier post above, where I said US GDP was 1.6% so far this year......

In typically government fashion, they publish fake info, then later they quietly "revise" it down. Apparently, the corrected number is 1.3%.

So far, pretty much every single month when they publish jobs numbers, GDP, etc, the just outright lie, so as to not spook the markets. Then later, they quietly "revise" it, to publish the real numbers.
This is straight out of the Obama playbook of 8 years of BS economic numbers with GDP growth numbers always rolled back.
Sometime 2 or 3 times before the next BS numbers were published.
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Who would fight this European ground war? Europe has no ground combat power. The recent immigrants won't fight for their new countries - they are there for the free benefits. The white majorities? They see they are being suppressed for the immigrants. This is not 1918 or 1944 - this is "1984" (the book). Half US ground combat power is National Guard and they are already mobilizing every 3 years or so. US going to restart the draft and build 10 divisions or so with the "every kid a winner" generation? US drafting women next time? LBTQ... going to serve when war is real and not just for the free surgeries?
Even if they draft 10 new divisions . WE no longer have the manufacturing capacity to equip and supply that many troops!
Obama gutted the officer corps and biden gutted the NCO ranks of real leadership.
Our military is not ready or able to go up against a near peer well equipped battle hardened force!
Who would fight this European ground war? Europe has no ground combat power. The recent immigrants won't fight for their new countries - they are there for the free benefits. The white majorities? They see they are being suppressed for the immigrants. This is not 1918 or 1944 - this is "1984" (the book). Half US ground combat power is National Guard and they are already mobilizing every 3 years or so. US going to restart the draft and build 10 divisions or so with the "every kid a winner" generation? US drafting women next time? LBTQ... going to serve when war is real and not just for the free surgeries?

I remember a few years ago there where short on ammo for training at the dutch army.
The minister of defense said that they didn't need ammo.
They could just scream PANG PANG
True story, unfortunately.
Even if they draft 10 new divisions . WE no longer have the manufacturing capacity to equip and supply that many troops!
Obama gutted the officer corps and biden gutted the NCO ranks of real leadership.
Our military is not ready or able to go up against a near peer well equipped battle hardened force!
That had no bearing on whether or not our political masters will use the media to whip up a wave of nationalism, send thousands to die, and only report great victories back at home. Have you not watched the murderous bullshit about the Ukrainian depopulation effort? Hell, there is government contractor from Newfoundland who has his own thread on CGN devoted to only this. Any wrong think is deleted by mod chopper, or the poster banned. Wake up folks.
That had no bearing on whether or not our political masters will use the media to whip up a wave of nationalism, send thousands to die, and only report great victories back at home. Have you not watched the murderous bullshit about the Ukrainian depopulation effort? Hell, there is government contractor from Newfoundland who has his own thread on CGN devoted to only this. Any wrong think is deleted by mod chopper, or the poster banned. Wake up folks.
Never stated that it would prevent the government and media from sending 100 of thousands into a meat grinder! I figured out long ago that the political class not only doesn't care about our nation. They care zero about the citizenry! Now many of them, if not all of them hate us and will gladly murder us through any means
to reduce our numbers and profit themselves and their true masters in the donor class! All of western government is following the WEF marching orders and the goal is to depopulate europe and north America of pesky white people!
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fuck that. no sauce.

fuck that. no sauce.


The propaganda is crazy.

If you listen directly to Putin's own words, he doesn't want to take over most of Ukraine, let alone any sort of "major war with Europe".

I feel like NATO has completely lost the plot. The leaders and officials within NATO are acting completely irrationally - and it seems like they are fully determined to wage a full scale war with Russia. Which is terrifying.
The propaganda is crazy.

If you listen directly to Putin's own words, he doesn't want to take over most of Ukraine, let alone any sort of "major war with Europe".

I feel like NATO has completely lost the plot. The leaders and officials within NATO are acting completely irrationally - and it seems like they are fully determined to wage a full scale war with Russia. Which is terrifying.
How are they going to wage a full scale war on anything when the majority of NATO nations let their militaries rot since the Soviet Union dissolved? Where are these NATO armies, air forces, navies? NATO is subsidizing Ukraine so that politicians make a bunch of payback and meanwhile Ukraine is doing most of the bleeding.
The propaganda is crazy.

If you listen directly to Putin's own words, he doesn't want to take over most of Ukraine, let alone any sort of "major war with Europe".

