The war in Ukraine and Donbas

90% of that would cease if we would back off of the proxy war we are funding against their country.

A group of unellected people small enough to fit onto a single board room are putting things in motion that endanger most of the world population.

That same group gets away with it because at every level down to the local "good folks" on the street, everybody acquiesces and then enforces because "obey the law" or "just follow orders" or "but my paycheck"
That same group gets away with it because at every level down to the local "good folks" on the street, everybody acquiesces and then enforces because "obey the law" or "just follow orders" or "but my paycheck"
Settlers of a different ink started this country, Settlers of today's ink are killing it.

This man is 100% correct. For actually trying to make his case, he is being vilified and threatened with the honorable Senator Lindsey Graham leading the pack.

What I find amazing is that Graham and all of the other corrupt politicians leading this screaming rant actually believe they will not be negatively affected by an all out war. They are either that stupid and arrogant or they just don't care.

Putin will only look weak if he refuses to genocide the people doing the terror attacks. There is not going to be political change when everyone in Russia knows that Ukraine is responsible for the terror attacks.

Islamic attacks on the west didn't led to regime change, or people calling for regime change unless the current gov was seen as taking a soft stance on terrorist. All that happens is the average citizen wants to see dead Muslims.
Putin will only look weak if he refuses to genocide the people doing the terror attacks. There is not going to be political change when everyone in Russia knows that Ukraine is responsible for the terror attacks.

Islamic attacks on the west didn't led to regime change, or people calling for regime change unless the current gov was seen as taking a soft stance on terrorist. All that happens is the average citizen wants to see dead Muslims.
There is a famous saying in Russia, it is actually from the super popular 1970 soviet movie "White sun of the desert", one of the best movies ever made. This saying in Russian is "Восток — дело тонкое", which can be translated as "East is a delicate matter". For more info about this movie, see:
At any rate, Russia will certainly punish anyone who will try something, say, bad. It will be just done in some special way, which nobody in the west can even imagine. At the end of the day, V. Putin has means and brains to make it happen, and nearly everyone in Russia knows it...
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At any rate, Russia will certainly punish anyone who will try something, say, bad. It will be just done in some special way, which nobody in the west can even imagine. At the end of the day, V. Putin has means and brains to make it happen, and nearly everyone in Russia knows it...
Even if he was a pussy he could hardly look weak by being nice to terrorist. Opinions from the UK are good and all but I doubt the Russians would give a fuck about hunger strikes or rubbing yourself down with your own shit like the IRA pulled.

France, USA, Britain put on permanent alert: B. Putin adopts preventive nuclear strike – S. Karaganov's proposal with biblical references​

"The Almighty showed us the way with Sodom and Gomorrah"​

"According to information, Putin has "upgraded" Sergei Karaganov, his adviser who is an advocate of a pre-emptive and limited nuclear strike against Russia's enemies as a means of preventing a global nuclear apocalypse.The dialogue between the two men is revealing and explains the nuclear alarm that has been sent to NATO.

Later, the well-known TV presenter Kiselyov presented Karaganov and his Doctrine on Russian state television. Kiselyov said he "supports a preemptive and limited nuclear strike on [Russia's] enemies" and explained that Karaganov's views "would sharpen the discussion [with Putin] and explain many things in detail."

Sergei Karaganov then emphasized that Russia must lead the escalation of this war, otherwise a global nuclear war is inevitable.

Where does this desire to turn the entire world into nuclear ash come from? I don't know how many times today you suggested to the Supreme Commander (Putin) that he actually start a nuclear war.


You are absolutely, 100% wrong in phrasing the question. I know that if we do not steadily move up the ladder of escalation and are not ready to use nuclear weapons, we are doomed and the world is doomed to a major nuclear war.

That is why I put the question to the President: does he understand the responsibility he bears before the country and now the whole world? In order to stop the world's apparent slide towards nuclear war, this requires, among other things, a resolve on nuclear weapons. I completely understand Putin's hesitation. When I think about this issue myself, the use of nuclear weapons, I feel moral horror. But I also know that if our opponents, like the world at large, do not understand that such a possibility exists, we are doomed.