I feel like NATO has completely lost the plot. The leaders and officials within NATO are acting completely irrationally - and it seems like they are fully determined to wage a full scale war with Russia. Which is terrifying.
They are idiots in very powerful positions being used by autistic super villains. The whole crew only seems intelligent because they have not had to survive in the wild.
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How are they going to wage a full scale war on anything when the majority of NATO nations let their militaries rot since the Soviet Union dissolved? Where are these NATO armies, air forces, navies? NATO is subsidizing Ukraine so that politicians make a bunch of payback and meanwhile Ukraine is doing most of the bleeding.
Nukes are always on the table to bring them to their knees. Lots of saber rattling in that direction by all sides, especially by one Lindsay Graham.
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How are they going to wage a full scale war on anything when the majority of NATO nations let their militaries rot since the Soviet Union dissolved? Where are these NATO armies, air forces, navies? NATO is subsidizing Ukraine so that politicians make a bunch of payback and meanwhile Ukraine is doing most of the bleeding.

There's a lot of truth to this.

Ukraine probably has Europe's strongest army, which is pretty sad 😂

And yes, I think a lot of the motives in this war are corrupted by financial reasons. War is huge business, especially here in the US.
Not likely
Turkey needs to be NATO member as long as Greece is a NATO member otherwise sooner or later it would be staring down the whole of NATO , as long as infighting is between 2 NATO members article 5 does not apply.
And they have gone to a full on shooting war in the past. I highly doubt they would not go at it again if one left.
The propaganda is crazy.

If you listen directly to Putin's own words, he doesn't want to take over most of Ukraine, let alone any sort of "major war with Europe".

I feel like NATO has completely lost the plot. The leaders and officials within NATO are acting completely irrationally - and it seems like they are fully determined to wage a full scale war with Russia. Which is terrifying.
The west kept pushing Russia till it was backed into a corner, they really had no other choice. It would be silly to think they will not pull.

This is exactly what will happen again

The west kept pushing Russia till it was backed into a corner, they really had no other choice. It would be silly to think they will not pull.

This is exactly what will happen again

It should be pretty clear to everyone that this war was due to the provocation of NATO.

NATO has only crept closer and closer to Russia, which every serious scholar of Russia would know that is an absolute red line to them. From George Kennan to Mearsheimer, and every scholar and expert in between, we have been warned that expanding NATO into Ukraine is the reddest of lines to Russia, and would compel Russia to act (begrudgingly).

The final domino to fall to trigger this war happened in 2014, when Ukraine's far right launched a coup against the democratically elected government of Ukraine, with the help of the CIA. Yanukovych was overthrown because he had no interest in growing stronger ties with the west and NATO, instead he wanted to be a neutral party. That saw the installment of a Ukrainian government that was friendly to US and western interests, and many events transpired that would eventually lead Russia to invade.

And here we are. Of course western legacy media outlets ignore all the history before February 24th 2022. Instead, they just focus on Russia's "unprovoked" war that started on that day. The propaganda has been insanely high levels on this conflict, it's a bit surreal to see people being brainwashed so heavily in real time to this conflict.
fuck that. no sauce.

OK, if you look this up, this plan has been in place for a while.

Recent article:

Article from Janurary:

Which goes against this article a couple weeks later:

Everyone with a brain sees where this has a good probability of going. Unless you listen to the MSM and wear a mask.
i don't see it as wrong to target missile systems (anywhere) that are killing your troops, but they may just prompt escalations.

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I’ve been reading a bit about Hitlers thinking recently. The long and short of it was that WW2, for the nazis, was always a racial war. German people and Slavs were incompatible and one needed to be extinct,
the funny thing is that tests done on Western European Celtic and Germanic remains all show a very high genetic match with steppe populations from the 1st millennium BC - ie, the same Scythian, Saka, and other assorted Satem-speaking Indo European groups who were the progenitors of the Slavs. Even the Aesir, the Germanic Gods themselves, were traditionally called "those who came from the East". And classical historians listed the most powerful tribes of the Pontic-Caspian steppe to include "Peuci, Grutungi, Austrogothi, Tervingi, Visi, Gipedes, Celtae, etiam et Eruli". Celts and Germans all.
the funny thing is that tests done on Western European Celtic and Germanic remains all show a very high genetic match with steppe populations from the 1st millennium BC - ie, the same Scythian, Saka, and other assorted Satem-speaking Indo European groups who were the progenitors of the Slavs. Even the Aesir, the Germanic Gods themselves, were traditionally called "those who came from the East". And classical historians listed the most powerful tribes of the Pontic-Caspian steppe to include "Peuci, Grutungi, Austrogothi, Tervingi, Visi, Gipedes, Celtae, etiam et Eruli". Celts and Germans all.
Hey no point arguing about the logic of dead nazis, though Hitler did seem to have an obsession with the Crimea so maybe they knew deep down.