If we escalate nuclear, we can save many lives. The West can come to its senses. It may be too early to resort to nuclear escalation but we must move in that direction. They have lost their minds, especially the Europeans. For the third time in the last 100 years we are being dragged into war. Americans are a little more careful.
“If we don't escalate, won't we annoy even the Most High?

We should not be angry with the Almighty, because the Almighty once showed us the way when he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and rain because there was no other way. After that, humanity remembered it and was careful for many years, but now it has forgotten about Sodom and Gomorrah. Perhaps we will remember this rain and try to understand humanity again, or that part of humanity that has lost its faith in God and has lost its mind."
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There is a famous saying in Russia, it is actually from the super popular 1970 soviet movie "White sun of the desert", one of the best movies ever made. This saying in Russian is "Восток — дело тонкое", which can be translated as "East is a delicate matter". For more info about this movie, see:
At any rate, Russia will certainly punish anyone who will try something, say, bad. It will be just done in some special way, which nobody in the west can even imagine. At the end of the day, V. Putin has means and brains to make it happen, and nearly everyone in Russia knows it...
This really is a good movie...a "Russian Western" if you will.
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France in 2 weeks

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I think that Mexico will not agree to have Russian nukes on its territory, it just does not make a lot of practical sense. And Russia does not need to do it anyway, it's too much work combined with a lot of risk. It is likely that Russians already deployed a bunch of subs with nukes both in Atlantic and Pacific, and as close to the U.S. as possible, and can launch and hit numerous targets within just a few minutes. Personally, I'm very concerned.

France, USA, Britain put on permanent alert: B. Putin adopts preventive nuclear strike – S. Karaganov's proposal with biblical references​

"The Almighty showed us the way with Sodom and Gomorrah"​

"According to information, Putin has "upgraded" Sergei Karaganov, his adviser who is an advocate of a pre-emptive and limited nuclear strike against Russia's enemies as a means of preventing a global nuclear apocalypse.The dialogue between the two men is revealing and explains the nuclear alarm that has been sent to NATO.

Later, the well-known TV presenter Kiselyov presented Karaganov and his Doctrine on Russian state television. Kiselyov said he "supports a preemptive and limited nuclear strike on [Russia's] enemies" and explained that Karaganov's views "would sharpen the discussion [with Putin] and explain many things in detail."

Sergei Karaganov then emphasized that Russia must lead the escalation of this war, otherwise a global nuclear war is inevitable.

Where does this desire to turn the entire world into nuclear ash come from? I don't know how many times today you suggested to the Supreme Commander (Putin) that he actually start a nuclear war.


You are absolutely, 100% wrong in phrasing the question. I know that if we do not steadily move up the ladder of escalation and are not ready to use nuclear weapons, we are doomed and the world is doomed to a major nuclear war.

That is why I put the question to the President: does he understand the responsibility he bears before the country and now the whole world? In order to stop the world's apparent slide towards nuclear war, this requires, among other things, a resolve on nuclear weapons. I completely understand Putin's hesitation. When I think about this issue myself, the use of nuclear weapons, I feel moral horror. But I also know that if our opponents, like the world at large, do not understand that such a possibility exists, we are doomed.

If we escalate nuclear, we can save many lives. The West can come to its senses. It may be too early to resort to nuclear escalation but we must move in that direction. They have lost their minds, especially the Europeans. For the third time in the last 100 years we are being dragged into war. Americans are a little more careful.
“If we don't escalate, won't we annoy even the Most High?

We should not be angry with the Almighty, because the Almighty once showed us the way when he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and rain because there was no other way. After that, humanity remembered it and was careful for many years, but now it has forgotten about Sodom and Gomorrah. Perhaps we will remember this rain and try to understand humanity again, or that part of humanity that has lost its faith in God and has lost its mind."
LOL what a crock of shit. Best way to prevent nuclear war is to send a small nuke. Riiiiiiiiight. And now he's gonna play God. What a dumbass bunch of shit. Lol
LOL what a crock of shit. Best way to prevent nuclear war is to send a small nuke. Riiiiiiiiight. And now he's gonna play God. What a dumbass bunch of shit. Lol
Play God? In terms of destruction yes there are three players that can play God, USA, China and Russia. They all can destroy life on this planet.
Problem you dumbshit cant process is that USA set the precedent for "playing God" when they've demonstrated (in YOUR POLITICIANS OWN WORDS) to Japanese (and Soviets) that they can be wiped out of existence if they keep fighting. So there are voices in Russia (and not so quiet) that it might be the time for Russia to demonstrate to Western imbeciles (you included) that stick has two ends. West intends (this is fact and confirmed by politicians and idiots like you) to dismember Russia to balkanize it and destroy it. Russia said clearly that (if actually successful - luckily for us all West is impotent in conventional warfare and psycho NGO shit aint working not even in Georgia anymore let alone in Russia or China) will be grounds for complete nuclear annihilation as in your popular phrase, "we will kill all and let the God sort it out".
Paul Craig Roberts has been advocating such (not really nuke but conventional full scale war which i think Russia avoided as they want to keep manpower alive for possible NATO escapade) approach from the start and he is expert on how "establishment" views actions as he was part of Reagan admin...

IF this goes on for a while longer with such slow escalating pace i'm pretty sure it will be a FAFO moment at some point for dumbshits like you who have absolutely no grasp on reality in the world...
Play God? In terms of destruction yes there are three players that can play God, USA, China and Russia. They all can destroy life on this planet.
Problem you dumbshit cant process is that USA set the precedent for "playing God" when they've demonstrated (in YOUR POLITICIANS OWN WORDS) to Japanese (and Soviets) that they can be wiped out of existence if they keep fighting. So there are voices in Russia (and not so quiet) that it might be the time for Russia to demonstrate to Western imbeciles (you included) that stick has two ends. West intends (this is fact and confirmed by politicians and idiots like you) to dismember Russia to balkanize it and destroy it. Russia said clearly that (if actually successful - luckily for us all West is impotent in conventional warfare and psycho NGO shit aint working not even in Georgia anymore let alone in Russia or China) will be grounds for complete nuclear annihilation as in your popular phrase, "we will kill all and let the God sort it out".
Paul Craig Roberts has been advocating such (not really nuke but conventional full scale war which i think Russia avoided as they want to keep manpower alive for possible NATO escapade) approach from the start and he is expert on how "establishment" views actions as he was part of Reagan admin...

IF this goes on for a while longer with such slow escalating pace i'm pretty sure it will be a FAFO moment at some point for dumbshits like you who have absolutely no grasp on reality in the world...
you lose when you bring up Jap A bombs.

try again as there is merit to what you say
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Play God? In terms of destruction yes there are three players that can play God, USA, China and Russia. They all can destroy life on this planet.
Problem you dumbshit cant process is that USA set the precedent for "playing God" when they've demonstrated (in YOUR POLITICIANS OWN WORDS) to Japanese (and Soviets) that they can be wiped out of existence if they keep fighting. So there are voices in Russia (and not so quiet) that it might be the time for Russia to demonstrate to Western imbeciles (you included) that stick has two ends. West intends (this is fact and confirmed by politicians and idiots like you) to dismember Russia to balkanize it and destroy it. Russia said clearly that (if actually successful - luckily for us all West is impotent in conventional warfare and psycho NGO shit aint working not even in Georgia anymore let alone in Russia or China) will be grounds for complete nuclear annihilation as in your popular phrase, "we will kill all and let the God sort it out".
Paul Craig Roberts has been advocating such (not really nuke but conventional full scale war which i think Russia avoided as they want to keep manpower alive for possible NATO escapade) approach from the start and he is expert on how "establishment" views actions as he was part of Reagan admin...

IF this goes on for a while longer with such slow escalating pace i'm pretty sure it will be a FAFO moment at some point for dumbshits like you who have absolutely no grasp on reality in the world...