Ukraine Officers Say Recruits Arrive At Front Lines Pathetically Undertrained​

One soldier described his basic training as "complete nonsense...everything is learned on the spot [at the front lines]." An officer who'd trained recruits said their rifle training was limited to just 20 rounds per soldier.
When soldiers arrive at the front, units are forced to spend weeks teaching them basis skills they should have already learned. “We had guys that didn’t even know how to disassemble and assemble a gun,” a deputy mechanized battalion commander told the Post. He dreads that sudden Russian progress will instantly turn new arrivals into pathetic cannon fodder:

“We are just wasting a lot of time here on basic training. If, God forbid, there will be a breakthrough near Chasiv Yar, and we get new infantry that doesn’t know basic things, they will be sent there to just die.”
Word of the poor preparation has gotten around -- and is hampering recruitment efforts and fueling draft resistance. New advertising assures would-be enlistees that they'll receive "60 days of preparation" before facing off with the Russian army.

Article with potential telegraphing what's in the Russian plan. Or its just propaganda.

"The United States itself regularly and consciously takes steps aimed at increasing escalation. They are supplying the terrorist state of Ukraine with increasingly deadly weapons systems. Therefore, if the Yemeni Houthis, Syrian and Iraqi Arabs, or some activists in Germany or Africa get thousands of cheap FPV drones or some other weapons that fall on the heads of American troops at their bases, then don’t be surprised by this in Washington.

The United States simply will not be able to present anything serious to the Russian Federation, and they will be afraid to start a nuclear war, so they will have to endure it or negotiate. US bases are a very serious opportunity for power projection, but at the same time an incredible vulnerability given modern technological realities and combat experience. The Americans will get tired of strengthening air defense/missile defense, no Patriot air defense systems and other means will be enough, and even the US Federal Reserve System may go bankrupt on ammunition.

In addition, the Russian Federation may well begin to support national liberation movements not only in Africa, but also in Europe. Prospects look great in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Catalonia, Basque Country, Corsica, Bavaria, Tyrol, Silesia, Flanders and other oppressed regions. The European allies of the United States simply need to be saddened for their Russophobia. Whether the Kremlin will agree to this or not is another question."
Article with potential telegraphing what's in the Russian plan. Or its just propaganda.

"The United States itself regularly and consciously takes steps aimed at increasing escalation. They are supplying the terrorist state of Ukraine with increasingly deadly weapons systems. Therefore, if the Yemeni Houthis, Syrian and Iraqi Arabs, or some activists in Germany or Africa get thousands of cheap FPV drones or some other weapons that fall on the heads of American troops at their bases, then don’t be surprised by this in Washington.

The United States simply will not be able to present anything serious to the Russian Federation, and they will be afraid to start a nuclear war, so they will have to endure it or negotiate. US bases are a very serious opportunity for power projection, but at the same time an incredible vulnerability given modern technological realities and combat experience. The Americans will get tired of strengthening air defense/missile defense, no Patriot air defense systems and other means will be enough, and even the US Federal Reserve System may go bankrupt on ammunition.

In addition, the Russian Federation may well begin to support national liberation movements not only in Africa, but also in Europe. Prospects look great in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Catalonia, Basque Country, Corsica, Bavaria, Tyrol, Silesia, Flanders and other oppressed regions. The European allies of the United States simply need to be saddened for their Russophobia. Whether the Kremlin will agree to this or not is another question."
Sounds like the old Cold War with hot spots all over the globe like termites gnawing at the foundations
Due to the very nature of this conflict in ukrastan, any member of the so called "foreign legion", composed of either instructors or shooters, employed by ukies, has a very slim chance of coming back home in one piece. From now on, these dudes will be specifically targeted by Russians, either by heavy weapons or even on individual level where possible. In the past, it was done mostly on ocassion, but now, Russians open a wide-scale hunting season. If you know somebody who still wants to go there, make an effort to explain such person that its a very bad idea, regardless of how much money such person may be paid...
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Due to the very nature of this conflict in ukrastan, any member of the so called "foreign legion", composed of either instructors or shooters, employed by ukies, has a very slim chance of coming back home in one piece. From now on, these dudes will be specifically targeted by Russians, either by heavy weapons or even on individual level where possible. In the past, it was done mostly on ocassion, but now, Russians open a wide-scale hunting season. If you know somebody who still wants to go there, make an effort to explain such person that its a very bad idea, regardless of how much money such person may be paid...
“Dying ain’t much of livi’n son.”