I could do without the insults... lol. What's up with all the "russia so smart and strong" bullshit in here. As if we don't have nukes pointed at them. "Fafo" as you like to say

And for the record (assuming you're not a Russian plant) I am NOT for this war and I agree that most of the politicians in on both sides in all the countries involved are dumbasses with hidden motives. Don't drink the Kool aide over there bro... good luck
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you lose when you bring up Jap A bombs.

try again as there is merit to what you say
I am curious to why you think he loses when he brings up Japan A bombs?

You know we could have starved the whole country by blockade as they were already starving at that point when we drop those bombs. The lie that we were trying to destroy their ability to make war doesn't makes sense when we dropped these bombs on civilian population centers. Also, the A bomb dropped on Nagasaki was a demonstration to the Soviets as stated by Truman.
"Also, the A bomb dropped on Nagasaki was a demonstration to the Soviets as stated by Truman."

That's exactly why we dropped them. Also, we wanted Japan to ourselves before Uncle Joe could mount an invasion. Truman wasn't as keen on the Soviets as Roosevelt and didn't want them partioning Japan (and having the PNW within range from the North Japanese islands).
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more people dying, for nothing.

Oh , they are dying for something .To fill the pockets of our crooked bureacrats via money laundering.
This man is 100% correct. For actually trying to make his case, he is being vilified and threatened with the honorable Senator Lindsey Graham leading the pack.

What I find amazing is that Graham and all of the other corrupt politicians leading this screaming rant actually believe they will not be negatively affected by an all out war. They are either that stupid and arrogant or they just don't care.
Graham is so stupid, he probably doesn't think Mt. Weather is a Z-1.
can't confirm, but this is not good.


My gut feeling (thinking like a guy who lived 33 years in the USSR) is that this visit of a single surface ship and a single sub to Cuba is just for the show, kind of military parade and/or demonstration, which is what USSR in the past and now Russia are famous for... Exposing those to the U.S. is actually makes these two pieces of navy hardware very vulnerable. But along the same line of thinking, Russia is very likely deployed numerous subs with nukes both in Atlantic and Pacific (may be 100-200 miles from the U.S. coast), subs are deep under the water, not easy to find and can do some very, very serious damage if something happens. I would consider this subs force as some sort of backup, just in case. This is my pure speculation, of course...
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wow, not good at all

Those apparently were not launched in the Atlantic or Caribbean as the tweetard alludes.

""The navy said the submarine, named Yuri Dolgoruky after the medieval prince who founded Moscow, launched the Bulava missiles in a single salvo from a submerged position in the White Sea.
The mock warheads the missiles carried reached their practice targets on the opposite side of Russia — the Kura shooting range on the far eastern Kamchatka Peninsula.""

MAD works as long as both or all sides believe in it. Now answer me honestly how many of your fellow citizens do know what a nuke is, what it can do, how many there are and which "enemies" are capable of launching and hitting continental US, what that would do and what the general outcome of such course of action would be for civilization and people as species? I know some politicians (discounting posturing) really believe in MIC narrative that first strike is viable option, retaliation would be minimal if any (remember the "russians nukes won't fly" BS in MSM) and that somehow Russia will invade Portugal and rape all the men and kill all the women in between?
I mean you can hide pretty much anything through brainwashing and selective reporting and you can convince pretty much entire population into certain narratives but it would be really really really hard to somehow dismiss Brussels, Paris, Berlin, London or lets say Tallinn (just so that western bitches don't get to upset as really who gives a shit about Tallinn, some might give a shit about Paris but Tallinn? Hell no..) being vaporized and several hundred thousand people gone in an instant. I'm pretty sure articles would not start with "Russian strategic forces are facing maintenance issues and some unnamed experts from <insert your favorite wargaming college or thinktank> are saying that most of the missiles are inoperable" and lets fuck up Russia those bitches are commie pussies. So there is logic in limited nuclear strike on some unimportant center as show of force and giving ball to the US leadership to decide do we all go extinct or do we stop fucking with Russia she is really crazy redhead stabby bitch...
Problem with this scenario is that more than likely it spirals into we all go extinct and if anything we can agree that this would be kind of a bad thing...